Greg Parker Posted December 28, 2006 Share Posted December 28, 2006 From Robert Howard's post in the David Harold Byrd thread: Dallas Morning News January 9, 1964 Sec 3 Page 1 YOUNG HUNTRESS Storybook Adventures Real By Ann Donaldson Society Editor of the News Hollywood could not have picked the script: A German baron who attends safaris on a concession larger than the country of Belgium; his beautiful wife, a native African with the background of a famous old Portuguese family. But Baron and Baroness W.V. Alvensleben of Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, are for real, and are in Dallas as guests of Col. D. Harold Byrd. Col. Byrd returned to Dallas three weeks ago from a hunt on the huge concession 1,000 kilometers north of the seaport city of Lourenco Marques. January 19, 1964 Dallas Morning News Baron Takes Look at Texas Hunters By Kenneth Fores Outdoor Editor of the News He was tall enough to have been a basketball player, he had a scar on the left side of his face that ran from his mouth to his ear and about which he volunteered nothing but he furnished a view of American hunters from the other side of the fence. From the white hunters side of the fence, that is, the men who take the American's hunting, who live with them for weeks, who often face death with then when they go up against mighty beasts. He was Baron Werner Von Alvensleben, and although he used the broad A of the English, and last was lost and grass was gross, that von indicated Prussian descent and that long wicked scar could have come from a saber in a schoolboy fight. "Did that scar come from a African spear?" he was asked by this columnist. "No," he answered and began talking about American hunters, and the man was qualified for such, for Baron Von Alvensleben ("Just call me Werner," he said when Col. Harold D. Byrd introduced him) arranged Byrd's recent African safari as director of Safarilandia had arranged many more and had watched many an American hunter. The Von Alvensleben's were Junkers. From wiki (it's a non-contentious topic, and I'm bone lazy, so it's okay): Origins "Junker" in German means "young lord", and is understood as country squire. It is probably derived from the German words Junger Herr, or Young Lord. As part of the nobility, many Junker families have particles such as "von" or "zu" before their family names. In the Middle Ages, a Junker was simply a lesser noble, often poor and politically insignificant. Martin Luther was given the cover name "Junker Jörg" while he lived in Wartburg Castle in 1521. A good number of poor Junkers took up careers as soldiers and mercenaries. Over the centuries, they rose from disreputable captains of mercenary cutthroats to influential commanders and landowners in the 19th century. The rest of the article refers to these "modern" Junkers. Modern influences Being the bulwark of the Hohenzollern Empire, the Junkers controlled the military, leading in political influence and social status, and owning immense estates, especially in the north-eastern half of Germany (Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Pommerania, East Prussia, Saxony, Silesia). Their political influence extended from the German Empire of 1871 to 1918 through the Weimar Republic of 1919–1933. It was said that Prussia ruled Germany, the Junkers ruled Prussia, and through it the Empire itself. They dominated all the higher civil offices and officer corps of the army and navy. Supporting monarchism and military traditions, they were often reactionary and protectionist; they were often anti-liberal, siding with the conservative monarchist forces during the Revolution of 1848. Their political interests were served by the German Conservative Party in the Reichstag and the extraparliamentary Agrarian League. This political class held tremendous power over the industrial classes and the government. When Chancellor Caprivi reduced the protective duties on imports of grain, these landed magnates demanded and obtained his dismissal; and in 1902, they brought about a restoration of such duties on foodstuffs as would keep the prices of their own products at a high level. The German statesman Otto von Bismarck was a noted Junker, as were president Paul von Hindenburg and Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt. The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923, staged by Adolf Hitler and General Erich Ludendorff was foiled by commander von Lossow (another Junker) of the local Reichswehr, and the Bavarian Prime Minister Gustav von Kahr. Von Kahr was later murdered in the Reichsmordwoche (the Blood Purge) of June 30, 1934. This series of events, as well as a few others, led Hitler to dislike Junkers in general. However, Hitler mostly ignored the Junkers as a whole during his time in power, taking no action against them and no action in their favour. As the war turned against Germany and Nazi atrocities were revealed, several Junkers in influential positions participated in Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's assassination attempt of 20 July 1944. Their attempts ultimately failed due to coincidence and Allied mistrust of their motives. However the resistance of the Abwehr (Secret Military Intelligence) under Admiral Wilhelm Canaris contributed to the eventual Allied victory. Bodenreform After the war, during the Bodenreform (soil reform) in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), all private property exceeding a certain area (i.e. all the land that used to belong to the Junkers) was seized and given to collectives of farmers or taken by the state. Now, after the German reunification, the Junkers are trying to get their former estates back. Meanwhile many old noble families are back on their origin land by buying back their land from the state. However, the treaties that West Germany (FGR) and the GDR had signed with the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union in the 1950s contained the rule that any decision made by any of the four occupation forces during the time of occupation (1945–1955) must be kept up, lest the independent Germans label it as wrong ex post facto. German agrarian development has been regional rather than national; that is to say, the ownership and use of land took a different trend in each of three main sections of the country. The southwest (including Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, Hesse and Rhenish Prussia) became like France, a land of small holdings, and up to the First World War it was the only part of the Empire in which it was possible to discover peasant political influence of any importance. The northwest (including Westphalia, Lower Saxony, and parts of Hanover and Holstein) developed a system of medium-to-large holdings, yet with many peasant proprietorships. From Brandenburg eastward, however, — and especially in the Pruserania, — practically all of the land was long ago gathered into great estates, and most of the people were landless, wage-earning agricultural laborers; the latter were the lands of the Junkers. Another view of Junkers from CLR James (Lyman Paine confidante) and published in the New International, May, 1945: After ten years of the Weimar Republic the German bourgeoisie wanted above all things capitalist order in Germany. No advanced nation could continue to live as Germany had lived between 1914 and 1921, in continuous crisis, and as it had begun to live again after the crash of 1929. Naturally the German bourgeois and the Junkers did not want Fascism. They preferred to rule themselves without these upstarts. They couldn’t do it. The old bourgeois ideology was exhausted. It could hold the nation together no longer. The bureaucracy, police and arms of the democratic state could no longer be depended upon to maintain order. The Fascists supplied a new ideology and a new coercive force. Behind all the Swastikas, the worship of Odin and of Thor, the outstretched hands and the Heil Hitlers, the persecution of the Jews, and all with which the world is familiar, there must be kept in mind the one central principle of Fascism — the destruction of the organised working-class movement. That was German Fascism. The German bourgeoisie had no choice. To understand this, and to give it its full value, is not to make excuses for the capitalists of Germany. It is in reality to become more fully aware of how necessary it is that bourgeois society be wiped off the face of the earth. From 1918 to 1933 the German nation was going to pieces. Between the irreconcilable interests of the capitalist class and those of the working class, the economy, the social system and the political life of Germany were not only in decay: gangrene had set in. The only cure was the knife and the German bourgeoisie applied it. The fascists sought power, power to rule and to bring order into disintegrating Germany. They got it. They did not have to fight a civil war for it. The bourgeoisie and the Junkers gave it to them. The petty bourgeoisie gave them mass support. The Social-Democracy and the Communists capitulated shamefully. Unlike Franco, who inherited a country ruined by civil war, the Nazis got hold of a Germany that was economically more highly developed than it was in 1918. They had every opportunity to show what they could do. Anglo-American-Russian propaganda is now trying to create the impression that the German general staff and the traditions of the German army have remained intact. There is no limit to the effrontery of imperialist politicians and their hired hacks. The Junkers and their militarists have reached the lowest depths of degradation. Field Marshals and generals, scions of Junker families famous not only in Germany but the world over, formed organizations in Moscow, broadcast on the radio and published propaganda calling upon the German army and their fellow officers to revolt. These brother officers and brother Junkers denounced the Muscovite Junkers as traitors before the whole German