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William "Tosh" Plumlee: The Value of Inside Sources

Al Carrier

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If researchers will look closely at one of Tosh's recent posts, they will realize what type of person he is. From everything I have read in the past twenty years, I have yet to see anything so close, accurate and dangerously posted as what Tosh has done in the revelations of what was going down in Central America in the '80's.

Tosh did not wait 20+ years to begin blowing the whistle on the criminal activity of the US Government in Central America in and around Nicaragua, but instead went directly to Congress with his inside information. He risked his own being in attempting to expose this and now twenty plus years later, is devulging information on public forum that is locked away within the government.

Gerry (Mr. Patrick) Hemming is calling him a "snitch" among other obscene names because Tosh tried and is still trying to right the wrongs that he saw and was part of. I am confident from my exchanges with Tosh that he is well aware of far greater attrocities that were conducted by the US Intelligence Community and Military, and I am sure he has reported such in the now sealed documents in congress.

So why do we now even consider looking at him as a snitch? Isn't that why we are all here? Aren't we looking for those who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth of what our gov't has done so we can put this all into perspective. Mr. Patrick, if Tosh is a Snitch, then why in the hell are you here? Could it be because you are truely a disinformation agent trying to keep the truth from being brought out?

How about answering my questions if you are so knowlegable and want to help find the truths. Who is the anglo in the room at the Americana Hotel that I posted? Did you work with Major Lopez at all in the '60's?



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If researchers will look closely at one of Tosh's recent posts, they will realize what type of person he is. From everything I have read in the past twenty years, I have yet to see anything so close, accurate and dangerously posted as what Tosh has done in the revelations of what was going down in Central America in the '80's.

Tosh did not wait 20+ years to begin blowing the whistle on the criminal activity of the US Government in Central America in and around Nicaragua, but instead went directly to Congress with his inside information. He risked his own being in attempting to expose this and now twenty plus years later, is devulging information on public forum that is locked away within the government.

Gerry (Mr. Patrick) Hemming is calling him a "snitch" among other obscene names because Tosh tried and is still trying to right the wrongs that he saw and was part of. I am confident from my exchanges with Tosh that he is well aware of far greater attrocities that were conducted by the US Intelligence Community and Military, and I am sure he has reported such in the now sealed documents in congress.

So why do we now even consider looking at him as a snitch? Isn't that why we are all here? Aren't we looking for those who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth of what our gov't has done so we can put this all into perspective. Mr. Patrick, if Tosh is a Snitch, then why in the hell are you here? Could it be because you are truely a disinformation agent trying to keep the truth from being brought out?

How about answering my questions if you are so knowlegable and want to help find the truths. Who is the anglo in the room at the Americana Hotel that I posted? Did you work with Major Lopez at all in the '60's?




Lt. Carrier:

My references to "Tooshee" as a snitch are backed up by my stack of U.S. Government files, which focus mainly on his repeated attempts at getting felonies off of his back by volunteering to snitch-out fellow miscreants !! [Not to mention some private correspondence from folks that think they have been had !!]

In most cases he was rejected, and this was because he had absolutely nothing to offer !! Not even something with which a grand jury [listening to hearsay] might swallow. And just like James Files [who Nancy says has "..always liked me..!!"] -- he claims to have been more "everywhere" than "Chickenman" sings in the commercial. I give him credit for not copping files claim [a-la Augustinovich] that he was with us on No Name Key. Talk about a "Forrest Gump"??!!

Everybody who was anybody [Miami 1960s] either has NEVER heard of him, or they still claim that they blew him off as a government [or other entity ?] snitch. NOT ONE N.A.R.A. file even mentions his name in a serious vein. You have Scott Armstrong's telephone number [NSArchive founder], give him a call and ask him about "Tooshee" !! And while you are at it, ask him about one Gerry Patrick Hemming, the same guy that worked with him and Bob Fink on the "Letelier Assassination Case" during 1977.

As for so-called "classified files" secreted away somewhere in D.C. ? Congress maybe ? That is total horsexxxx, and he knows it. The guy is a pathetic waistrel, and like Files, has spent too much time reading books. He even repeats the (since corrected) errors made in first editions of those books. He reads Sheehan's "fantasy-land" affidavit ?? -- and then adopts it as his own. Not that many years ago, he tried to con Dick Clark's production people into swallowing his tabloid tales.

I worked the "Mother Ship" operations from 1976 thru 1978, and gladly returned to the air interdiction ops during 1978 thru 1982. I flew out of various airstrips in Panama, but only refueled in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica twice. I haven't a clue as to said "Anglo", as the only folks I dealt with in Puerto Limon, were Roger Redondo, and other ex-S.F.N.E. guys. at that time they were importing (6 cylinder only) automobiles from Miami. They bought impounds, and auction block vehicles, and then shipped them down to C.R. !!

