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John Alex McCone: Removed from my website?

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I have just had an email from a user of my website to tell me that my page on John McCone has been removed from my website. He is right. Take a look yourself.


The page has also gone missing from the Google database. This has happened before. For example, my page on Bernardo De Torres.

Please check it out. Let me know if it is blank for you. I will reload it later today.

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I have just had an email from a user of my website to tell me that my page on John McCone has been removed from my website. He is right. Take a look yourself.


The page has also gone missing from the Google database. This has happened before. For example, my page on Bernardo De Torres.

Please check it out. Let me know if it is blank for you. I will reload it later today.

John, I got a blank page and a google search failed to list it.

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Guest Gary Loughran

Blank here as well.

Very strange. Nothing you might have done John e.g. Forgetting to 'put all' files back during an update.

If not contact your server provider for ilog info, there should be an indication of who/where/when this occurred.

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John, I got a blank page and a google search failed to list it.

I have now uploaded the page. It will probably take a few days before it appears in the search-engines. Before it was removed it was listed at number one at Google.

This should make us look even more closely at these persons and those connected with them. Very selective and sophisticated hacking to do that.....one wonders if the same people can't go into files and make slight changes we might not notice easily.

I agree. This is a much larger problem. However, my removing certain parts of the document they reveal what information they want to be kept out of the public domain.

Very strange. Nothing you might have done John e.g. Forgetting to 'put all' files back during an update.

No. The original document on my computer was unaffected. For that to have happened I would have needed to upload a blank McCone page. That page did not exist on my system so I could not have uploaded it. The problem was that the complete contents of the page was removed from my server. This was either done by a hacker on at the request of someone like the CIA.

To solve this problem I am in the process of creating a mirror site. This will be on a server that I am in control of and will be more difficult to remove.

The important question was why John McCone? I think I know why and I will be telling the forum later today.

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Since creating my website and forum on the JFK assassination, I have been contacted by a lot of people offering information on the case that has not been published before. Some of these people needed to see a doctor. Others provided information that might have been true but was mainly speculation. However, some of these contacts have provided very important information. This included several people who have very close links to the CIA. It soon became clear that the CIA were trying to use me to spread disinformation. Included within this disinformation was accurate information. That is the way the CIA works. In fact, some of this information was “authorized” by the CIA. In other words, they wanted some information about the assassination to come out. This included the story that David Sanchez Morales and Rip Robertson helped organize the assassination.

There are other people who they have been very unwilling to give me information about other CIA operatives that I am convinced were involved in the assassination. For example, Carl E. Jenkins, Rafael Quintero and Bernardo de Torres. They were so-concerned about my posts on Quintero that they assigned one CIA asset to deal with my queries. According to this source, Quintero was a supporter of JFK and even helped RFK in the 1968 campaign. The thing that distinguishes Morales and Robertson from the others is that they are dead. Quintero died last month but he is currently still being protected.

It has also been made clear that my CIA sources were unwilling to help provide information on the cover-up. This is because this involved figures at the very top of the CIA. This of course includes John McCone, who was director of the CIA in 1963. I have also been warned that if post information of this cover-up via the forum or my website I am in danger of being “discredited”. I was told at the same time that the CIA no longer kill people trying to disclose information on covert activities. Interestingly, Gene Wheaton used the same term when he gave information on Jenkins and Quintero in the filmed interview with William Law.

My page on McCone was ranked number one at Google and other search-engines. As well as the information on the cover-up I have also exposed McCone’s corrupt relationship with Tommy Concoran, Stephen D. Bechtel and Henry J. Kaiser. The Bechel Corporation is currently enjoying multimillion contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The page is also linked to this thread where I have tried to show the links between these corrupt businessmen with the assassination of JFK and other progressive political leaders.


I suspect that the CIA will not have been too happy about my information on the role that McCone played in the cover-up. On 23rd November, 1963, the day after the assassination, McCone informed Lyndon B. Johnson that Lee Harvey Oswald had been in contact with Valery V. Kostikov, a Soviet diplomat, in Mexico. He also passed on information that Winston Scott, CIA station chief in Mexico, believed that Kostikov was a KGB agent who specialized in assassination.

