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What is it with George H.W. Bush's crying?

Ron Ecker

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Bush the Elder breaks down and cries while talking about son Jeb. This is not the first time I have seen Bush cry when talking about his family. I remember seeing him do it on some TV interview show. What does this mean? According to all that's been written here and elsewhere about this former CIA director and VP, he is a totally ruthless, unscruplous individual who may have even had a hand in the JFK assassination. Could his crying be some manifestation of guilt that really has nothing to do with his loveable sons? Are there any psychologists here?


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glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

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glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. :)

Bush the Elder breaks down and cries while talking about son Jeb. This is not the first time I have seen Bush cry when talking about his family. I remember seeing him do it on some TV interview show. What does this mean? According to all that's been written here and elsewhere about this former CIA director and VP, he is a totally ruthless, unscruplous individual who may have even had a hand in the JFK assassination. Could his crying be some manifestation of guilt that really has nothing to do with his loveable sons? Are there any psychologists here?


I was just reading about that. Too amusing to see Poppy whining about supposed dirty tricks against Jeb.

Unless they include someone blowing Jeb's head off and massacring his family, Godfather Bush should just spare us the hypocricy go back to barfing on people.

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glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. ;)

Myra, Do you mean Clinton is trying to seduce the entire female population and it is lost on those of us of a male persuasion? lol

Hope you don't feel slighted Peter. President Clinton is attractive, but he's a traditional kinda guy. ;)

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Unless they include someone blowing Jeb's head off and massacring his family, Godfather Bush should just spare us the hypocricy go back to barfing on people.

Myra, you make ME puke.


Stan Hayes

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Guest Richard Bittikofer

glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. ;)

Myra, Do you mean Clinton is trying to seduce the entire female population and it is lost on those of us of a male persuasion? lol

Hope you don't feel slighted Peter. President Clinton is attractive, but he's a traditional kinda guy. ;)

President Clinton is part that faction that believes in abortions, tree hugging, global warming ,homosexals ! Compare the the deaths in Irag, compared to those committed by the left wing killers through abortion! And while you are at it,go back and look at the coup in 1960 when JFK stoled the election from Richard Nixon! Wake up Myra,you are one of those sheeple!!!!!!!!!
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glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. :unsure:

Myra, Do you mean Clinton is trying to seduce the entire female population and it is lost on those of us of a male persuasion? lol

Hope you don't feel slighted Peter. President Clinton is attractive, but he's a traditional kinda guy. :huh:

President Clinton is part that faction that believes in abortions, tree hugging, global warming ,homosexals ! Compare the the deaths in Irag, compared to those committed by the left wing killers through abortion! And while you are at it,go back and look at the coup in 1960 when JFK stoled the election from Richard Nixon! Wake up Myra,you are one of those sheeple!!!!!!!!!

Ron, Im surely not a psychologist, but i think he is crying tears of joy just thinking of a third Bush being elected President in the not so distant future to carry on his warmonger attitude! LOL! Jeb wins it by a hair after a ballot counting problem in his home state [sound familiar?], and is blamed on voting machine malfunctions! The fianl result comes after weeks of recounting, after his opponent had already been declared the victor!!


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Guest Richard Bittikofer

glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. :unsure:

President Clinton is part that faction that believes in abortions, tree hugging, global warming ,homosexuals ! Compare the the deaths in Irag, compared to those committed by the left wing killers through abortion! And while you are at it,go back and look at the coup in 1960 when JFK stoled the election from Richard Nixon! Wake up Myra,you are one of those sheeple!!!!!!!!!

Myra, Do you mean Clinton is trying to seduce the entire female population and it is lost on those of us of a male persuasion? lol

Hope you don't feel slighted Peter. President Clinton is attractive, but he's a traditional kinda guy. :huh:

Edited by Richard Bittikofer
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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

As President Bush said himself:

" I'm a loving kinda guy."

Or as Lyndon Johnson once said:

" A man who can't cry once in a while isn't worth a damn."

(I don't know exact source for this quote from LBJ. Try some biographies.)


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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The Bush family is going thru a bad case of the "blue what-ifs."

What if Jeb had won in Florida in '94? He would have run for President in

2000, not Geo. With Jeb you have an effective fascist, not this nincompoop

running around turning everything he touches into xxxx.

Instead of Michael, we got Fredo.

The Godfather is crying over the ruination of the family political brand.

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What if Jeb had won in Florida in '94? He would have run for President in

2000, not Geo. With Jeb you have an effective fascist, not this nincompoop

running around turning everything he touches into xxxx.

Things wouldn't have been much better with Jeb as president. Like Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowtiz, Jeb was a card-carrying member of PNAC, whose agenda called for the invasion of Iraq (well before 9/11, PNAC's wished-for "new Pearl Harbor"), with dreams after that of invading everybody else who needed invading. Dubya had probably never even heard of PNAC (it's possible that he still hasn't) before it took over his administration on inauguration day. But same results in the end.

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Myra, you make ME puke.


Stan Hayes

Now Sincere Stan, this isn't a forum for the squeamish. If you have nausea problem with mere rhetoric, then that doesn't bode well for your ability to face the many bloody murders of the Bush Crime Family.

Just to desensitize you, I've included some links dealing with a mere fraction of their crimes:




But since rhetoric seems to bother you more than reality, let's substitute a warm fuzzy soothing word for anything that might remotely offend your delicate sensibilities:

In January 2003 a small volunteer team started methodically counting all non-combatants reported muffined in the invasion and military occupation of Iraq. Not even the most pessimistic of us predicted that nearly four years later we would still be adding the muffins and muffiny to our database on a daily basis.


Unless they include someone blowing Jeb's muffin off and muffining his family, Godfather Bush should just spare us the hypocricy go back to muffining on people.

All better?

glib sociopaths do better.

Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.)

Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. ;)

Myra, Do you mean Clinton is trying to seduce the entire female population and it is lost on those of us of a male persuasion? lol

Hope you don't feel slighted Peter. President Clinton is attractive, but he's a traditional kinda guy. ;)

President Clinton is part that faction that believes in abortions, tree hugging, global warming ,homosexals ! Compare the the deaths in Irag, compared to those committed by the left wing killers through abortion! And while you are at it,go back and look at the coup in 1960 when JFK stoled the election from Richard Nixon! Wake up Myra,you are one of those sheeple!!!!!!!!!

Ya know what Richard, people actually present evidence in a research forum. You know, links, documents, pictures, books. Show us some genuine evidence of your claims or continue to be ignored.

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Bush the Elder breaks down and cries while talking about son Jeb. This is not the first time I have seen Bush cry when talking about his family. I remember seeing him do it on some TV interview show. What does this mean? According to all that's been written here and elsewhere about this former CIA director and VP, he is a totally ruthless, unscruplous individual who may have even had a hand in the JFK assassination. Could his crying be some manifestation of guilt that really has nothing to do with his loveable sons? Are there any psychologists here?


Good thread on DU--How crying has helped Bush to murder people before:


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He may just be in his dotage. A lifetime of filling up with things to feel miserable about and now the cup runneth over. The spillage naturally occurs in areas of most attachment and may have little to do with the filling.

meanwhile, in the White House, Junior keeps up appearances:

The Secretary of Defence's daily presidential briefing concludes with "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

OH NO! Bush exclaims. That's terrible! His staff sit stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the he sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

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