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College Courses on JFK Case

Tim Gratz

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I recently had a brief chat with Larry Hancock re college courses on the JFK case.

I understand Jim Marrs, a Forum member, teaches such a class in Texas.

Ken Rahn teaches a class at URI. Here is a link to his class:


John McAdams teaches a course at Marquette University. Here is the syllabus of his course:


As we all know, Professors Rahn and McAdams believe that Oswald acted alone. It would be interesting to learn what think the students who graduate their courses.

Is anyone familiar with other college level courses on the assassination?

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Ken Rahn teaches a class at URI. Here is a link to his class:


John McAdams teaches a course at Marquette University. Here is the syllabus of his course:


As we all know, Professors Rahn and McAdams believe that Oswald acted alone. It would be interesting to learn what think the students who graduate their courses.

I spoke to one, he said he was going to further his education/career by working as as 'eavesdropper' in the new Police State coming to a city near you.

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Is anyone familiar with other college level courses on the assassination?

Dr. Phil Melanson has been teaching political Science at Southeastern MA U. ( in Massachusetts) for over two decades and teaches classes in all three of the assassinations (JFK, MLK, RFK). His college is also The Robert F Kennedy Assassination Artchieves, of which he is the director. (I played a small role in 86 in the records from LA being turned over to Phil's university)


I have always thought how great it would be if every college- high school yet- in the nation had such a class.

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The classes of Marrs, Rahn, McAdams, and Melanson should all be canceled, because all these men have opinions. Professors should not have opinions. So say legislators all across America, thanks to David Horowitz. Just ask KU religious studies professor Paul Mirecki, who claims he was beaten up by two men in addition to his class being canceled. (I'm not defending Mirecki, some would say that he got what he deserved. Ha ha ha ha ha.)


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The classes of Marrs, Rahn, McAdams, and Melanson should all be canceled, because all these men have opinions. Professors should not have opinions. So say legislators all across America, thanks to David Horowitz. Just ask KU religious studies professor Paul Mirecki, who claims he was beaten up by two men in addition to his class being canceled. (I'm not defending Mirecki, some would say that he got what he deserved. Ha ha ha ha ha.)


Well said Ron,

Lecturers are supposed to present historical evidence to a class and allow the students to draw thier own conclusions based upon the information given to them.

I had an elective in American History this year and we briefly covered the assassinations, but only the political impact of them and no specifics, although I was pleased to see that in the core text given to us by our lecturer mention was made of a possible conspiracy in the JFK murder.

I emailed my lecturer on the topic of the assassination and she had no definite idea on the case and conceded that I probably knew more about it thatn she did.

Lecturers may have opinions, but to force it upon students is to be an irresponsible historian.

Even a quick view of the syllabus which Mcadams presents tells you that the course is biased. The placing of certain words in inverted commas gives the impression that this evidence is about to be debunked or is worthless. e.g. Confessed conspirators "but we dont know which one", people with "inside knowledge" .

Extremely irresponsible work.

I would like to take a closer look at this course and possiblt find a person who has taken this course.

I must say, for me it would be worth taking a year out to study at Marquette just to debate Prof. Mcadams for half a year, Oh what fun!


Edited by John Geraghty
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Actually I believe that the Rahn and McAdams courses should be canceled. Marrs and Melanson should be allowed to keep theirs, but they should include a lecture on why Rahn and McAdams are full of it.

Simply presenting all the evidence and unanwered questions in the case should spell CONSPIRACY on the blackboard. I assume that even today's American college students can put two and two together without the professor's "opinion."


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Actually I believe that the Rahn and McAdams courses should be canceled. Marrs and Melanson should be allowed to keep theirs, but they should include a lecture on why Rahn and McAdams are full of it.

Simply presenting all the evidence and unanwered questions in the case should spell CONSPIRACY on the blackboard. I assume that even today's American college students can put two and two together without the professor's "opinion."


The problem is that when kids in school do not know there IS a problem they don't know what questions to even ask. When my now-grown daughter was growing up I used to check her history book every year to see what was said about the assassination issue. Nothing ever was. She is now 34 and until two years ago knew her mom was obsessed with this case but she knew nothing about it. She has since seen (with me)- Executive Action, The Guilty Men and JFK and was just blown away that all this happened and that "they got away with it". The powers that be depend on the apathy of the populace, as well as the ignorance.

I get livid when I hear that W is "taking democracy " to Iraq. Hardly.


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