Four days after the assassination, McCone sent a copy of a highly classified document to the White House, the State Department and the FBI. This document claimed that on 18th September, 1963, Gilberto Alvarado, an agent of the Nicaraguan Secret Service, had infiltrated the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, saw an employee of that embassy give $6,500 to Oswald, to carry out the assassination of an "important political figure."

Further investigations revealed that Alvarado admitted that he had made up this story to incite hostilities between the United States and Cuba. However, Alvarado's story continued to be promoted by McCone and Thomas C. Mann, the US ambassador in Mexico. In his book, The JFK Assassination Debates (2006), Michael L. Kurtz claims that both McCone and Mann "received reprimands" for trying to blame the assassination of John F. Kennedy on Fidel Castro.

The reason for this was that LBJ refused to have anything to do with the idea of a Soviet/Cuban conspiracy. The official story is the LBJ did this to avoid a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. That is of course a lot of rubbish. However, this decision, meant that the original conspiracy that was linked to the overthrow of both JFK and Castro, ended in failure.

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John...you are experiencing what I did from the mid-seventies till today...the

infiltration of "agents" trying to plant information and/or discredit anything I

say. Most of them describe themselves as FORMER CIA personnel.

1. They first try to ingratiate themselves by being extra friendly and helpful.

2. They provide "inside information".

3. Their information is sometimes a "limited hangout" of "good" information.

4. They all present a facade of being a genuine JFK researcher.

5. They have tons of documents and photos not available via regular channels.

6. They hint at rewards and incentives (sell stuff to media).

7. When exposed, they disappear OR GET NASTY.

8. The internet has brought about a change in tactics to intimidation and destruction.

I have encountered dozens of such suspects. The first was a man named Roy Pope,

who was interested in my work regarding the MC rifle in the seventies. He claimed

to be involved with Gerry Hemming (hmmm, familiar name) in a deal with a

sniper rifle. Another was a man whose name eludes me at the moment who owned

an art gallery in Keemah, TX (see gunrunning), who offered to sell paintings for

me in exchange for the latest rifle research. Among many others was Art Swanson,

a jolly SantaClaus figure and former CIA employee married to a rich widow in

Ohio (see Ohio connections), but currently living in Las Vegas (see organized crime

connections), who became extremely interested in anything I knew about Donald

O. Norton (the real LHO). He also wanted to know the latest about the research

of John Armstrong. More recently a ten thousand dollar research fee was dangled

for help with a "documentary" about the faking of the Zapruder film.

On the internet, for the last dozen years, I have been trailed and hounded by

dozens of provocateurs, including five or six "researchers" who are members

of this forum. You can easily recognize them. They POST NOTHING EXCEPT ATTACKS

ON JACK WHITE AND HIS RESEARCH. They follow me from site to site, as if someone

is monitoring ANYTHING I POST anywhere on the internet. Some of them have been

caught in lies. Many reside in foreign countries. Most are lacking in correct information

on the case, and many of their attacks appear to have originated with the same




Edited by Jack White
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Since creating my website and forum on the JFK assassination, I have been contacted by a lot of people offering information on the case that has not been published before. Some of these people needed to see a doctor. Others provided information that might have been true but was mainly speculation. However, some of these contacts have provided very important information. This included several people who have very close links to the CIA. It soon became clear that the CIA were trying to use me to spread disinformation. Included within this disinformation was accurate information. That is the way the CIA works. In fact, some of this information was “authorized” by the CIA. In other words, they wanted some information about the assassination to come out. This included the story that David Sanchez Morales and Rip Robertson helped organize the assassination.

