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Shot from the North

John Dolva

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original post #200 from Missing Nix Frames topic :


Rather than offneding any particular person by appearing to devalue their opinions by failing to transfer their comments to this thread from the Nix topic. I'll transfer only my own up-dated position. In the process some input is not catered for. This doesn't mean it's not relevant, just that I, and only I, choose this as the relevant matters. Corrections most welcome.


The timing of the Nix and Zap headshot frames enables an alternative understanding of the fragment paths seen in both films.

At this moment Z and N are standing opposite each other with the limo almost directly in between them.

This means that for the fragment paths (as I understand it) are of fragments travelling almost directly south on a shallow trajectory.

If one heads north of this one intersects the collonade in a particular spot.

If one focuses on this spot and crops the frames to there and aligns them very carefully (BTW Bill, this is the answer to your suggestion regarding the trees that arise from aligning the limo) in this area one finds a movement that is independent of the general blotchy and skewish (this is low resolution and near the edge where lens distortions are greater) area.

Noew, if one analyses this independent movement frame by frame, one finds that the angle suggested by this independent movement points towards Kennedys head. EXCEPT where there are objects in between the head and this area. Further, after the headshot frames, before this area moves out of frame, the angle suggested by the three light-dark-light bars in this area (which coincides with the second opening from the bottom of the ninth column of openings from the left) rapidly approaches horizontal.


NOW, a look at the witness statements suggests a new intertpretation that effectively removes the need to interpret, but just largely accepting them at face value sans qualifications.

This leads to a reasonable suggestion:

The fragment paths, the tracking movements, the witness statements, that, indeed, the headshot was fired from this location.

The location is hidden from the Switching Tower, from the TSBD and the Underpass.


It seems to me to necessitate a ghilled rifle with a flash cone. Further, it is a strike that fragments (ie supersonic) that strikes where BN (Bill Newman) suggests, in the temple area, though I'd suggest rear of this but about that high on the head, where it fragments and fragments skip south, bone, and other matter is ejected as seen, but it is to the south, where the Harper fragment is later found. This is why it is not seen in the Mucmore film as it has already passed out of frame. If it was moving forward or back it would be captured.

The last that is seen or heard of Jackies hat is as it lies on Kennedy as he is wheeled in to emergency.

(credit to Don for base DP image)

Edited by John Dolva
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Not wanting to clutter up Ed's topic with this speculation, but drawing on that and some other findings.::

"Man in long coat shoots, immediately breaks rifle and rewraps in the ghill.

J. Smith rushes into the RR yard from the east, where he encounters a SS man in long dark coat who flashes badge. Smith continues into RR yard.

The man, with the rifle under coat goes around the collonade into the covered sentry box where he hands the lady the ghillied rifle, she puts the stock end in her large purse and bundles the lower end of the ghill material in/around her hand and purse handles and hands him the cap.

Nice ladies, particularly ones dressed as nurses don't carry rifles, and cops do escort people.

They mingle and slowly make their way across the plaza to the PO. where the rifle is handed in to later become the rifle that is presented as the murder weapon."

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The gross matters that were readily seen at the time (because they were meant to be?) have become the focal point of all investigations. The smoke, the rush to the Knoll, which necessarily becomes a rush through a narrow approach etc has shifted the focus from the true shot origin.

The simplest explanation, no matter how unpalatable, at least must be considered. The successful debunking of same will also educate and in case it can't be debunked, it must be taken for what it is.

Very many witness statements about shot origin appear to be exactly what they mean. There is no need to argue or interpret them. Behind for Zapruder and Newmans etc mean exactly that.

Smith saw what he saw. The Bell film captured what it captured. The Nix film and the Z film captured exactly what they captured from directly opposite sides of the headshot and Muchmore film ditto. There is no mystery. It's all very simple and clear. One needs simply wrench oneself out of the sticky pre-judice mindset of what one has been told is, and like Ashton says so well, see what is.

Some anomalies that are ignored wholesale because the don't fit any previous theories are easily explained. Take the top of head photo. There is a bullet wide tear through the dura just under the skull (or where it would be) and next to it a clearly visible blowhole with the hair plastered back all around. These two are inline but perpendicular to a shot from the front or a shot from the back.

But nicely inline with a shot from the collonade area, or directly behind the Newmans where they said the shot came from.

Edited by John Dolva
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>Not wanting to clutter up Ed's topic with this speculation, but drawing on that and some other findings.<

I thought I heard my name.