Which "Major Lopez" are we talking about. This name is as common as Smith & Jones in Latin America. Was he a "Comandante" Lopez?, or a U.S. Armed Forces Lopez? -- or even a "Mayor" Lopez?

Have you even looked at that "gas station" map, with all of the illiterate scribbling on it. Where are his "W.A.C. Sectionals", the "USAF Topographicals", or at least the "1:25,000 Mil. Maps"?? I've still got mine from when I set up the labs in "Tranquilandia" [Putamayo, Amazonas, Colombia]. And just when did he give all of these "secret' insider tips to the authorities, Wow, like years after the xxxx had long gone public.

My brother, who worked the "Death Squads" in Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. was curious as to how you couldn't have known that Mario Sandoval Alarcon was a serial mass murderer, when any whore on the streets of "Guat-City" could have gushed out plenty of C.V. on that killer ??!! When I told Mario about the movie "Wild Bunch" -- and that his old buddy, Emilio "El Indio" Hernandez was a star in it -- he almost choked while laughing through his "Trache-Hole"

He asked what part did his buddy play, and I told him that we had nicknamed him [sandoval] after that character, "General Mapache" (which means Racoon)!! He almost fell out of his throne. We had to get him a copy of the flick, but when we got back two weeks later, he had already ordered the theaters all over town to immediately schedule the flick. A couple of years later, "El Indio" blew a Mexican extra's head off on a movie set, and quickly fled to Guat-City, where Mario hid him out. He surendered a year later, and died in prison.

I am at a loss with grasping this comical "Jack & Jill" bit, as I didn't ever find any humor with what we encountered in Central America during 1971 thru 1982, NOT at all !! I was quite happy to spend my flying hours mostly in the eastern Caribbean by that time, but duties forced me back into that muck & mire all too frequently.

Why am I here, and why did I start as early as December 1963 looking into the JFK matter ?? When it became obvious that seemingly honest people, including those closely related to the Kennedy family, wanted everone to back off -- that is what we did !! That is: Until Garrison started his "Cover Marcello's Ass Scheme" by pointing the finger at US !!

99% of the names disclosed, and later cited by Danny Brandt in "Namebase.org" came from books whose authors got them from me. While 99% of the names cited in the Warren Comm. Report, HSCA, etc. originated as disinformation from "Dame" Hoover. I testified before the "Church Committee", the HSCA, etc. -- where is "Tooshee's" name in any of those files, hell even wing-nut whackos testi-lied before the A.R.R.B.; where the hell is "Tooshee's" script ??!!. Classified my ass.

Weberman twisted around everything that he got from me and my brother [nobody else, including Sturgis would give him xxxx]. So what does he do, inserts phrases totally out of context, and spices it all up with "Over-Profanity" to make it appear more credible.

I have yet to see anything on this Forum to date, that is first hand, or comes from a well researched "active" source. Just a whole lot of book-reader speculations, and arguments about some of the silliest crap imaginable. I have no compunctions about revealing "covert" operations, and especially with regard to those which should have been surfaced years ago. The very fact that they have remained classified this long; just further encourages all of the fantasy-land/wet-dreaming by people with too much time on their hands -- or are driven by some weird political agenda.

NOBODY is going to get famous scribbling on this forum, so give it up -- and let's get real about some of the serious matters under discussion. Then, maybe some of the "never-were-there" characters will fade into the sunset ??!!

I had expected that, with your background, you might have discerned who is who by now, that is: Unless you are cultivating somebody for some other purpose. If somebody is mentally unstable, and you are concerned as to his reactions to a dose of reality -- let me know by private e-mail, and I will back off !!




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I give him credit for not copping files claim [a-la Augustinovich] that he was with us on No Name Key.


This is the second time that I recall you mentioning Augustinovich as falsely claiming that he was with you on No Name Key.

In the photo of you and other No Name Key men linked to below, the man standing in the right corner is identified as Ronald Augustinovich. Can you tell us who he is for the record? Thanks.



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I hope you don’t mind Al but I would like to broaden this discussion out to consider all “inside” sources.

If anybody studies the history of investigating covert operations, you will see that most of the useful information that we have about cases like the JFK assassination, Watergate, October Surprise, Iran-Contra, CIA and Drug Dealing, etc. has come from “inside” sources or what Gerry Hemming calls “snitches”. My dictionary defines a snitch as: “One who reveals wrongdoing within an organization to the public or to those in positions of authority.” Despite its unpleasant sounding name, I believe “snitches” are good people and play an important role in a democratic society. (I prefer to call them by a more respectable sounding name, “whistleblower”). Despite his obvious aggression towards Tosh, Gerry is also clearly a snitch/whistleblower.