There are other people who they have been very unwilling to give me information about other CIA operatives that I am convinced were involved in the assassination. For example, Carl E. Jenkins, Rafael Quintero and Bernardo de Torres. They were so-concerned about my posts on Quintero that they assigned one CIA asset to deal with my queries. According to this source, Quintero was a supporter of JFK and even helped RFK in the 1968 campaign. The thing that distinguishes Morales and Robertson from the others is that they are dead. Quintero died last month but he is currently still being protected.

It has also been made clear that my CIA sources were unwilling to help provide information on the cover-up. This is because this involved figures at the very top of the CIA. This of course includes John McCone, who was director of the CIA in 1963. I have also been warned that if post information of this cover-up via the forum or my website I am in danger of being “discredited”. I was told at the same time that the CIA no longer kill people trying to disclose information on covert activities. Interestingly, Gene Wheaton used the same term when he gave information on Jenkins and Quintero in the filmed interview with William Law.

My page on McCone was ranked number one at Google and other search-engines. As well as the information on the cover-up I have also exposed McCone’s corrupt relationship with Tommy Concoran, Stephen D. Bechtel and Henry J. Kaiser. The Bechel Corporation is currently enjoying multimillion contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The page is also linked to this thread where I have tried to show the links between these corrupt businessmen with the assassination of JFK and other progressive political leaders.


I suspect that the CIA will not have been too happy about my information on the role that McCone played in the cover-up. On 23rd November, 1963, the day after the assassination, McCone informed Lyndon B. Johnson that Lee Harvey Oswald had been in contact with Valery V. Kostikov, a Soviet diplomat, in Mexico. He also passed on information that Winston Scott, CIA station chief in Mexico, believed that Kostikov was a KGB agent who specialized in assassination.

Four days after the assassination, McCone sent a copy of a highly classified document to the White House, the State Department and the FBI. This document claimed that on 18th September, 1963, Gilberto Alvarado, an agent of the Nicaraguan Secret Service, had infiltrated the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, saw an employee of that embassy give $6,500 to Oswald, to carry out the assassination of an "important political figure."

Further investigations revealed that Alvarado admitted that he had made up this story to incite hostilities between the United States and Cuba. However, Alvarado's story continued to be promoted by McCone and Thomas C. Mann, the US ambassador in Mexico. In his book, The JFK Assassination Debates (2006), Michael L. Kurtz claims that both McCone and Mann "received reprimands" for trying to blame the assassination of John F. Kennedy on Fidel Castro.

The reason for this was that LBJ refused to have anything to do with the idea of a Soviet/Cuban conspiracy. The official story is the LBJ did this to avoid a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. That is of course a lot of rubbish. However, this decision, meant that the original conspiracy that was linked to the overthrow of both JFK and Castro, ended in failure.


John, what I've done with your McCone page is to copy the text [only] on it, then paste it into an e-mail to myself. I've managed to store info in my "Saved" box, over the years, by doing that with just the text.

Here's some info I downloaded on De Torres awhile back. I'm not sure where I got it from now, because I resorted to copying only the text in the event that whatever site had it up might end up disappearing from the web, along with the info. Paragraphs 9 and 10 are high-lighted and De Torres' name in bold.

See below:

FTR#288-Update on the JFK Assassination-(One 30-minute segment) (Sources are noted in parentheses.) (Recorded on 4/8/2001.)

1. Bringing up to date the investigation into President Kennedy's assassination, this program begins with discussion of a recent British forensic scientific study that proves what serious investigators have long known-that there was a fourth (and fatal shot) from the grassy knoll. "The House Assassinations Committee may have been right after all: There was a shot from the grassy knoll. That was the key finding of the congressional investigation that concluded 22 years ago that President 'John F. Kennedy's murder in Dallas in 1963 was 'probably the result of a conspiracy.' A shot from the grassy knoll meant that two gunmen must have fired at the president within a split-second sequence. Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of firing three shots at Kennedy from a perch at the Texas School Book Depository, could not have been in two places at once. . . . A new, peer-reviewed article in Science and Justice, a quarterly publication of Britain's Forensic Science Society. . . . said it was more than 96 percent certain that there was a shot from the grassy knoll to the right of the president's limousine, in addition to the three shots from a book depository window above and behind

the president's limousine." ("Study backs Theory of 'grassy knoll'" by George Lardner Jr.; The Washington Post; 3/26/2001.) For more on the assassination of President Kennedy, see also: G#'s 1-4, RFA#'s 5, 6, 8, 9,