people. Junkers and officers tried to blow up or otherwise destroy their leader and the German general stall. They failed, the leaders were tried and hanged, and these too were denounced before the German people by Hitler and their own Junker brothers. Those who remained surrendered unconditionally and many of them are now in jail. Some are still seeking salvation from Moscow. Others are seeking to play Britain and America against Russia. Defeat, treason, assassination, hanging, contradictory policies, all carried out before the German people, blared at them day and night on the radio, and hurled at them in speeches and in the press — and now we are asked to believe that the traditions of the German general staff remain intact. The German people have other things to think about for the moment than the German general staff and the military traditions of the Junkers. But when they begin to think about these things they will have plenty to think about. Werner Von Alvensleben's father (also Werner) was the catalyst for Hitler taking the reigns of power - see The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy by Hans Mommsen, Elborg Forster, Larry Eugene Jones, p 526 - and further explained at the Boodle Boys Blog : The last act of the tragicomedy took place at the presidential palace. Hindenburg still was hesitating about dropping Schleicher, who seemed to have the generals' support. But his son, Oscar, made it clear that Schleicher was promoting revelations about the Neudeck affair and if that continued, a scandal very embarrassing to father and son might well break out. True, the army still favored Schleicher, but on the other hand the Junkers were absolutely against him and this counted much more. Faced with these considerations the aged Marshal no longer hesitated. On January 28, 1933, Schleicher asked Hindenburg for the famous decree, signed in advance, which provided for dissolution of the Reichstag. This decree had been granted his predecessors who had ruled with the aid of the threat it contained. Schleicher had no doubt that it was a simple formality and that the decree would be granted him without difficulty. But Hindenburg refused, and Schleicher understood that the President had withdrawn his confidence. He was deeply hurt and resigned. Nothing remained to be done but to appoint his successor. Von Papen was prepared to let Hitler have the post. The Junkers agreed. Heavy industry agreed. Why shouldn't they, since there was no other candidate available to accomplish what had been planned? Only Hindenburg was still unable to reach a decision. He had given his word of honor that the "Austrian corporal" would not be Chancellor. The Junkers therefore arranged a final stunt to speed things up. On January 30, 1933, one of their leaders, Count von Alvensleben, rushed to the Presidential palace with the "scoop" that Schleicher had put himself in command of the Potsdam Garrison and was marching on Berlin to arrest Oscar von Hindenburg, Papen, and Hitler. The "news" was pure fabrication but it had its effect. Under the stress of emotion Hindenburg finally consented to have Hitler form a government with von Papen as Vice-Chancellor. The Nazi regime was born. Werner (Sr) was incorrectly reported in the US press to have been hanged for the above escapade, which was viewed by Hitler as not being a ploy to see him into power, but as a clue that the Reichwehr was about to carry out a military coup d'etat. In other words, Alvensleben's deception had the desired effect on Hindenburg, but the wrong one on the recipient of the fruits of that deception. Here is how the Kingston daily Freeman of July, 1934 reported the outcome: Those executed in Saturdays ruthless "liquidation" of Nazi extremists opposed to the Nazi regime, included Werner Von Alvensleben, Von Papen's close friend. In fact, Werner had only been jailed, and lived until 1947, and during the war, was one of the Junkers who became involved in the assassination plots against Hitler. This is from Wiki and translated from German: Werner of Alvensleben (* 4. July 1875 in life † 30. June 1947 in Bremen Vegesack) be a German buyer and politician. He was the second son of Werner count von Alvensleben Neugattersleben (1840-1929) and the Anna von Veltheim (1853-1897). Its younger brother was Bodo count von Alvensleben Neugattersleben, the later president of the German gentleman club. After law studies it occurred the war academy the army, was a second lieutenant in the infantry regiment No. 24 and visited 1904/05. It separated then from the army service, over-threw themselves with its father, who enterbte it, and went to Vancouver/Canada. There already lived its younger brother Gustav Konstantin of Alvensleben, which had high-worked itself from the simple worker to the successful entrepreneur. 