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The Death of Gerald Ford

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CNN is reporting Gerald Ford has died. The media is determined to remember him in the best possible light.

Please see the following for Gerald Ford:



It is important that we use this opportunity to publicize the role he played in both the cover-up of the assassination of JFK and Watergate.

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He was a loyal foot soldier for the regime.

Maybe they'll name the next war after him or something.

Or a car like the new "Ford Pardon"

If he were still alive I would give him a pat on the back, but he would report it as the neck.


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He was a loyal foot soldier for the regime.

Maybe they'll name the next war after him or something.

Or a car like the new "Ford Pardon"

If he were still alive I would give him a pat on the back, but he would report it as the neck.


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A bit of formatting will increase the probability of a text to last a little longer. Still curious how long it will remain online now.


Rest in peace, loyal boyscout who made a career out of covering up for others. Gerald wasn't entirely evil like LBJ, Nixon, Poppy and Dubya, but was more a clean and cover up artist with little or no original plans as was clear during his presidency which could only be described as dull, grey and maintaining the status quo without any original plans whatsoever.

Then again covering up seems to be very good for one's career, because Bill Clinton got the job because he looked the other way at Mena were the CIA was importing massive amounts of cocaine to finance George H.W. Bush's Iran-Contra. Why did they try to impeach him for a blow job when there was a snow job as well or was it because he worked with George H.W. Bush and the CIA on that little affair.

Since Dubya will probably be succeeded by Hillary Clinton (2008) and Rudi "WTC" Giuliani (2016), we'll only have Carter so my request to John Simkin is not go skull digging in Jimmy Carter's career, because he'll be the only half decent president in the Era of Rogue Presidents (1963 - 2024).

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He was a loyal foot soldier for the regime.

Maybe they'll name the next war after him or something.

Or a car like the new "Ford Pardon"

If he were still alive I would give him a pat on the back, but he would report it as the neck.


I like the "Ford Duplicity". Standard features include unlimited (hot) air bags. :lol:

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CNN is reporting Gerald Ford has died. The media is determined to remember him in the best possible light.

Please see the following for Gerald Ford:



It is important that we use this opportunity to publicize the role he played in both the cover-up of the assassination of JFK and Watergate.


This is an AP article from July of 1997, in response to notes that showed how

Ford altered JFK's back wound into a neck wound. Of course, moving the wound

from JFK's back to his neck facilitated the ridiculous SB theory that Ford and Specter

were pushing.

Bill C

Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized


Cited under "fair use".


The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (July 2) - Thirty-three years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in

hand and changed - ever so slightly - the Warren Commission's key sentence

on the place where a bullet entered John F. Kennedy's body when he was

killed in Dallas.

The effect of Ford's change was to strengthen the commission's conclusion

that a single bullet passed through Kennedy and severely wounded Texas

Gov. John Connally - a crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey

Oswald was the sole gunman.

A small change, said Ford on Wednesday when it came to light, one intended

to clarify meaning, not alter history.

''My changes had nothing to do with a conspiracy theory,'' he said in a

telephone interview from Beaver Creek, Colo. ''My changes were only an

attempt to be more precise.''

But still, his editing was seized upon by members of the conspiracy

community, which rejects the commission's conclusion that Oswald acted


''This is the most significant lie in the whole Warren Commission

report,'' said Robert D. Morningstar, a computer systems specialist in New

York City who said he has studied the assassination since it occurred and

written an Internet book about it.

The effect of Ford's editing, Morningstar said, was to suggest that a

bullet struck Kennedy in the neck, ''raising the wound two or three

inches. Without that alteration, they could never have hoodwinked the

public as to the true number of assassins.''

If the bullet had hit Kennedy in the back, it could not have struck

Connolly in the way the commission said it did, he said.

The Warren Commission concluded in 1964 that a single bullet - fired by a

''discontented'' Oswald - passed through Kennedy's body and wounded his

fellow motorcade passenger, Connally, and that a second, fatal bullet,

fired from the same place, tore through Kennedy's head.