11-13, 15, 37, Miscellaneous Archive Shows M3, M4, M29, M37, M20, M30, M38, M59, as well as FTR#'s 8, 19, 21, 46, 47, 54, 62, 63, 76, 104, 115, 116, 133, 142, 158, 168, 188, 190, 191, 228, 236, 244, 246, 253.)

2. Much of the rest of the program consists of discussion of aspects of the House Select Committee's investigation that are unlikely to be analyzed in the Washington Post. In 1999, investigator Bill Davy published a remarkable book about New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation into the JFK assassination. (Let Justice Be Done; by William Davy; Copyright 1999 [sC]; Jordan Publishing; ISBN 0-9669716-0-4.) Relying largely on documents declassified in the wake of the Oliver Stone film JFK, Davy's extraordinary book validates much of what Garrison had to say. (Davy is interviewed in FTR#190.)

3. FTR#288 highlights parts of the HSCA's investigation that support Garrison's thesis. "HSCA Chief Counsel, G. Robert Blakey, once referred to the Committee's work as 'the last investigation.' As such, it is only proper that the HSCA have the last word on Clay Shaw. On September 1, 1977, staff counsel Jonathan Blackmer, authored a 15-page memorandum addressed to Blakey, as well as staff members, Gary Cornwell, Ken Klein, and Cliff Fenton. Blackmer was the lead counsel for team 3, the HSCA team responsible for the New Orleans and Cuban angles of the investigation. After an investigative trip to New Orleans, Blackmer concluded in his memo: 'We have reason to believe Shaw was heavily involved in the anti-Castro efforts in

New Orleans in the 1960's and [was] possibly one of the high level planners or 'cut out' to the planners of the assassination.'" (Let Justice Be Done; p. 202.)

4. Clay Shaw was, of course, the individual tried by Garrison for Kennedy's assassination. The first suspect investigated by Garrison was David Ferrie. In its final report, the House Select Committee also

recommended that the Department of Justice investigate Ferrie and his anti-Castro Cuban associates in the New Orleans area. Ferrie had operated as an investigator for Guy Banister's detective agency in New Orleans. The Banister operation, in turn, had served as an apparent intelligence front for covert operations against Cuba. Ferrie was instrumental in running a training facility at Lake Ponchartrain (Louisiana), at which Cuban exiles received guerilla training for operations against Castro.

5. The House Select Committee appears to have obtained a film of this facility, which connects some very interesting people. "It is possible that a film once existed of this training camp. The former Deputy Chief Counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Robert Tannenbaum, recalled that the committee viewed the film and to Tannenbaum it was a shock to the system. 'The movie was shocking to me because it demonstrated the notion that the CIA was training, in America, a separate army,' he said. 'It was shocking to me because I'm a true believer in the system and yet there are notorious characters in the system, who are funded by the system, who are absolutely un-American! And who knows what they would do, eventually. What if we send people to Washington who they can't deal with? Out comes their secret army? So, I find that to be as contrary to the Constitution as you can get.' What is even more shocking is what the film reveals. According to Tannenbaum, depicted in the film among the Cuban exiles were Guy Banister, David Atlee Philips and Lee Harvey Oswald. Inexplicably, the film would later disappear from the Committee's files." (Ibid.; p. 30.) The Banister "detective agency" was also involved with collecting intelligence on the American civil rights movement, and was deeply involved with white supremacist organizations. (For more on this subject, see also: L#3, RFA#12, FTR#188.)