1909 he married Alexandra countess of a-settles (1888-1947). From the marriage the three daughters Alexandra, Armgard and Harriet as well as the son Werner followed. It worked since then as a buyer with export and financing business. In the First World War it became with the iron cross 1. Class excellently, was late Ordonanzoffizier last in the army group Gallwitz, aide of the commander in chief of the Ukraine squirrel and personal aide of the emperor with the Hetmann of the Ukraine, Pawel Skoporadski (1873-1945) in Kiew. In this characteristic it exerted itself for an independent Ukraine. After the war it engaged itself apart from its vocational activity ever more in the policy. If it had been before the war still member of the conservative party, then it joined no political party now and worked particularly in the background. Also it did not belong to the gentleman club, whose president was its younger brother Bodo. In June 1930 „the German federation was based for the protection of the abendländischen culture “. Werner von Alvensleben became its chairman. Its goal was more fundamental the collection of all conservative forces in a comprehensive conservative party with the plan „ständischer “reforms in state and economics. Politically it belonged to the closer circle around the later realm military Minister and realm chancellor General Kurt of Schleicher, also it had close contacts to the boss of the army command colonel general Kurt baron von Hammerstein Equord. After the seizure of power Adolf Hitler it belonged to the conservative opposition.It refused the legally prescribed oath of loyalty on Hitler as a captain of the reserve. In connection with the so-called Röhmputsch and the murder Schleichers on 30 June 1934 said Hitler in a realm tag speech on 13 July 1934: „Röhm took up the relationship with general of Schleicher by the switching of a thoroughly corrupt Hochstaplers, a gentleman of A.. “Werner von Alvensleben was meant. He came on 30 June 1934 for some months into detention, however non as was actually planned - shot. 1937 he was again arrested because of „state-detrimental Schimpfereien “. In the case of its dismissal it received the edition to leave new gate lives only with permission of the secret state police. Later it had contacts over hammer stone to Goerdeler and Ludwig August Theodor Beck and was - wrote like Rudolf Pechel in its book „German resistance “- at the end of of 1941 into the revolution plans occasionally inaugurated. Still before 20 July 1944 he was again arrested and accused for other reasons. In the negotiation before the people's court on 1 February 1945 a connivance at the assassination attempt plans could not be proven to it, however it was condemned because of defätistischer expressions during a dte company in August 1943 to two years detention, whereby its age and his fastened health affected mitigating the measure of punishment. In April 1945 the Americans from the penintentiary Magdeburg freed it. It pulled - after new gate life had become Soviet zone of occupation - its daughter after Bremen Vegesack and died there on 30 June 1947. If Werner, Jr was imprioned by the Nazis, it was probably because he was thought to be among the plotters. Not all of the clan however, ended up plotting against Hitler. The Syracuse Herald Journal reported on Apr 12, 1965 under the headline, Ex-Nazis Sentenced for Polish Murders that [Rudolf] Von Alvensleben has been blamed for the deaths of 4,000 Poles. He is believed to have fled to Argentina after the war. There is no doubt that Rudolf was related to Werner, as the surname traces back to a common ancestor who took the name of his castle. They also both came from East Germany --- home base of the Junkers. Werner, Jr was a friend of DH Byrd. He turned up in Dallas only weeks after the assassination. As we've seen, Werner came from a family of militarists, spies and arch-conservatives willing to initially back Hitler to preserve their way of life (ie keeping that ol' yoke of oppression on the Peasants), but who then became involved in plots against Hitler (and perhaps through that, had contact with Dulles?). Yet, all this may mean nothing, other than that DH Byrd liked hunting big game... Okay...with deer rifles... And okay...with windows as trophies... but only as a nod to the good taste of the Baron who the DMN reported as no longer wanting to mount former living trophies. As the Baron told the DMN, sadly, "You cant just put those heads anywhere..." And indeed, you can't. Surely anyone can understand that dilemma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lee Forman Posted December 28, 2006 Share Posted December 28, 2006 Fantastic stuff Greg - so the junkers had to contend with the Thule society then? Any relationship here to Junkers aviation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted December 28, 2006 Author Share Posted December 28, 2006 Fantastic stuff Greg - so the junkers had to contend with the Thule society then? Any relationship here to Junkers aviation? Lee, Junkers aviation was named after its founder, Hugo Junkers - something of an Arthur Young type; a pacifist whose work on flight was taken over for military use. Junkers (the hideously in-bred landed-gentry type) supported the DNVP - the main conservative opposition to Hitler. Fact is, the Nazis are always painted as more extreme than the DNVP - yet the DNVP considered the Nazi Party as being too "democratic". It was a mixture of "need" and "greed" that saw the DNVP form a (short-lived) coalition with the Nazis. But there was absolutely no shortage of behind-the-scenes maneuvering. In the thick of it was not only Von Alvensleben, but also Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. Schacht too, was opposed to the Nazis before joining them. He is another of great interest to me, as I believe he is one pathway to the Albert Schweitzer College. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Richards Posted December 29, 2006 Share Posted December 29, 2006 It was a mixture of "need" and "greed" that saw the DNVP form a (short-lived) coalition with the Nazis. But there was absolutely no shortage of behind-the-scenes maneuvering. In the thick of it was not only Von Alvensleben, but also Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. Schacht too, was opposed to the Nazis before joining them. He is another of great interest to me, as I believe he is one pathway to the Albert Schweitzer College. (Greg Parker) Greg, I too am interested in Schacht. As you know, Schacht was acquitted at the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. At the time, the assistant to the Chief U.S. Counsel was one R.G. Storey (some interesting threads on him at the forum). In early 1964, Schacht was in the United States and appeared as a speaker at several high-level banking conferences. I wonder how Storey viewed that being the Chairman of the Board for the Lakewood State Bank. James Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted December 29, 2006 Author Share Posted December 29, 2006 It was a mixture of "need" and "greed" that saw the DNVP form a (short-lived) coalition with the Nazis. But there was absolutely no shortage of behind-the-scenes maneuvering. In the thick of it was not only Von Alvensleben, but also Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. Schacht too, was opposed to the Nazis before joining them. He is another of great interest to me, as I believe he is one pathway to the Albert Schweitzer College. (Greg Parker)Greg, I too am interested in Schacht. As you know, Schacht was acquitted at the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. At the time, the assistant to the Chief U.S. Counsel was one R.G. Storey (some interesting threads on him at the forum). In early 1964, Schacht was in the United States and appeared as a speaker at several high-level banking conferences. I wonder how Storey viewed that being the Chairman of the Board for the Lakewood State Bank. James James, since I have no bloody idea, I'll take the question as rhetorical On Schacht: my interest in him is that his parents lived in the US where they idolised Horace Greeley; thus the reason for Haljamar's full name being what it was. Greeley was in the Universalist Church. The UC was a pea from the same pod as the Unitarian Church and they finally combined in the 1960s. This family background would explain Schacht's early leftish stance. Later, two high ranking officials of the Unitarian Church in the US would have close ties to the Albert Schweitzer College; Dana Greeley and Robert Schacht. Haljamar had a brother who was actually born in the US and so a US branch of the family is highly likely. I'm reasonably certain that Dana and Horace were 1st or 2nd cousins. Acquitted alongside Schacht at Nuremburg was Von Papen; fellow Junker and friend of Von Alvensleben. On Storey: my interest in him (beyond this and his work on the Texas assassination investigation) is that he was on the Board of Foreign Scholarships from 1956 to 1962. The Board worked with the State Dept and the Council on International Educational Exchange on such matters as the Russian Student Exchange program coordinated by the AFSC, and in particular, Ruth Paine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Richards Posted December 29, 2006 Share Posted December 29, 2006 Greg, Yes, it was a rhetorical question as I have no bloody idea either. I do have something somewhere that suggests Robert and Hjalmar were related. Years ago, I tried to contact a member of Dana Greeley's family to get some background but never received a reply. Let's not forget that when Earl Warren visited Jack Ruby in prison, he was accompanied by R.G. Storey. Good stuff BTW, this research of yours and some of the other stuff you have and are working on cuts to the heart of events in Dallas, particularly the cover-up. My hat is off to you. James Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted December 30, 2006 Author Share Posted December 30, 2006 Greg,Yes, it was a rhetorical question as I have no bloody idea either. I do have something somewhere that suggests Robert and Hjalmar were related. Years ago, I tried to contact a member of Dana Greeley's family to get some background but never received a reply. Let's not forget that when Earl Warren visited Jack Ruby in prison, he was accompanied by R.G. Storey. Good stuff BTW, this research of yours and some of the other stuff you have and are working on cuts to the heart of events in Dallas, particularly the cover-up. My hat is off to you. James Thanks James. If you happen across what you had re a possible blood relationship between Robert an Hjalmar, I'd be very keen to see it, if you're happy to post or send along. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Howard Posted December 30, 2006 Share Posted December 30, 2006 Greg,Yes, it was a rhetorical question as I have no bloody idea either. I do have something somewhere that suggests Robert and Hjalmar were related. Years ago, I tried to contact a member of Dana Greeley's family to get some background but never received a reply. Let's not forget that when Earl Warren visited Jack Ruby in prison, he was accompanied by R.G. Storey. Good stuff BTW, this research of yours and some of the other stuff you have and are working on cuts to the heart of events in Dallas, particularly the cover-up. My hat is off to you. James Thanks James. If you happen across what you had re a possible blood relationship between Robert an Hjalmar, I'd be very keen to see it, if you're happy to post or send along. I do not know whether there was a blood relationship between the two, but I did want to raise a few points. It has been alleged that Gutierez de Spadafora's daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, was an Italian industrialist and large landowner. Other allegations that I am not able to determine whether [they] are correct or not are allegations that Clay Shaw's address book contained the private number of Principessa Marcelle Borghese, Duchessa de Bomartao, who is related to Prince Valerio Borghese, who was the "Black Prince" and "The New Duce." Borghese was ostensibly the leader of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, a neo-fascist syndicate. Is that true? Was Otto Skorzeny's father-in-law Hjalmar Schacht? president of Hitler's Reichsbank. Schacht is also said to have guided Onassis' shipyards in rebuilding the German and Japanese war fleets. In 1950 Onassis signed on Lars Anderson for his whaling ships on the hunt off Antarctica and Argentina. Clay Shaw, was said to have been a close friend of Hjalmar Schacht. Frederick Flick....Genealogy question? Wasn't there a reputed, camp "doctor," at Jonestown, named Larry Schacht? Were they related? "Drink the Kool-Aid," has never had quite the same wholesome connotations after that little episode, that it did as a young kid growing up in the 1960's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Richards Posted December 30, 2006 Share Posted December 30, 2006 (edited) Greg, Here is Robert Schacht below. Many years ago, I was able to communicate with a family member of a man he collaborated with. When asked about being related to Hjalmar, the response was 'quite possibly'. No other information was forthcoming and then replies stopped altogether. FWIW. James Edited December 30, 2006 by James Richards Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted December 31, 2006 Author Share Posted December 31, 2006 Greg,Here is Robert Schacht below. Many years ago, I was able to communicate with a family member of a man he collaborated with. When asked about being related to Hjalmar, the response was 'quite possibly'. No other information was forthcoming and then replies stopped altogether. FWIW. James Interesting. I was told by his son through an intermediary that the he (the son) wasn't aware of any relationship. But that's not quite the same as saying there wasn't one. And the son is a lawyer... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Richards Posted December 31, 2006 Share Posted December 31, 2006 It has been alleged that Gutierez de Spadafora's daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. (Robert Howard) Robert, In mid 1964, Hjalmar Schacht's 22 year old daughter, Konstanze, married Don Michele di Spadafora the son of Gutierez di Spadafora. James Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted December 31, 2006 Author Share Posted December 31, 2006 Greg,Yes, it was a rhetorical question as I have no bloody idea either. I do have something somewhere that suggests Robert and Hjalmar were related. Years ago, I tried to contact a member of Dana Greeley's family to get some background but never received a reply. Let's not forget that when Earl Warren visited Jack Ruby in prison, he was accompanied by R.G. Storey. Good stuff BTW, this research of yours and some of the other stuff you have and are working on cuts to the heart of events in Dallas, particularly the cover-up. My hat is off to you. James Thanks James. If you happen across what you had re a possible blood relationship between Robert an