Like it or not, people involved in investigating political conspiracies, have to rely on “inside” sources. As these conspiracies nearly always involve covert and illegal actions, it is virtually impossible to rely on the normal documentary evidence usually available to journalists and historians. It is of course highly unlikely that people involved in these illegal activities will record it for posterity. In rare circumstances this does happen, for example, the tape recordings of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson. However, both these men did this to help them write their memoirs and did not expect them to enter the public domain. These two high profile examples have virtually guaranteed this will ever happen again. For example, during the UK investigation into the background of the invasion of Iraq, it was discovered that Tony Blair insisted that no minutes should be kept of these private discussions that took place concerning this proposed action. I expect George Bush did the same.

Since starting my website in 1997 I have been contacted by a large number of whistleblowers. The main reason for this is that my webpage on them is usually ranked very high at Google. For example, both my pages on Gerry Hemming and Tosh Plumlee are ranked number one at Google. Therefore, my interpretation of them becomes very important. It is in their interest to contact me and to negotiate about what I have said about them.

Over the years I think I have become fairly good at working out who is telling me the truth. I use this experience when looking at any information that comes from “inside” sources. These are the sorts of questions I ask of this information:

(1) I am very interested in motivation. Why did this person become a whistleblower? Were they seeking money? Were they attempting to gain revenge against an individual or organization? I have found the most convincing whistleblowers are those who seem to be genuinely appalled by the behavior of the people they are informing on. I am even more impressed if they are appalled by their own behavior.

(2) Do they know too much? One of the problems with disinformation agents is that they often know too much. What we know about conspiracies is that individuals involved are only told about their section of the convert operation. Yet some whistleblowers claim to have details about the whole conspiracy. They would only know about this if they had overall charge of theoperation. Therefore, I am much more willing to believe them if they only tell me a small amount. I am always impressed when they answer “I don’t know”.

(3) It is a fact that one of the problems for the police when they are investigating high profile murders is that a great deal of their time is taken up by people making “false” confessions. These people are suffering from an identifiable psychological problem. They have a strong need to be in the limelight. To be someone of importance, even if it means they have to confess to being a murderer. I suspect this psychological condition explains why some people provide false information on political conspiracies.

(4) Disinformation agents. Victor Marchetti has described this type of CIA operation as a “limited hangout”. To quote Marchetti: “A "limited hangout" is spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting - sometimes even volunteering some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.” All those who come forward with information must be considered as potential disinformation agents.

(5) How do they react when questioned? Some inside sources react in a very aggressive way when asked follow-up questions. This is because that the question implies that you have doubts about the truthfulness of previous answers. Sometimes they even start talking about suing your for libel. Those who are telling the truth are much more relaxed about this questioning process.

(6) It is not enough for the witness to be convinced they are telling the truth. For example, a study of people responsible for death by dangerous driving, came up with some interesting results. Apparently, some people cannot face up to the reality of what they have done. They therefore tell themselves over and over again what they believe actually happened. They also tell the same story to all those who are willing to listen to them. In this story they are not responsible for the death they have caused. However, all the available evidence (witness statements, skid marks on the road, etc.), indicate they are not telling the truth. Even so, they appear very convincing because they really believe they are telling the truth. I think some sources of information fall into this category.

(7) The witness tells their story in a clear and uncomplicated way. This is very important as it allows you to check the story against other available evidence.

(8) The information they give is consistent over time. They do not change their story after evidence is provided that suggests they have made a mistake in an earlier version of events.

I have been asking Tosh Plumlee questions by email (and on this Forum) for a couple of years. He has always reacted like a man who is telling the truth. Therefore I consider him a reliable witness.

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I give him credit for not copping files claim [a-la Augustinovich] that he was with us on No Name Key.


This is the second time that I recall you mentioning Augustinovich as falsely claiming that he was with you on No Name Key.

In the photo of you and other No Name Key men linked to below, the man standing in the right corner is identified as Ronald Augustinovich. Can you tell us who he is for the record? Thanks.




Just like the "Eddy Bayo" name screw-ups, and which remain today "uncorrected" on Spartacus, and continues within many other personal postings -- nothing ever changes. I can only guess that: Some folks either have difficulty with reading English, or that ego prevents them from admitting error, and thereafter opt to make corrections ??!!

That particular photo is all over the web, and specifically on Gordon Winslow's "Cuban-Exile.Com" website.

That photo had a very concise caption, and identified only those of us who had been arrest the night before at Sombrero Key, near Marathon.

The caption didn't include the names of law enforcement folks, nor jailers. Also absent from the caption were the names of those NOT arrested, amongst whom were Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, et al. !!

The man in the right-hand corner is wearing a U.S. Marshal's badge on his left-hand shirt pocket, as the Marshal's had "primary custody" of us all, since is had been a federal arrest.