The assassination of the president occurred Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas;

Oswald was arrested that day but was shot and killed two days later as he

was being transferred from the city jail to the county jail.

Conspiracy theorists reject the idea that a single bullet could have hit

both Kennedy and Connally and done such damage. Thus they argue that a

second gunman must have been involved.

Ford's changes tend to support the single-bullet theory by making a

specific point that the bullet entered Kennedy's body ''at the back of his

neck'' rather than in his uppermost back, as the commission staff

originally wrote.

Ford's handwritten notes were contained in 40,000 pages of records kept by

J. Lee Rankin, chief counsel of the Warren Commission.

They were made public Wednesday by the Assassination Record Review Board,

an agency created by Congress to amass all relevant evidence in the case.

The documents will be available to the public in the National Archives.

The staff of the commission had written: ''A bullet had entered his back

at a point slightly above the shoulder and to the right of the spine.''

Ford suggested changing that to read: ''A bullet had entered the back of

his neck at a point slightly to the right of the spine.''

The final report said: ''A bullet had entered the base of the back of his

neck slightly to the right of the spine.''

Ford, then House Republican leader and later elevated to the presidency

with the 1974 resignation of Richard Nixon, is the sole surviving member

of the seven-member commission chaired by Chief Justice Earl Warren.

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Ford should be remembered for pardoning Nixon, for assisting in the JFK assassination cover-up, for never having been elected, for falling down, for vetoing any bill that wasn't military in nature, for being a snitch for the Dame, for authorizing unauthorized material for his book, for Squeaky Fromme and whatever the hell that was really all about, for violating the Constitutional Right to the Freedom of Speech by aiding in the banning of the final three episodes of TMWKK, and for maintaining that the Warren Report got it right about Lee Oswald for the remainder of his life.

Maybe the value of all of his signed special editions of the Warren Report will finally see a price increase on eBay.

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Ford should be remembered for pardoning Nixon, for assisting in the JFK assassination cover-up, for never having been elected, for falling down, for vetoing any bill that wasn't military in nature, for being a snitch for the Dame, for authorizing unauthorized material for his book, for Squeaky Fromme and whatever the hell that was really all about, for violating the Constitutional Right to the Freedom of Speech by aiding in the banning of the final three episodes of TMWKK, and for maintaining that the Warren Report got it right about Lee Oswald for the remainder of his life.


And let us not forget the infamous statement made by then President Ford

during a presidential debate with Jimmy Carter on October 6, 1976:

MR. FRANKEL: I'm sorry, could I just follow -- did I understand you to say, sir, that the Russians are not using Eastern Europe as their own sphere of influence in occupying most of the countries there and making sure with their troops that it's a Communist zone, whereas on our side of the line the Italians and the French are still flirting with the possibility of Communism?

THE PRESIDENT: I don't believe, Mr. Frankel that the Yugoslavians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union. I don't believe that the Rumanians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union. I don't believe that the Poles consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union. Each of those countries is independent, autonomous; it has its own territorial integrity. And the United States does not concede that those countries are under the domination of the Soviet Union. As a matter of fact, I visited Poland, Yugoslavia and Rumania to make certain that the people of those countries understood that the President of the United States and the people of the United States are dedicated to their independence, their autonomy and their freedom.

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I thought it might be worthwhile adding some information about Gerald Ford that will not appear in his wikipedia biography. For a start, they have not got his name right. His name at birth was Leslie King. His parents divorced when he was an infant and his mother remarried a paint salesman in Michigan. Leslie's name was then changed to that of his stepfather, Gerald Rudolph Ford. He did not find out about this until he was 17. His real father was fairly wealthy and he became very bitter that he had been brought up in poverty.