6. The House Select Committee also developed information linking Banister employee Ferrie, Oswald and Clay Shaw. Credible eyewitness testimony places these individuals at a Clinton (Louisiana) voter registration drive in August of 1963. "The chairman of the Clinton chapter of CORE [Congress Of Racial Equality], Corrie Collins, was monitoring the drive outside the Registrar's office, when at approximately 10:00a.m. he noticed the arrival of the car. Thinking they might be FBI, Collins studied the car and its occupants closely. As the car came to a stop, he observed a young white male exit the rear of the car and enter the registration line, while the driver and the other passenger remained in the car. Later, under oath, at the trial of Clay Shaw in 1969 and in his testimony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1978, Collins would identify

the driver of the car as Clay Shaw, the passenger as David Ferrie, and the person in the registration line as Lee Harvey Oswald." (Ibid.; pp. 103-104.)

7. "A mere four years later, Congress would conclude that '[the HSCA] was inclined to believe that Oswald was in Clinton La., in late August, early September 1963, and that he was in the company of David Ferrie, if not Clay Shaw. . . [the Clinton witnesses] established an association of an undetermined nature between Ferrie, Shaw, and Oswald less than 3 months before the assassination.' The committee added that they 'also found that there was at least a possibility that Oswald and Guy 'Banister were acquainted.' They further concluded that the 'CIA-Mafia-Cuban plots had all the elements necessary for a successful assassination conspiracy.' It is probably the ultimate irony that the U.S. government's conclusions echoed those of Jim Garrison a decade earlier." (Ibid.; p. 189.)

8. Banister's New Orleans office also served as the headquarters of the Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, part of what would formally coalesce as the World Anti-Communist League in 1967. (For more on WACL, see also: RFA#'s 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 27, 29, 30, 36, 37.)

9. While investigating Eladio del Valle, Ferrie's associate in covert operations against Cuba, Garrison's investigating team was infiltrated by an anti-Castro Cuban with strong ties to the intelligence community. This operative, Bernardo de Torres, may well have been involved with the assassination itself. His name later cropped up in connection with the assassination of Orlando Letelier. (For more on the assassination of Letelier, see also: RFA#'s 4, 19, 20, 22, 30, 37, as well as FTR#'s 259, 268, 284.)

10. "On the day Ferrie died, del Valle was found brutally murdered in his car in the parking lot of a Miami shopping center. Prior to that, Garrison had sent a part-time investigator named Bernardo de Torres to question del Valle. De Torres was a military coordinator for the Brigade 2506 part of the exile landing force during the Bay of Pigs invasion. He was captured by Castro's forces and detained until Christmas Eve of 1962. He eventually found his way to New Orleans where, according to de Torres, he was approached by Sergeant Duffy of the NOPD and asked to join Garrison's staff. As with many other investigators and volunteers at Tulane and Broad, de Torres' bona fides are suspect. First of all, it was de Torres who showed up at the D.A.'s office in New Orleans very early in Garrison's investigation claiming he had important information. He said he was a private detective who wanted to help and dropped the name of Miami D.A. Richard Gerstein as an entrée. Shortly after de Torres was given the assignment to question del Valle, del Valle's brutalized body was discovered in the vicinity of de Torres' Miami apartment. It was later determined that de Torres was filing reports on Garrison to the Miami CIA station, JM/WAVE.

Not long after he left Garrison's staff, de Torres went to work for Mitch Werbell's Military Armament Corporation, a large supplier of weaponry to the CIA. The HSCA developed evidence that de Torres was actually a CIA officer with links to Military Intelligence. A well connected anti-Castro Cuban, Arturo Cobos told the FBI that de Torres was 'the man to call with contacts on a high level with the CIA in Washington, D.C.' The HSCA also came into possession of investigative information, which indicated that de Torres may have been in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination, and further, that he may have been involved in an assassination conspiracy, charges which de Torres denies. As for Garrison, he later came to believe that de Torres was one of his earliest sources of misinformation and recalled that whatever information de Torres provided never went anywhere. In the late 1970's, de Torres would be linked to the bombing assassination of Chilean leader Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C." (Ibid.; pp. 148-149.)

11. In RFA#30 and FTR#268 (among other broadcasts), we examined connecting links between the Iran-Contra scandal and the Letelier assassination.