The Marshal's name is Kenneth McDole, and he was later a member of my Green Beret team [O.D.A. / C/3/20thSFRGrp(Abn)], and dropped out of his fiirst "Jump School" class at Fort Benning [1964], and due to a broken ankle -- leaving me alone to finish the parachute course.

Ken was then a full-time firefighter, and a "part-time" US Marshal in Miami. He was at the Noriega trial during 1990 while I was there. He remains a part-time U.S. Marshal today !!

Malcolm Blunt [Expert UK NARA researcher] threw his hands up in disgust upon learning that he had wasted hundreds of hours on this phony "Augustinovich Story"!! Moreover, for someone who researches at NARA about every two months, and is respected by Mellen as the foremost expert on these matters, I had expected that he would have taken me at my word as to the "limited few" vagabonds "paint-balling" at No Name !!

I was somewhat chagrined to receive an e-mail, wherein he described this very Forum as a total waste of time, considering that the most frequent posters have absolutely NO clue as to the realities of these matters.

However, he does indeed track the anti-Bush, phony WMD, neo-CON aspects with regularity, and is a Socialist by conviction. Enroute to the meeting with Mellen [June 27, 2005], we stopped at a specially called meeting of the S.F.R.G. [at West Palm Beach].

Malcolm, et al., was there to see the screening of the Ralph Rennick TV interview footage (InterPen No Name Key team, returning from Key West - Dec. '62), the JFK MIA (18th Nov. '63) footage, etc., and etc. !! He later assisted mellen in some matters as to "newly released" NARA files !!


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Just like the "Eddy Bayo" name screw-ups, and which remain today "uncorrected" on Spartacus, and continues within many other personal postings -- nothing ever changes. I can only guess that: Some folks either have difficulty with reading English, or that ego prevents them from admitting error, and thereafter opt to make corrections ??!! (Gerry Hemming)

As to the incorrect namings on Spartacus, they have remained uncorrected because of time constraints. I have been compiling the list of corrections required and redoing the captions. John has been very busy with other things which included his recent trip to Dallas. When his time frees up, we can upload all the changes.

I can read English to a reasonable level and I have no problem admitting error - in fact, I am very good at it having had considerable practise. :tomatoes



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If researchers will look closely at one of Tosh's recent posts, they will realize what type of person he is. From everything I have read in the past twenty years, I have yet to see anything so close, accurate and dangerously posted as what Tosh has done in the revelations of what was going down in Central America in the '80's.

Tosh did not wait 20+ years to begin blowing the whistle on the criminal activity of the US Government in Central America in and around Nicaragua, but instead went directly to Congress with his inside information. He risked his own being in attempting to expose this and now twenty plus years later, is devulging information on public forum that is locked away within the government.

Gerry (Mr. Patrick) Hemming is calling him a "snitch" among other obscene names because Tosh tried and is still trying to right the wrongs that he saw and was part of. I am confident from my exchanges with Tosh that he is well aware of far greater attrocities that were conducted by the US Intelligence Community and Military, and I am sure he has reported such in the now sealed documents in congress.

So why do we now even consider looking at him as a snitch? Isn't that why we are all here? Aren't we looking for those who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth of what our gov't has done so we can put this all into perspective. Mr. Patrick, if Tosh is a Snitch, then why in the hell are you here? Could it be because you are truely a disinformation agent trying to keep the truth from being brought out?

How about answering my questions if you are so knowlegable and want to help find the truths. Who is the anglo in the room at the Americana Hotel that I posted? Did you work with Major Lopez at all in the '60's?




Lt. Carrier:

My references to "Tooshee" as a snitch are backed up by my stack of U.S. Government files, which focus mainly on his repeated attempts at getting felonies off of his back by volunteering to snitch-out fellow miscreants !! [Not to mention some private correspondence from folks that think they have been had !!]

In most cases he was rejected, and this was because he had absolutely nothing to offer !! Not even something with which a grand jury [listening to hearsay] might swallow. And just like James Files [who Nancy says has "..always liked me..!!"] -- he claims to have been more "everywhere" than "Chickenman" sings in the commercial. I give him credit for not copping files claim [a-la Augustinovich] that he was with us on No Name Key. Talk about a "Forrest Gump"??!!

Everybody who was anybody [Miami 1960s] either has NEVER heard of him, or they still claim that they blew him off as a government [or other entity ?] snitch. NOT ONE N.A.R.A. file even mentions his name in a serious vein. You have Scott Armstrong's telephone number [NSArchive founder], give him a call and ask him about "Tooshee" !! And while you are at it, ask him about one Gerry Patrick Hemming, the same guy that worked with him and Bob Fink on the "Letelier Assassination Case" during 1977.

