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Did the NSA design Microsoft's new Windows Vista?

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Michael Horn was the guest on March 7, 2007 on coasttocoastam, the international night-time radio program that has the world’s largest listening audience.

Among his provocative comments were assertions that Microsoft’s new Windows Vista was designed with the aid of the National Security Agency so that NSA can monitor the computers of individuals.

Mr. Horn also claimed that America On Line – AOL – has an on-going relationship with the CIA.

Does any Forum member know of evidence that would support the assertions of Mr. Horn?

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I, like many others here too I suspect, have lived through from the early windows (earliest from me to 'play' with was version 1.02 (something like that) on a Zenith no harddrive two large floppy drives etc., through the various versions of dos, to windows 95 and on...

One thing I know is that it has become harder, much harder in fact, but still posssible, to retake control of the computer and switch off the growing multitude of hidden features that are unnecessary for what one really needs the computer for. Meanwhile, the bells and whistles default becomes more 'attractive' or 'user friendly wow-ishness' enabled by equipment development. It used to be I could zip through the various windows versions and fairly easily set them up so I am the one telling the computer what to do. XP needs a lot more research, drawing on other expert tweakers experinece. Plus the endless 'updates' and keeping up to date with what they really are, is not something the average user even knows is worth while.

I haven't tried Vista.

I generally make a rough rule of waiting 6 months to a year before looking at the 'latest'. It took me almost two years to 'succumb' to Win95,a,b,c etc By then dedicated alternative minded people will have had a look and made their findings available.

If Vista continues the progress towards an almost hidden disk operating system with a 'that looks so damn fine' overlay then as a surveillance tool it would have millions of eager users to 'survey'. So maybe it's not too far fetched a notion.

Edited by John Dolva
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Michael Horn was the guest on March 7, 2007 on coasttocoastam, the international night-time radio program that has the world’s largest listening audience.

Among his provocative comments were assertions that Microsoft’s new Windows Vista was designed with the aid of the National Security Agency so that NSA can monitor the computers of individuals.

Mr. Horn also claimed that America On Line – AOL – has an on-going relationship with the CIA.

Does any Forum member know of evidence that would support the assertions of Mr. Horn?


If the report is spurious, I was trying to imagine all the possible sources (motives in brackets):

1 - The Open Source Movement (idealism and whistle-blowing)

2 - Apple (commerical gain)

3 - Microsoft itself (blame the NSA!)

4 - Other US intelligence agenices (shame the NSA!)

5 - North Korea (mischief)

6 - Al Qaida (takes its cue from the CIA & Mossad)

7 - Bill Gates (spite)

Have I missed anyone?

If the story is true, this is just one more reason not to upgrade to Vista.

Did we need any more?

Edited by Sid Walker
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1 – It’s not entirely clear that he was murdered.

2- If he was murdered it’s not clear why

3 – The cited article said nothing about NSA “trapdoors” he was found dead Aug 10 1991 when the Internet AS WE KNOW IT TODAY didn’t exist and its future importance probably unforeseeable. Coincidentally that was the same week the World Wide Web was launched by researchers at CERN.

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