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A personal Request

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Hello folks,

Forgive me for this cross posting, and/or if it's against the rules here to solicit money. On the JFK Lancer forum there's a posting about a friend of Debra Conway whose daughter has brain cancer. The girl is a teenager. Funds are being asked for so that her family can be with her. They live in Valdez, Alaska and the surgery is going ot be performed in Anchorage. I'm told they're seeking about $2,000 and a little less than $300 has been raised so far. I'm hoping that when people in our community are faced with such troubles that we will act like a community and help one another. - Joe Backes

If you can help the fastest way is via Paypal. The email address is - nonalee77@hotmail.com.

"Personal: We know this is unusual...."

We know this is very unusual, but we have a personal friend who is need of prayers and financial support. Our friend, Nona a has a daughter who is scheduled for brain surgery in two weeks. She is desperately trying to raise funds to accompany her daughter to Anchorage where the surgery is being perormed. We are hoping you will make a donation to help this deserving family.

Gwynevere Willis, 14 Year Old Cancer Vicitm

Gwynevere Willis is like most teenagers: she loves music, has began to recognize within herself a writing talent, and has bright dreams of what her future might hold. But, unlike most teens, Gwynn is suffering from brain cancer. Now her dreams are simply of having family members near her as she battles the most deadly of diseases. Gwynn has been fighting brain tumors for the last eight months. The included graphic indicates the size and location of the first tumors removed in the summer of 2006. Sadly, surgery has been unable to completely eradicate the tumors and in late January 2007 the family received the devastating news that the tumors have returned.

Subsequently, Gwynn is faced with more surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. If she lives, Gwynn will also require a great deal of therapy to regain lost skills. Gwynn will have to travel over 6 hours from Valdez to Anchorage, Alaska to receive the life saving surgery she needs. The family expended all their savings in obtaining the first surgery. So, although Gwynn can receive treatment in Anchorage, the family is without the funds to accompany her during this terrifying surgery scheduled for February 12, 2007. It would be a great blessing if the whole family could be with her; indeed, it may be the last time her siblings get to spend with her.

Gwynn once had high hopes of a bright future. Her current hope is having her mother and siblings with her in Anchorage as she undergoes surgery and treatment. You can help make that hope a reality. There has been a donation account set up for Gwynn at Wells Fargo Bank in Valdez, Alaska. The bank telephone number is 907-835-4745, and the account number is 589-2133058. We have also made this appeal to the subscribers of our newsletter. In the newsletter there is a donation link you can use. Or, you can make a donation via PayPal by simply signing onto your paypal account and selecting to send money to email account nonalee77@hotmail.com.

Your help and prayers will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time in reading this and please pass it on to everyone you think might help. God bless you all.


Debra Conway and Sherry Gutierrez

JFK Lancer Productions & Publications

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