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AMERICA: From Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo

Terry Mauro

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After viewing this movie by Aaron Russo, tell me:

"Now Who Killed The Kennedys? I said after all, it was you and me."


America Freedom to Fascism Authorized version

Avg: 5 star rating 3953 ratings



14,550 yesterday

rank 90 (-16) «

All Your Freedoms LLC

1 hr 49 min 28 sec - Oct 20, 2006


Browse: taxes, new world order, freedom, irs, federal reserve, rfid, money, fascism, constitution, america, aaron russo, 911, terror, tax, nwo, «

Browse: taxes, new world order, freedom, more »

Edited by Terry Mauro
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After viewing this movie by Aaron Russo, tell me:

"Now Who Killed The Kennedys? I said after all, it was you and me."


America Freedom to Fascism Authorized version

Avg: 5 star rating 3953 ratings



14,550 yesterday

rank 90 (-16) «

All Your Freedoms LLC

1 hr 49 min 28 sec - Oct 20, 2006


Browse: taxes, new world order, freedom, irs, federal reserve, rfid, money, fascism, constitution, america, aaron russo, 911, terror, tax, nwo, «

Browse: taxes, new world order, freedom, more »

There is something I would like to contribute here, first Terry Mauro has a lot of company there are millions of American's who feel the same way, they just don't have a voice in the current Orwellian media. There are a zillion events in America, USA that scream corruption, facism, and police state in an ascending scale over the last 30 years; state sanctioned assassinations, the A List of Assassinations, that once included JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, has expanded to include the deaths of several prominent American's which to say, seem suspicious in light of all known facts would be an understatement...and include Senator's John Tower, Paul Wellstone and possibly Sen John Heinz III. For the sake of debate, I will not mention Vincent Foster, but many people have, I will mention the assassination attempt on Pres. Reagan, when Papa San was Vice President and only a lone nut's bullet away from the White House, too bad about the "cropped" pictures that were in the paper the day after the Gipper took one for Team USA, the uncropped photos showed a person on top of the roof in the background.....[That is not a good sign...,when the media helps hide the truth about an assassination [attempt] but hey, it's not like it would be the first time].....and then there is the death of John Lennon, John was killed because he would have had the balls to speak out against supporting goon squads against the Sandinista's.......while Ruth Paine was down there supporting the fascist's like she always has. Enjoy Hell Mrs PAINE, God knows you deserve it.

What most American's do not know, [and yes Virginia what you don't know will not only kill you, it can topple a government] is that there are two pivotal events in American history which have helped us in turn, to get into a Series of Most Unfortunate Event's.

The first was the jettisoning of the fairness doctrine during the Reagan Era



that opened the door to the fruit loops taking over the air waves, the Rush Limbaugh's of the world, some of whom, no doubt idolized the godly [lol] Billy James Hargis; some of these people who claim to be religious but own diamond mines that employ slave labor [What Men of God}; Next thing you know memo's are coming down from corporate at good ole FOX news, [which then had been owned by Rupert Murdoch for three years with nary a programming change] saying "The Republican's are now the Party of God, and the Democrat's are evil slime headed by evil people who care about gasp, poor people, minorities and all the flotsam and jetsam of the world, in other words everyone in America who doesen't make a six-figure income.

That Virginia resulted in the birth of indy media....See Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism available at Blockbuster

The Second was the salient moment of the Iran Contra Hearing's when a real American Senator Jack Brooks [D-TX] tried to bring the disclosure of Ollie North running drug's back from Medillin land after dropping off supplies to the contras, See Barry and the Boy's Daniel Hopsicker; [Oliver North would later run an assassination squad right out of the White House.] But the problem was Sen Brooks was over-ruled by the Committee Chair the Honorable Sen. Daniel Inoue [D-Hawaii] saying "we will address that in executive session," in that one moment......the cat remained in the bag, where it has remained to this day, because Virginia if that had come out the Bush Dynasty would have never got off the ground, and Papa San would have been disgraced, because he was in the loop.....he has alway's been in the loop.

Final Thought: In the movie "V for Vendetta"....[a recent movie of note] showed footage of a British News Story [the setting was in the not too distant future] covering the Civil War in America......there is a rumor that what happened in Ohio in 2004 [and Dade County in 2000] is going to happen Tuesday November, 7th.

If that happen's...because there is no way that could happen without 'extreme ballot manipulation,' you will know that we have entered into a fascist theocracy.

Quaker Oats

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 4 weeks later...

After viewing this movie by Aaron Russo, tell me:

"Now Who Killed The Kennedys? I said after all, it was you and me."


America Freedom to Fascism Authorized version

Avg: 5 star rating 3953 ratings



14,550 yesterday

rank 90 (-16) «

All Your Freedoms LLC

1 hr 49 min 28 sec - Oct 20, 2006


Browse: taxes, new world order, freedom, irs, federal reserve, rfid, money, fascism, constitution, america, aaron russo, 911, terror, tax, nwo, «

Browse: taxes, new world order, freedom, more »

There is something I would like to contribute here, first Terry Mauro has a lot of company there are millions of American's who feel the same way, they just don't have a voice in the current Orwellian media. There are a zillion events in America, USA that scream corruption, facism, and police state in an ascending scale over the last 30 years; state sanctioned assassinations, the A List of Assassinations, that once included JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, has expanded to include the deaths of several prominent American's which to say, seem suspicious in light of all known facts would be an understatement...and include Senator's John Tower, Paul Wellstone and possibly Sen John Heinz III. For the sake of debate, I will not mention Vincent Foster, but many people have, I will mention the assassination attempt on Pres. Reagan, when Papa San was Vice President and only a lone nut's bullet away from the White House, too bad about the "cropped" pictures that were in the paper the day after the Gipper took one for Team USA, the uncropped photos showed a person on top of the roof in the background.....

I don't suppose anybody has "uncropped photos [showing] a person on top of the roof in the background" when Reagan was shot?

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