12. FTR#288 concludes with discussion of connections between Iran-Contra drug smuggler Barry Seal, Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald. "On July 16, 1955, his 16th birthday, Seal got his pilot's license. The information will be contained in a forthcoming book, Barry and the Boys by Daniel Hopsicker. Two weeks later, he boarded a U.S. Air Force plane for a two-week summer camp with the Civil Air Patrol at Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport, Louisiana. There he came under the command of David Ferrie, and met fellow cadet Lee Harvey Oswald, two principal figures in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy." ("Inside the Octopus" by Preston Peet; The Best of High Times, #28; p. 81.)

13. Later in his career, Seal went to work for the 20th Special Forces Group, elements of which were giving military training to the Ku Klux Klan and were also present in Memphis, Tennessee on the day Martin Luther King was assassinated. (See also: FTR#46.) "He [seal] was assigned to the 21st Special Forces Group and went to jump school in Ft. Benning, Georgia. On May 1, 1963, Seal was assigned to Company D, Special Ops Detachment of the 20th Special Forces Group-Spec Forces Group Airborne." (Ibid.; p. 82.)

14. Some observers believe Seal may have been connected to the assassination of JFK. "During this time, just before President Kennedy was killed, an illuminating photograph was taken. A smiling 24-year-old Seal is seated at a nightclub table in Mexico City with [Watergate burglar] Frank Sturgis, [iran-Contra operative] Felix Rodriguez, and William Seymour, all members of the CIA's assassination squad, Operation 40. Louis Gaudin an air-traffic controller at Redbird Airport, located south of Dallas, told the FBI he recalled observing three men in business suits board a Comanche-type aircraft hours after the assassination. Seal owned such a plane, and many believe he flew the plane that spirited the assassins to Canada." (Idem.)

(For more on Seal, see also: RFA#'s 29, 33 and FTR#'s 181, 249. For more on Rodriguez, see also: RFA#'s 29, 30, FTR#268. For more on Sturgis, see G#3.) (Recorded on 4/8/2001.)

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......who became extremely interested in anything I knew about Donald O. Norton (the real LHO).


I've heard that Norton lived in Florida and had a bait & tackle store. Beyond that, I know very little about him.

As you know, in his book Harvey & Lee Armstrong mentioned a CIA agent named Donald P. Norton that received $150,000 from David Ferrie and delivered it to a contact in Havana in 1958.

I would be most interested in anything you have to say (maybe a new thread?) about Donald O. Norton. Thanks.

Mike Hogan

Edited by Michael Hogan
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Since creating my website and forum on the JFK assassination, I have been contacted by a lot of people offering information on the case that has not been published before. Some of these people needed to see a doctor. Others provided information that might have been true but was mainly speculation. However, some of these contacts have provided very important information. This included several people who have very close links to the CIA. It soon became clear that the CIA were trying to use me to spread disinformation. Included within this disinformation was accurate information. That is the way the CIA works. In fact, some of this information was “authorized” by the CIA. In other words, they wanted some information about the assassination to come out. This included the story that David Sanchez Morales and Rip Robertson helped organize the assassination.

There are other people who they have been very unwilling to give me information about other CIA operatives that I am convinced were involved in the assassination. For example, Carl E. Jenkins, Rafael Quintero and Bernardo de Torres. They were so-concerned about my posts on Quintero that they assigned one CIA asset to deal with my queries. According to this source, Quintero was a supporter of JFK and even helped RFK in the 1968 campaign. The thing that distinguishes Morales and Robertson from the others is that they are dead. Quintero died last month but he is currently still being protected.

It has also been made clear that my CIA sources were unwilling to help provide information on the cover-up. This is because this involved figures at the very top of the CIA. This of course includes John McCone, who was director of the CIA in 1963. I have also been warned that if post information of this cover-up via the forum or my website I am in danger of being “discredited”. I was told at the same time that the CIA no longer kill people trying to disclose information on covert activities. Interestingly, Gene Wheaton used the same term when he gave information on Jenkins and Quintero in the filmed interview with William Law.