As for so-called "classified files" secreted away somewhere in D.C. ? Congress maybe ? That is total horsexxxx, and he knows it. The guy is a pathetic waistrel, and like Files, has spent too much time reading books. He even repeats the (since corrected) errors made in first editions of those books. He reads Sheehan's "fantasy-land" affidavit ?? -- and then adopts it as his own. Not that many years ago, he tried to con Dick Clark's production people into swallowing his tabloid tales.

I worked the "Mother Ship" operations from 1976 thru 1978, and gladly returned to the air interdiction ops during 1978 thru 1982. I flew out of various airstrips in Panama, but only refueled in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica twice. I haven't a clue as to said "Anglo", as the only folks I dealt with in Puerto Limon, were Roger Redondo, and other ex-S.F.N.E. guys. at that time they were importing (6 cylinder only) automobiles from Miami. They bought impounds, and auction block vehicles, and then shipped them down to C.R. !!

Which "Major Lopez" are we talking about. This name is as common as Smith & Jones in Latin America. Was he a "Comandante" Lopez?, or a U.S. Armed Forces Lopez? -- or even a "Mayor" Lopez?

Have you even looked at that "gas station" map, with all of the illiterate scribbling on it. Where are his "W.A.C. Sectionals", the "USAF Topographicals", or at least the "1:25,000 Mil. Maps"?? I've still got mine from when I set up the labs in "Tranquilandia" [Putamayo, Amazonas, Colombia]. And just when did he give all of these "secret' insider tips to the authorities, Wow, like years after the xxxx had long gone public.

My brother, who worked the "Death Squads" in Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. was curious as to how you couldn't have known that Mario Sandoval Alarcon was a serial mass murderer, when any whore on the streets of "Guat-City" could have gushed out plenty of C.V. on that killer ??!! When I told Mario about the movie "Wild Bunch" -- and that his old buddy, Emilio "El Indio" Hernandez was a star in it -- he almost choked while laughing through his "Trache-Hole"

He asked what part did his buddy play, and I told him that we had nicknamed him [sandoval] after that character, "General Mapache" (which means Racoon)!! He almost fell out of his throne. We had to get him a copy of the flick, but when we got back two weeks later, he had already ordered the theaters all over town to immediately schedule the flick. A couple of years later, "El Indio" blew a Mexican extra's head off on a movie set, and quickly fled to Guat-City, where Mario hid him out. He surendered a year later, and died in prison.

I am at a loss with grasping this comical "Jack & Jill" bit, as I didn't ever find any humor with what we encountered in Central America during 1971 thru 1982, NOT at all !! I was quite happy to spend my flying hours mostly in the eastern Caribbean by that time, but duties forced me back into that muck & mire all too frequently.

Why am I here, and why did I start as early as December 1963 looking into the JFK matter ?? When it became obvious that seemingly honest people, including those closely related to the Kennedy family, wanted everone to back off -- that is what we did !! That is: Until Garrison started his "Cover Marcello's Ass Scheme" by pointing the finger at US !!

99% of the names disclosed, and later cited by Danny Brandt in "Namebase.org" came from books whose authors got them from me. While 99% of the names cited in the Warren Comm. Report, HSCA, etc. originated as disinformation from "Dame" Hoover. I testified before the "Church Committee", the HSCA, etc. -- where is "Tooshee's" name in any of those files, hell even wing-nut whackos testi-lied before the A.R.R.B.; where the hell is "Tooshee's" script ??!!. Classified my ass.

Weberman twisted around everything that he got from me and my brother [nobody else, including Sturgis would give him xxxx]. So what does he do, inserts phrases totally out of context, and spices it all up with "Over-Profanity" to make it appear more credible.

I have yet to see anything on this Forum to date, that is first hand, or comes from a well researched "active" source. Just a whole lot of book-reader speculations, and arguments about some of the silliest crap imaginable. I have no compunctions about revealing "covert" operations, and especially with regard to those which should have been surfaced years ago. The very fact that they have remained classified this long; just further encourages all of the fantasy-land/wet-dreaming by people with too much time on their hands -- or are driven by some weird political agenda.

NOBODY is going to get famous scribbling on this forum, so give it up -- and let's get real about some of the serious matters under discussion. Then, maybe some of the "never-were-there" characters will fade into the sunset ??!!

I had expected that, with your background, you might have discerned who is who by now, that is: Unless you are cultivating somebody for some other purpose. If somebody is mentally unstable, and you are concerned as to his reactions to a dose of reality -- let me know by private e-mail, and I will back off !!




Mr. Patrick,

First of all, I met Tosh in Puerto Limon in '81 and he is no wanna-be. I can assure you that. My correspondence with him in private and on open forum has convinced me that he is well aware of operations that are and will most likely be forever classified. He was aware of locals and timelines of very nast ops that only persons on the inside would know.

As far as my knowlege of Mario Sandoval Alarcon, I know firsthand of what OUR government paid him to do and am ashamed to admit that I laid cover for his ops in the central highland villages where I saw from my scope what he and his murdurous squads were about. You should understand that from my posts if you would take the time to read them.