Ford was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946. He was re-elected to the next eleven Congresses. He soon developed a reputation as a right-wing politician. As Harold Jackson pointed out: "He built up an impressive record of flat-earth conservatism. He voted against federal aid for education and housing, repeatedly resisted increases in the minimum wage, tried to block the introduction of medical care for the elderly, and consistently fought any measures to combat pollution. At the same time he supported virtually all increases in defence spending."

In the 1964 presidential election. Lyndon B. Johnson, who had been a popular leader during his year in office, easily defeated Barry Goldwater by 42,328,350 votes to 26,640,178. Johnson gained 61 per cent of the popular vote, giving him the largest majority ever achieved by an American president. Another consequence of the election was that the House of Representatives had the largest Democratic majority since 1936. Gerald Ford was elected as minority leader by the slim margin of 73 to 67.

During the Tet Offensive Ford called on Johnson to "Americanise the war". At that time, the US already had 500,000 troops fighting in the country. Johnson later described Ford as "so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time."

However, by 1968, the popularity of the Democratic Party was in decline and Richard Nixon was elected as president. Ford worked closely with Nixon's new administration. In 1970 two of Nixon's conservative nominees to the Supreme Court (Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell) failed their Senate confirmation hearings.

This was mainly because Haynsworth and Carswell were seen as hostile to the 1960s civil rights legislation. For example, in 1948, Carswell had voiced support for racial segregation while running for a seat in the Georgia state legislature. (An interesting footnote is that in 1976, Carswell was arrested and convicted of battery for advances he made to an undercover police officer in a Florida men's room. It is claimed that Carswell was the first homosexual to be nominated to the Supreme Court.)

Ford joined forces with Nixon and Attorney General John N. Mitchell in order to gain revenge for the rejection of Haynsworth and Carswell. It was decided to force liberal justice, William O. Douglas, to resign. Stories were spread that Douglas was in the pay of the Parvin Foundation. In April 1970 Ford moved to impeach Douglas, the first major modern era attempt to impeach a Supreme Court Justice. Ford gained very little support for his actions and the hearings were brought to a close and no public vote on the matter was taken.

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This is an AP article from July of 1997, in response to notes that showed how Ford altered JFK's back wound into a neck wound. Of course, moving the wound from JFK's back to his neck facilitated the ridiculous SB theory that Ford and Specter were pushing.

Thank you for this Bill. I have added this and the Max Frankel exchange to my page on Ford.


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Jon Wiener, The Nation (27th December, 2006):


Gerald Ford is gone, but he lives on in two of his key appointees: Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Their impact on America today is greater than Ford's, who died Tuesday at 93.

Ford appointed Rumsfeld his chief of staff when he took office after Nixon's resignation in 1974. The next year, when he made the 42-year-old Rumsfeld the youngest secretary of defense in the nation's history, he named 34-year-old Dick Cheney his chief of staff, also the youngest ever.

Those two Ford appointees worked together ever since. The Bush White House assertion of unchecked presidential power stems from the lessons they drew from their experience of working for the weakest president in recent American history. "For Dick and Don," Harold Meyerson wrote in The American Prospect last July, "the frustrations of the Ford years have been compensated for by the abuses of the Bush years."

Ford also named a new head of the CIA - a former Texas congressman named George H. W. Bush. Thus you could also credit also Ford with launching the Bush dynasty.

It was during Ford's presidency that the last Americans left Vietnam - that photo of them struggling to get into that chopper on the roof of the Saigon embassy remains our most powerful image of American defeat, and it shadows our current debate about how to get out of Iraq.

Ford did leave one positive legacy, as Meyerson reminds us: his supreme court appointee, John Paul Stevens. Few remember it today, but when the Court majority appointed Bush president in December, 2000, Stevens wrote a blistering dissent, damning the other Republican appointees for their blatant partisanship. And this year Stevens wrote the majority opinion in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld declaring that the military tribunals at Guantanamo violated the Geneva Convention.

But we wouldn't need Stevens if we didn't have Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush - that's the legacy of Gerald Ford.

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