My page on McCone was ranked number one at Google and other search-engines. As well as the information on the cover-up I have also exposed McCone’s corrupt relationship with Tommy Concoran, Stephen D. Bechtel and Henry J. Kaiser. The Bechel Corporation is currently enjoying multimillion contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The page is also linked to this thread where I have tried to show the links between these corrupt businessmen with the assassination of JFK and other progressive political leaders.


I suspect that the CIA will not have been too happy about my information on the role that McCone played in the cover-up. On 23rd November, 1963, the day after the assassination, McCone informed Lyndon B. Johnson that Lee Harvey Oswald had been in contact with Valery V. Kostikov, a Soviet diplomat, in Mexico. He also passed on information that Winston Scott, CIA station chief in Mexico, believed that Kostikov was a KGB agent who specialized in assassination.

Four days after the assassination, McCone sent a copy of a highly classified document to the White House, the State Department and the FBI. This document claimed that on 18th September, 1963, Gilberto Alvarado, an agent of the Nicaraguan Secret Service, had infiltrated the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, saw an employee of that embassy give $6,500 to Oswald, to carry out the assassination of an "important political figure."

Further investigations revealed that Alvarado admitted that he had made up this story to incite hostilities between the United States and Cuba. However, Alvarado's story continued to be promoted by McCone and Thomas C. Mann, the US ambassador in Mexico. In his book, The JFK Assassination Debates (2006), Michael L. Kurtz claims that both McCone and Mann "received reprimands" for trying to blame the assassination of John F. Kennedy on Fidel Castro.

The reason for this was that LBJ refused to have anything to do with the idea of a Soviet/Cuban conspiracy. The official story is the LBJ did this to avoid a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. That is of course a lot of rubbish. However, this decision, meant that the original conspiracy that was linked to the overthrow of both JFK and Castro, ended in failure.


"I have also been warned that if post information of this cover-up via the forum or my website I am in danger of being “discredited”. I was told at the same time that the CIA no longer kill people trying to disclose information on covert activities."

That's right, John. The do what they did to Gary Webb and others who tend to get in their way. Something known as, "character assassination."

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......who became extremely interested in anything I knew about Donald O. Norton (the real LHO).


I've heard that Norton lived in Florida and had a bait & tackle store. Beyond that, I know very little about him.

As you know, in his book Harvey & Lee Armstrong mentioned a CIA agent named Donald P. Norton that received $150,000 from David Ferrie and delivered it to a contact in Havana in 1958.

I would be most interested in anything you have to say (maybe a new thread?) about Donald O. Norton. Thanks.

Mike Hogan

Mike...the Donald O. Norton story is a very long one. Start a thread and I will contribute.

John Armstrong investigated it for more than a year, spending weeks in Ohio and Florida.

He had a long chapter on Norton, but decided for several reasons not to include it in

his already long book. His book could have easily run 2000 pages, and he had to cut

lots of stuff to keep it to one volume. Suffice it to say that John's research on Norton is

very compelling that he is the ORIGINAL BIRTH OSWALD.

Below, some comparisons of photos and handwriting. I will try to answer any Norton



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I certainly was fed much disinformation along with information over time......one does develop a kind of sense for it...but some always creeps in, for a while. One always needs to find multiple sources, and repeatedly ask onself if all the pieces fit, and not too easily nor from just one eager source. This is not an easy puzzle to fit all the pieces in. Professional organizations [and individuals] create new pieces, 'trim' and reshape the old ones, steal others, kill, threaten or discredit puzzle 'solvers', and many other tricks.

I think, however, we can take some credit in our success that they are scared enough to keep trying these tactics against the Truth they fear more than anything else. Current world society is based upon their lies and the expose' of them and the replacement truths will do what strong sunlight does to a slimemold.

Peter, weren't the disinfo agents who came to you after money? If so, I think it's fair to say they were of a different breed than whoever is messing with John's site.

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