Ask your brother if he was familiar with Angel who was associated with Joe F and Hull's outpost. Have him take a good look at my photo.

Also ask your brother about the EOD team that was eliminated before they left country because their was concern as to their ability to remain silent. JACK AND JILL...

The Major Lopez I am referring to is Humberto "Bobby" Leon. Apparently you were not connected with him. I have had his files and have conversed with his family. He is of great interest to me dating back to November of '63.


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If researchers will look closely at one of Tosh's recent posts, they will realize what type of person he is. From everything I have read in the past twenty years, I have yet to see anything so close, accurate and dangerously posted as what Tosh has done in the revelations of what was going down in Central America in the '80's.

Tosh did not wait 20+ years to begin blowing the whistle on the criminal activity of the US Government in Central America in and around Nicaragua, but instead went directly to Congress with his inside information. He risked his own being in attempting to expose this and now twenty plus years later, is devulging information on public forum that is locked away within the government.

Gerry (Mr. Patrick) Hemming is calling him a "snitch" among other obscene names because Tosh tried and is still trying to right the wrongs that he saw and was part of. I am confident from my exchanges with Tosh that he is well aware of far greater attrocities that were conducted by the US Intelligence Community and Military, and I am sure he has reported such in the now sealed documents in congress.

So why do we now even consider looking at him as a snitch? Isn't that why we are all here? Aren't we looking for those who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth of what our gov't has done so we can put this all into perspective. Mr. Patrick, if Tosh is a Snitch, then why in the hell are you here? Could it be because you are truely a disinformation agent trying to keep the truth from being brought out?

How about answering my questions if you are so knowlegable and want to help find the truths. Who is the anglo in the room at the Americana Hotel that I posted? Did you work with Major Lopez at all in the '60's?




Lt. Carrier:

My references to "Tooshee" as a snitch are backed up by my stack of U.S. Government files, which focus mainly on his repeated attempts at getting felonies off of his back by volunteering to snitch-out fellow miscreants !! [Not to mention some private correspondence from folks that think they have been had !!]

In most cases he was rejected, and this was because he had absolutely nothing to offer !! Not even something with which a grand jury [listening to hearsay] might swallow. And just like James Files [who Nancy says has "..always liked me..!!"] -- he claims to have been more "everywhere" than "Chickenman" sings in the commercial. I give him credit for not copping files claim [a-la Augustinovich] that he was with us on No Name Key. Talk about a "Forrest Gump"??!!

Everybody who was anybody [Miami 1960s] either has NEVER heard of him, or they still claim that they blew him off as a government [or other entity ?] snitch. NOT ONE N.A.R.A. file even mentions his name in a serious vein. You have Scott Armstrong's telephone number [NSArchive founder], give him a call and ask him about "Tooshee" !! And while you are at it, ask him about one Gerry Patrick Hemming, the same guy that worked with him and Bob Fink on the "Letelier Assassination Case" during 1977.

As for so-called "classified files" secreted away somewhere in D.C. ? Congress maybe ? That is total horsexxxx, and he knows it. The guy is a pathetic waistrel, and like Files, has spent too much time reading books. He even repeats the (since corrected) errors made in first editions of those books. He reads Sheehan's "fantasy-land" affidavit ?? -- and then adopts it as his own. Not that many years ago, he tried to con Dick Clark's production people into swallowing his tabloid tales.

I worked the "Mother Ship" operations from 1976 thru 1978, and gladly returned to the air interdiction ops during 1978 thru 1982. I flew out of various airstrips in Panama, but only refueled in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica twice. I haven't a clue as to said "Anglo", as the only folks I dealt with in Puerto Limon, were Roger Redondo, and other ex-S.F.N.E. guys. at that time they were importing (6 cylinder only) automobiles from Miami. They bought impounds, and auction block vehicles, and then shipped them down to C.R. !!

Which "Major Lopez" are we talking about. This name is as common as Smith & Jones in Latin America. Was he a "Comandante" Lopez?, or a U.S. Armed Forces Lopez? -- or even a "Mayor" Lopez?

Have you even looked at that "gas station" map, with all of the illiterate scribbling on it. Where are his "W.A.C. Sectionals", the "USAF Topographicals", or at least the "1:25,000 Mil. Maps"?? I've still got mine from when I set up the labs in "Tranquilandia" [Putamayo, Amazonas, Colombia]. And just when did he give all of these "secret' insider tips to the authorities, Wow, like years after the xxxx had long gone public.