>The man, with the rifle under coat goes around the collonade into the covered sentry box where he hands the lady the ghillied rifle, she puts the stock end in her large purse and bundles the lower end of the ghill material in/around her hand and purse handles and hands him the cap.< By covered sentry box do you mean the cupola(s)?

>Nice ladies, particularly ones dressed as nurses don't carry rifles, and cops do escort people.< An Annie Oakley/Florence Nightingale combination, kinky?

>They mingle and slowly make their way across the plaza to the PO. where the rifle is handed in to later become the rifle that is presented as the murder weapon."< Harry Holmes and Terminal Annex Bld.

Could this be the black couple who sitzman saw on the bench. Whats in his jacket?

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John, I've only now found a few minutes to get the (incomplete, but better) new limo into the 3D model, to get the pergolas set into the landscape so I think they are right, and try to set up the headshot from the place it seems you were suggesting. I got somewhat confused because at first you seemed to be indicating the 2nd section in the curve of the north pergola breezeway away from the southwest shelter, then in more recent images you seem to be indicating the 3rd section in the curve of the breezeway. I've set a shot up from the latter, for whatever it's worth, which may be far less than the price of admission:


I can't seem to finesse the angle in any way that would tend toward any expectations of keeping Jacquie's face intact. I tried.


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Ashton, that's excellent. Remember that the shot happened a moment before 313 and that Jackie and John, were like in this image at that time. Jackie is still not in line and the area is just clear of spectators. Ideal. I wouldn't have shot much before or much after. It's almost a flat trjectory which makes sense of the fragment paths seen in 23 and 313 much more than the high skips from right or left of this.

Robin, thank's for all the images, some will take some time to look through. Thank's for the timing of the aerial photo. And the view from the collonade to street.

Ed, odd slump of the thing the guy is carrying. Maybe thick leather jacket? I've called the cupola a sentry box. If cupola is the better understood term, I'lll call it that instead.

Edited by John Dolva
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This perhaps explains why the limo braked . The shot is so close that Greer hears it almost instantly and as his foot is probably hovering over the brake pedal, he instantly reacts and the forward tilt of Kennedy's head seen in 313 occurs.

Also the position of Kennedy as far as the shooter goes is with more of the back of his head seen than what it seems like from Zaps position. Jackie is also lower than seen in Zaps view and slightly more behind Kennedy but nowhere enough to be in line of the shot.

It also makes me take RR Carrs (in the (unfinished) building in the far corner) report of seeing something strike the ground more seriously.

EDIT:::Hmmm, the connections come hard and fast. The people reacting to the shot's like Toni and the Newmans is in getting out of the line of this shot. Toni doesn't recoil from the Limo location, but from her left. - free your mind from the turgid miasma of a shot from the front or back

Edited by John Dolva
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Could this be the black couple who Sitzman saw on the bench. What's in his jacket?



Great post. Although I can't make out a "couple" in the second photo, I do want to thank you for posting both photos at the same time. I for one never realized that the same guy is in both of them. In the first photo, not only does it look like he's carrying something sizeable and rigid under his jacket, but there seems to be something sticking up out of his right rear pocket which is concealed by his untucked-in shirt, and he looks like he might even be talking into or listening to a walkie-talkie/radio in his left hand! Speaking of untucked-in shirts, I think this is the only guy I've seen a photo of who was in Dealy Plaza right before or right after the asassination whose shirt wasn't tucked in. Maybe back in '63 in conservative Dallas, it was considered to be in "bad taste" or evidence of an uncultured upbringing to wear one's shirt untucked-in, especially in the presence of the President and his beautiful wife? If my theory is correct, then maybe the only reason this guy was walking around with his shirt untucked-in, at the risk of appearing rather boorish, was to conceal something, perhaps something very much like that which is easy to discern, as pointed out by Ron Ecker in another thread, in the photos of "Dark Complected Man" (DCM) walking down the sidewalk after sitting next to "Umbrella Man" on the curb, talking into a walkie-talkie/radio as he sits there looking down Elm Street after the "hit." Hmmm... If this guy in the two photos you posted was a conspirator, then maybe he and the guys he's shown talking with in the second photo aren't American "Negroes" after all, but dark-complected Cubans instead? Or even better, maybe he's "mingling" for a few minutes with some Afro-Americans in order to blend in and, so to speak, "disappear?"

It's interesting to note that the bottoms of the guy's jeans(?) legs seem to be rolled up, making impromptu cuffs as if he's really poor or a real "hick." Maybe his controller told him to do that do that, in order to "complement" the goucheness of his untucked-in shirt, thereby making the concealing of the thing in his back pocket somehow less obvious???




Edited by Thomas Graves
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