Hjalmar, I'd be very keen to see it, if you're happy to post or send along. I do not know whether there was a blood relationship between the two, but I did want to raise a few points. It has been alleged that Gutierez de Spadafora's daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, was an Italian industrialist and large landowner. Other allegations that I am not able to determine whether [they] are correct or not are allegations that Clay Shaw's address book contained the private number of Principessa Marcelle Borghese, Duchessa de Bomartao, who is related to Prince Valerio Borghese, who was the "Black Prince" and "The New Duce." Borghese was ostensibly the leader of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, a neo-fascist syndicate. Is that true? Robert, I don't know if any of it is true. It all comes from Mae Brussells, but it should be verifiable, as I think the address book in question is held in archives in Washington. I have no reason to doubt any of it, as it is true that he had some interesting British names in that book (see the work of Anthony Frewin). Was Otto Skorzeny's father-in-law Hjalmar Schacht? president of Hitler's Reichsbank. Schacht is also said to have guided Onassis' shipyards in rebuilding the German and Japanese war fleets. In 1950 Onassis signed on Lars Anderson for his whaling ships on the hunt off Antarctica and Argentina. Clay Shaw, was said to have been a close friend of Hjalmar Schacht. Frederick Flick....Genealogy question? Wasn't there a reputed, camp "doctor," at Jonestown, named Larry Schacht? Were they related? "Drink the Kool-Aid," has never had quite the same wholesome connotations after that little episode, that it did as a young kid growing up in the 1960's Skorzeny and Schacht were closely associated with various... causes/missions/business ventures after the war. The father-in-law bit, who knows?.. but it only seems to crop up in conspiracy articles. The Onassis connection was certainly there. John Judge has speculated that Larry was Hjalmar's grandson, but my understanding is that Larry was something of a street urchin, and it was Jones who provided the cash to put him through medical school, so I dunno... can't imagine Hjalmar's grandson growing up impoverished... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Richards Posted December 31, 2006 Share Posted December 31, 2006 (edited) Was Otto Skorzeny's father-in-law Hjalmar Schacht? (Robert Howard) Robert, I'm not sure if we are on the same page or not here, but I have scoured my notes and found the following. Allegedly, a French newspaper in 1954 made the announcement that Otto Skorzeny had married a woman by the name of Hilda Liucht (not sure if I have the spelling right). Going off memory here, but her real name was Lea Von Devet (again, not sure of the spelling) and that this was Hjarmar Schacht's niece. I have no idea how accurate this is but it might be somewhere to start. FWIW. BTW, may as well throw in a photograph of Hjarmar Schacht while I'm at it. James Edited December 31, 2006 by James Richards Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted August 3, 2019 Share Posted August 3, 2019 On 12/30/2006 at 8:01 AM, Robert Howard said: I do not know whether there was a blood relationship between the two, but I did want to raise a few points. It has been alleged that Gutierez de Spadafora's daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, was an Italian industrialist and large landowner. Other allegations that I am not able to determine whether [they] are correct or not are allegations that Clay Shaw's address book contained the private number of Principessa Marcelle Borghese, Duchessa de Bomartao, who is related to Prince Valerio Borghese, who was the "Black Prince" and "The New Duce." Borghese was ostensibly the leader of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, a neo-fascist syndicate. Is that true? Was Otto Skorzeny's father-in-law Hjalmar Schacht? president of Hitler's Reichsbank. Schacht is also said to have guided Onassis' shipyards in rebuilding the German and Japanese war fleets. In 1950 Onassis signed on Lars Anderson for his whaling ships on the hunt off Antarctica and Argentina. Clay Shaw, was said to have been a close friend of Hjalmar Schacht. Frederick Flick....Genealogy question? Wasn't there a reputed, camp "doctor," at Jonestown, named Larry Schacht? Were they related? "Drink the Kool-Aid," has never had quite the same wholesome connotations after that little episode, that it did as a young kid growing up in the 1960's I just had to post this. “Clay Shaw was said to have been a close friend of Hjalmar Schacht”. Ralph Ganis, who wrote the Skorzeny Papers, says that Skorzeny’s wife called Schacht ‘uncle’ but was not actually his niece. I think it’s unimportant which. But to see a short paragraph where Clay Shaw and Otto Skorzeny appear is remarkable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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