My brother, who worked the "Death Squads" in Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. was curious as to how you couldn't have known that Mario Sandoval Alarcon was a serial mass murderer, when any whore on the streets of "Guat-City" could have gushed out plenty of C.V. on that killer ??!! When I told Mario about the movie "Wild Bunch" -- and that his old buddy, Emilio "El Indio" Hernandez was a star in it -- he almost choked while laughing through his "Trache-Hole"

He asked what part did his buddy play, and I told him that we had nicknamed him [sandoval] after that character, "General Mapache" (which means Racoon)!! He almost fell out of his throne. We had to get him a copy of the flick, but when we got back two weeks later, he had already ordered the theaters all over town to immediately schedule the flick. A couple of years later, "El Indio" blew a Mexican extra's head off on a movie set, and quickly fled to Guat-City, where Mario hid him out. He surendered a year later, and died in prison.

I am at a loss with grasping this comical "Jack & Jill" bit, as I didn't ever find any humor with what we encountered in Central America during 1971 thru 1982, NOT at all !! I was quite happy to spend my flying hours mostly in the eastern Caribbean by that time, but duties forced me back into that muck & mire all too frequently.

Why am I here, and why did I start as early as December 1963 looking into the JFK matter ?? When it became obvious that seemingly honest people, including those closely related to the Kennedy family, wanted everone to back off -- that is what we did !! That is: Until Garrison started his "Cover Marcello's Ass Scheme" by pointing the finger at US !!

99% of the names disclosed, and later cited by Danny Brandt in "Namebase.org" came from books whose authors got them from me. While 99% of the names cited in the Warren Comm. Report, HSCA, etc. originated as disinformation from "Dame" Hoover. I testified before the "Church Committee", the HSCA, etc. -- where is "Tooshee's" name in any of those files, hell even wing-nut whackos testi-lied before the A.R.R.B.; where the hell is "Tooshee's" script ??!!. Classified my ass.

Weberman twisted around everything that he got from me and my brother [nobody else, including Sturgis would give him xxxx]. So what does he do, inserts phrases totally out of context, and spices it all up with "Over-Profanity" to make it appear more credible.

I have yet to see anything on this Forum to date, that is first hand, or comes from a well researched "active" source. Just a whole lot of book-reader speculations, and arguments about some of the silliest crap imaginable. I have no compunctions about revealing "covert" operations, and especially with regard to those which should have been surfaced years ago. The very fact that they have remained classified this long; just further encourages all of the fantasy-land/wet-dreaming by people with too much time on their hands -- or are driven by some weird political agenda.

NOBODY is going to get famous scribbling on this forum, so give it up -- and let's get real about some of the serious matters under discussion. Then, maybe some of the "never-were-there" characters will fade into the sunset ??!!

I had expected that, with your background, you might have discerned who is who by now, that is: Unless you are cultivating somebody for some other purpose. If somebody is mentally unstable, and you are concerned as to his reactions to a dose of reality -- let me know by private e-mail, and I will back off !!




Mr. Patrick,

First of all, I met Tosh in Puerto Limon in '81 and he is no wanna-be. I can assure you that. My correspondence with him in private and on open forum has convinced me that he is well aware of operations that are and will most likely be forever classified. He was aware of locals and timelines of very nast ops that only persons on the inside would know.

As far as my knowlege of Mario Sandoval Alarcon, I know firsthand of what OUR government paid him to do and am ashamed to admit that I laid cover for his ops in the central highland villages where I saw from my scope what he and his murdurous squads were about. You should understand that from my posts if you would take the time to read them.

Ask your brother if he was familiar with Angel who was associated with Joe F and Hull's outpost. Have him take a good look at my photo.

Also ask your brother about the EOD team that was eliminated before they left country because their was concern as to their ability to remain silent. JACK AND JILL...

The Major Lopez I am referring to is Humberto "Bobby" Leon. Apparently you were not connected with him. I have had his files and have conversed with his family. He is of great interest to me dating back to November of '63.



I too met a whole bunch of people in strange-and-far-away-places. Nasty Ops ?? Who the hell do you think pushed for the exposure/elimination of the Guatemalen Army troops that slaughtered whole Mayan tribes all over the Peten Plateau -- and I started even before I left the Cuban Rebel Army and Air Force.

I started in Guatemala during March 1954 [with missionaries], and was just back from Indo-China -- then on to USMC boot camp for a rest !! I did the Guat/Salv/Nic/Hond-Ops against these serial mass murderers until 1982.

Ask me sometime about aborting the massacre of the entire Costa Rican Legislature and then Prez "Pepe" Figueres [1972 - Ops Cactus, Bambu, Coyote]

Check out Weberman's bullxxxx version of my confrontation with the Army Colonel [Attache] and his cohorts, during the Rorke/Sullivan search & rescue [Oct. 1963]. I told them to their faces [at their outside/Embassy covert offices] that I was going to once again -- make damn sure that the SF troopers would be rotated back to CONUS -- and never again have to witness nor assist in those massacres !!

