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JFK: Case not closed

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Arlen Specter still insists to Greta Van Susteren that CE399 entered in "the back of Kennedy's neck." Cyril Wecht was prominently featured. Gary Mack was very open to conspiracy. Recent interviews with Francis X. O'Neill, the Newmans, Michael Baden, B. J. Hargis, James Tague, and others.

In my opinion, this show presented much of the evidence that casts doubt on the SBT, despite Specter and an aged Gerald Ford being interviewed. Fox seemed fair and balanced this time, athough they tried to cover far too much ground in one hour. But that's the nature of news shows.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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I watched segments of it, as I viewed this documentary a couple of

years ago. The U.S. Marine, who was categorized as a "sharpshooter"

stated that it was a fairly easy shot (from the sixth floor of the TSBD).

He never did state if he attempted the shots himself, or if this was just an

opinion of his based on visual determination. If he did indeed attempt to

reenact the alleged shooting, he either failed miserably and the network

didn't want to delve into that embarrassment, or it was simply overlooked.

Does anyone remember if he said he attempted what he said was a fairly

easy shot? If he didn't attempt to duplicate the shots, then what he had to

say about it is a moot issue.

Bill C

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Does anyone remember if he said he attempted what he said was a fairly

easy shot? If he didn't attempt to duplicate the shots, then what he had to

say about it is a moot issue.

As I recall, the footage of the "sharpshooter" depicted him firing a Carcano at a firing range.

I don't remember anything being mentioned about efforts to duplicate the conditions that Oswald

allegedly faced.

Thanks for mentioning you had viewed it a couple of years ago. I erroneously thought I was watching something new.

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Arlen Specter still insists to Greta Van Susteren that CE399 entered in "the back of Kennedy's neck." Cyril Wecht was prominently featured. Gary Mack was very open to conspiracy. Recent interviews with Francis X. O'Neill, the Newmans, Michael Baden, B. J. Hargis, James Tague, and others.

In my opinion, this show presented much of the evidence that casts doubt on the SBT, despite Specter and an aged Gerald Ford being interviewed. Fox seemed fair and balanced this time, athough they tried too cover far too much ground in one hour. But that's the nature of news shows.


I came in on the end of this show, and was totally surprised that Greta would make this an issue.

She came into TV journalism as an expert legal witness during the OJ murder trial and stayed on.

Now I've seen the whole show - not bad. I'm sure it will be on again if shown twice in one night.

It's an overview of the forensic evidence, with great weight placed on Dr. Wecht, Gary Mack saying there are unanswered questions worth pursuing, and a call for renewed forensic examinations of bullet fragments from the limo for microscopic material and DNA, and additional scull X ray, which they didn't mention, would preclude a new, total forensic autopsy.

They also quote Spector as saying the WC didn't have access to Bathesda photos and autopsy x rays "out of deferment to the Kennedy family," as if the Kennedy family didn't want he WC to look at them. Just as they blame the Kennedy family for interfering with the autopsy. The family of the victim has NO say in the investigation of a homicide, and a full forensic autopsy will one day be conducted.

Greta seems to be leading the new mainstream media charge for new investigation. What's going on?

What's next Nancy Grace grilling Ruth Paine?

"What do you mean you transported the alledged murder weapon from Dallas to New Orleans and back again, and didn't know it?"


Edited by William Kelly
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Greta seems to be leading the new mainstream media charge for new investigation. What's going on?

What's next Nancy Grace grilling Ruth Paine?

I missed this show but I agree that it is new twist for Greta. A trend maybe?

Grace grilling Ruth Paine. Now there's one damn good idea. Bill why don't you contact her

with this idea. Nancy is so unrelenting she'd likey get Paine to confess all.


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Arlen Specter still insists to Greta Van Susteren that CE399 entered in "the back of Kennedy's neck." Cyril Wecht was prominently featured. Gary Mack was very open to conspiracy. Recent interviews with Francis X. O'Neill, the Newmans, Michael Baden, B. J. Hargis, James Tague, and others.

In my opinion, this show presented much of the evidence that casts doubt on the SBT, despite Specter and an aged Gerald Ford being interviewed. Fox seemed fair and balanced this time, athough they tried too cover far too much ground in one hour. But that's the nature of news shows.


I came in on the end of this show, and was totally surprised that Greta would make this an issue.

She came into TV journalism as an expert legal witness during the OJ murder trial and stayed on.

Now I've seen the whole show - not bad. I'm sure it will be on again if shown twice in one night.

It's an overview of the forensic evidence, with great weight placed on Dr. Wecht, Gary Mack saying there are unanswered questions worth pursuing, and a call for renewed forensic examinations of bullet fragments from the limo for microscopic material and DNA, and additional scull X ray, which they didn't mention, would preclude a new, total forensic autopsy.

