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Head Shot

Ashton Gray

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Ashton Gray

Thanks again Aston. Very cool image. I dont know how you do it! I guess there isnt too much you cant do with your program! Your going to have a waiting list pretty soon, with people waiting to see their theory put into your images! It really enables you to put theorys to work, and to actually see what may have, or could have happened. Thanks.


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I guess there isnt too much you cant do with your program!

So far it hasn't helped me fry eggs any better. I've had to learn to enjoy my eggs scrambled.

That's zooming movie is from the lower of two windows in the recessed connecting structure between the County Courts and County Records building, which John Dolva had suggested I get added to the model. I should have noted that when I first posted, but at the time I had soon-to-be-scrambled eggs on the stove.


Edited by Ashton Gray
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Ashton Gray


Gosh, I didn't realize that Jackie and John were sitting so far apart at the time of the "head shot."

FWIW, Thomas B)


Gee, it's a gosher. You can't gosh the geeer, Thomas. B)

I have no indication that the planted place of their respective bottoms changed from this location to the headshot:


I realize they lean somewhat toward each other, and that she reaches for him, so tell me how cozy you want them to get, and I'll see if I can get 'em there. (And she still won't interfere with a shot from the window depicted in the Quicktime file.)


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I'd suggest something a bit more like this with Kennedy sitting closer to the midline of the Limo. However as you say it doesn't change as far as making the shot less possible.

Edited by John Dolva
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[quote name='Richard Bittikofer' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:56 PM' post='83314']

You can not trust the zapruder film!

This may be a stupid question, but why on earth did you insert Ashton Gray's photo here? Is this supposed to be funny? If so it is not. Ashton is often very funny and I love his sarcasam so much that Pat Speer says I am drinking his kool-aid. B)

But this is just dumb. If you have anything relevent to add to this debate bring it on.


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I have no indication that the planted place of their respective bottoms changed from this location to the headshot:


Planting of bottoms aside...

Correlating the z-film, Nix, and the still photographs (Moorman's polaroid is the most useful, for this), one can see that JFK is leaning (listing, in nautical parlance) to his left quite noticeably at the time of the head shot.

Of perhaps equal or even greater importance is that his head is turned notably to the left. (Consult Don Roberdeau's DP plat for reasonably accurate head-turn angles)

These are important distinctions as it changes the aspect of the head relative to the shooter. In other words, listing left and looking left (both of which JFK was doing at the time of the headshot) changes the area of the skull that is presented to the shooters.

It isn't so much a "Jackie getting in the way" issue as it is "could the shooter hit the right hemisphere of the skull" issue. The animation you created *could* hit the right (and only the right) hemisphere based on the way you have JFK facing. However, I'm not sure this is the case if an accurate listing and head turn is added.

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John, thanks very much for the graphic suggestion. Within the fairly tight contraints I currently have to work with in this regard, I've attempted at least to approximate what you drew, and will re-do the movie.


Thanks, too, for your insights, none of which I disagree with.

That said, this is to both of you, and anyone else who takes an interest:

I don't have articulated 3D people models, so simply cannot—and that's cannot—reach the level of meticulously accurate reconstruction that I'd love to see every bit as much as anyone viewing these.

I'm working with stock 3D figures whose physical attitudes and positions are rigid. It's akin to working with plastic army men: you can put 'em on the carpet, but you can't make them drink from their canteen.

Even to get those figures to approximate the actual positions, I've got the "Jacquie" figure with her feet through the floorboards of the limo like Barney Rubble trying to stop the machine. B):)

Modeling custom articulated figures is somewhere on the "To Do" list, and I've got a friend who has a copy of the Dealey model, and thinks he might be able to help by working with some stock articulated men and women 3D models, so I'm hopeful about that and am waiting to see what he comes up with.

That said, he and I and the other handful of people who have contributed in some way to making something of this all have jobs and families and lives that simply have to take precedence, however passionate any of us might be about helping all to get to the truth. I greatly, deeply appreciate the suggestions and interest, though, and please know that they all are taken to heart with a view to constantly improving this tool over time.


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I've adjusted the attitudes of the 3D figures representing JFK and Jacquie in an attempt to get at least a little closer to actuality until I can get articulated models to put into the scene.

Meanwhile, even without such accuracy down to fractions of degrees and millimeters, it's currently my conclusion that the head shot from the purported Oswald location is a joke, despite all the blood-drenched gold and silver passing hands to sell such a trainload of fertilizer:



Compare that shot with the latest views from the lower window in the connecting structure between the County Courts and County Records buildings (even with a bigger tree put into the center spot in the north peristyle):



Ashton Gray

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