We got the JM/WAVE SF [Army Reserve] ODAs disbanded, and transferred to the Florida Guard. A couple later went P.T.S.D. on us, and had to resign; and that was many years after personally experiencing the Guat-Massacre xxxx !!

I've got guys from my ODA that were at El Mozote, Las Aradas, etc. [El Salvador], and witnessed the famous "Atlacatl Battalion" do its 400+ massacre of boys, girls, and children !!

My brother rode with the "special" shooters, attempting to nail the assassins who had murdered the U.S. Ambassador [AmEmbGuat.] along with the Colonel who was the chief military attache. "Tooshee types" were a dime-a-dozen, and they ain't got nothing to feel guilty about, cause they never did xxxx. You want an extra copy of "Tooshee's" REAL U.S. FILES ??

I've got a family member just home from Baghdad, who did a year at the Guat-City Embassy a few years back -- and he can't stop laughing at all of this horse-xxxx !!

And exactly where is your explanation for that "pdf" and the xxxxty map, much less the San Diego bullxxxx tabloid trash ?? Or is he already brain-dead, and you are covering for him. Check out the South African SF website to see how they spot wannabes, and you will see the exact duplicate of 'Tooshee's" Bio !!

It gets real tiresome that the bullxxxx line never wavers, and WHY? He's got it memorized !!

Happy Holidays !!



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I too met a whole bunch of people in strange-and-far-away-places. Nasty Ops ?? Who the hell do you think pushed for the exposure/elimination of the Guatemalen Army troops that slaughtered whole Mayan tribes all over the Peten Plateau -- and I started even before I left the Cuban Rebel Army and Air Force.

I started in Guatemala during March 1954 [with missionaries], and was just back from Indo-China -- then on to USMC boot camp for a rest !! I did the Guat/Salv/Nic/Hond-Ops against these serial mass murderers until 1982.

Ask me sometime about aborting the massacre of the entire Costa Rican Legislature and then Prez "Pepe" Figueres [1972 - Ops Cactus, Bambu, Coyote]

Check out Weberman's bullxxxx version of my confrontation with the Army Colonel [Attache] and his cohorts, during the Rorke/Sullivan search & rescue [Oct. 1963]. I told them to their faces [at their outside/Embassy covert offices] that I was going to once again -- make damn sure that the SF troopers would be rotated back to CONUS -- and never again have to witness nor assist in those massacres !!

We got the JM/WAVE SF [Army Reserve] ODAs disbanded, and transferred to the Florida Guard. A couple later went P.T.S.D. on us, and had to resign; and that was many years after personally experiencing the Guat-Massacre xxxx !!

I've got guys from my ODA that were at El Mozote, Las Aradas, etc. [El Salvador], and witnessed the famous "Atlacatl Battalion" do its 400+ massacre of boys, girls, and children !!

My brother rode with the "special" shooters, attempting to nail the assassins who had murdered the U.S. Ambassador [AmEmbGuat.] along with the Colonel who was the chief military attache. "Tooshee types" were a dime-a-dozen, and they ain't got nothing to feel guilty about, cause they never did xxxx. You want an extra copy of "Tooshee's" REAL U.S. FILES ??

I've got a family member just home from Baghdad, who did a year at the Guat-City Embassy a few years back -- and he can't stop laughing at all of this horse-xxxx !!

And exactly where is your explanation for that "pdf" and the xxxxty map, much less the San Diego bullxxxx tabloid trash ?? Or is he already brain-dead, and you are covering for him. Check out the South African SF website to see how they spot wannabes, and you will see the exact duplicate of 'Tooshee's" Bio !!

It gets real tiresome that the bullxxxx line never wavers, and WHY? He's got it memorized !!

Happy Holidays !!



Mr. Patrick,


I was thrown into this bullxxxx as a youngster and had to grow up fast. I was smart enough to cover my ass and that is why I am still here. Again, ask your brother to take a look at my photo and see if he can associate it with Angel. If he cannot comprehend, then I have nothing more to say. Again, you can say what you want about Tosh, but I will stand by what it is apparent he was involved in. Otherwise, I would not have encountered him and he would not have known about certain operations that he does. Who else out there does? Not many left around!

For other forum members, Tosh is one who was brave enough to speak out to the right people and still was at-risk. I do not include myself in Tosh's company as I have a family and career to consider. It may sound like I speak in tongue when it comes to these issues, but those who know where I am coming from will understand why. Tosh is one of those. Once my kids are grown, I will write a paper that will shake up alot! Not being disrespectful to Mr. Patrick, as he has been around, but am tired of posted and getting the runaround.


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FWIW as opinion, I too find Tosh "a man who is telling the truth. Therefore I consider him a reliable witness."

I intended to make this point earlier but Holiday and family matters that make this time of year a grand thing delayed this reply. I beg pardon.


Edited by Jim Hackett II
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