They also quote Spector as saying the WC didn't have access to Bathesda photos and autopsy x rays "out of deferment to the Kennedy family," as if the Kennedy family didn't want he WC to look at them. Just as they blame the Kennedy family for interfering with the autopsy. The family of the victim has NO say in the investigation of a homicide, and a full forensic autopsy will one day be conducted.

Greta seems to be leading the new mainstream media charge for new investigation. What's going on?

What's next Nancy Grace grilling Ruth Paine?

"What do you mean you transported the alledged murder weapon from Dallas to New Orleans and back again, and didn't know it?"


My world was turned somewhat upside down, FOX running a prime time show critiquing rather harshly, in some places the new and improved [lol] conclusions of the Warren Report, and nary a glimpse of Gerald Posner? The title! The most impressive segment, by far the point/counterpoint segment re: The Single Bullet Theory...first interviewing Arlen Specter, and a ridiculous clip of a one sentence statement by Grald Ford stating the Single Bullet Theory blah, blah....just as valid as ever, yada, yada. Then a very incredible [visually] clip of Cyril Wecht detailing the 'defying the laws of physics' path of CE 399 with red laser type line's through two skeletons....Bam! Priceless, any objective person would have to come away with the conclusion that Greta and the producers of the show nailed the utter ridiculousness of their 'learned' convictions. Best moment of the show. Is FOX 'abandoning the good ship USS NEOCON? Probably not, but the timing of the airing of the show is surprising to me, even if it had aired previously.

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Greta seems to be leading the new mainstream media charge for new investigation. What's going on?

What's next Nancy Grace grilling Ruth Paine?

I missed this show but I agree that it is new twist for Greta. A trend maybe?

Grace grilling Ruth Paine. Now there's one damn good idea. Bill why don't you contact her

with this idea. Nancy is so unrelenting she'd likey get Paine to confess all.



This program was first shown on Fox a couple of years ago. Since then, we've heard

nothing from Greta in the form of a follow up documentary. Actually, I haven't heard her speak

about the assassination since that first broadcast. It would be terrific if people like Greta and

Nancy Grace were allowed to investigate the assassination more deeply than the networks are

accustomed to doing. What's fascinating about the Fox documentary is that it actually came from

Fox. I have to say, as a continuing critic of that network, Greta's program on the assassination

was a more in depth investigation than I have seen in a very long time.

Bill C

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This program was first shown on Fox a couple of years ago. Since then, we've heard

nothing from Greta in the form of a follow up documentary. Actually, I haven't heard her speak

about the assassination since that first broadcast. It would be terrific if people like Greta and

Nancy Grace were allowed to investigate the assassination more deeply than the networks are

accustomed to doing. What's fascinating about the Fox documentary is that it actually came from

Fox. I have to say, as a continuing critic of that network, Greta's program on the assassination

was a more in depth investigation than I have seen in a very long time.

Bill C

I agree. Overall, this was quite a good program. They called Specter on some of his bs, but not all. They implied he never saw the autopsy photos during the WC investigation, but failed to note that, by his own admission, he did see the back wound photo. They had the golden opportunity to show him the photo and ask if the wound was on the back or back of the neck, but failed to ask him the 1 million dollar question.

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I agree. Overall, this was quite a good program. They called Specter on some of his bs, but not all. They implied he never saw the autopsy photos during the WC investigation, but failed to note that, by his own admission, he did see the back wound photo. They had the golden opportunity to show him the photo and ask if the wound was on the back or back of the neck, but failed to ask him the 1 million dollar question.

Unquestionably, Arlen Specter will go to his grave defending the SBT. After all, it helped get him to the influential position in government that he holds today.

Still, how this man can sit in front of the camera and claim that CE399 entered President Kennedy "in the back of the neck" is beyond the pale. His failure to acknowledge all the evidence to the contrary is reprehensible.

As long as Americans can elect officials like Arlen Specter, they will get exactly what they deserve. What on earth have the voters of Pennsylvania been thinking all these years?

Arlen Specter and the rest of the Warren Commission did such a disservice to the country they were sworn to serve, it is stranger than fiction that so many of them prospered.

Although Specter's theory has been long discredited, Specter the man should be held accountable. Sadly, that is never going to happen.

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During the televised circus trial of OJ Simpson, Greta VanSusteren was

the only voice of reason and sanity. She clearly looked at both sides

of the evidence, instead of just one side, like most.

On the basis of her fairness, I sent her a complimentary fan mail along

with one of my LHO posters, suggesting that she investigate the JFK

murder. I wonder whether she ever studied the poster, and whether

it influenced her.


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