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Killing JFK Was Part 1 of A Two-pronged Plan

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Hi Everyone,

Thought you might like to might like to mull over this info from the Dallas Morning News and the New York Times on November 1, 1964.

On October 31, 1964, Suffolk County Police arrested Robert Babcock 300 yards from Republic Aviation Corporation in New York, where President Johnson stepped from his plane on the company’s airstrip eight minutes later. He was arrested because he had a telescopic rifle on the seat beside him and a loaded shotgun in his trunk. Detectives spotted him in a routine check and took him into custody twenty minutes before the President passed by.

“The President’s motorcade had been expected to make a number of stops along the motorcade route . . .”

Robert Babcock was questioned by Suffolk County Police and the Secret Service, and “said first that he had been going on a hunting trip when he decided to stop and see the motorcade. He then said he made a bet with barroom acquaintances that he could do what he did without being detected.”

“He was charged with disorderly conduct and jailed for the night.”

If Suffolk County Police hadn’t arrested Robert Babcock, the KGB officers would have assassinated President Johnson on October 31, 1964, and Robert Babcock would have been an ideal fall guy, thanks to some “barroom acquaintances.”

There were no bullets for the telescopic rifle, which would have been conducive to persuading him to take this action, but that would be easily rectified, and Robert Babcock would have found it impossible to understand how the murder weapon could be alleged to have been in his possession, and why the loaded shotgun in his trunk made him look more guilty.

The Suffolk County Police gave an alibi to a man who wasn’t supposed to have one, a man who was intrinsic to a Presidential assassination, and the “Secret Service” was so easily appeased because they knew their plans had gone awry and they wanted this to receive as little attention as possible. Where, when, why, and how he obtained the weapons, or if he owned them, was instantaneously of no significance, and the anonymous “barroom acquaintances” that persuaded him to take this action by making a bet with him remained anonymous, while he was simply charged with “disorderly conduct.”

The easily duped Mr. Babcock could’ve simply driven to the area of the first scheduled stop after one or more of the “barroom acquaintances” told him where it was. They could have also told him that where he would park wasn’t actually near the first scheduled stop. Or he could have even been told to first park along the motorcade route, and then drive a certain distance behind the motorcade as it traveled to the area of the first scheduled stop as part of the bet.

The “barroom acquaintances” were undoubtedly sure that he intended to carry out their plans as he left.

As he embarked on his daring venture, his instigators could have also said, “We know nothing’s going to happen but if it does, just get in your car and get out of there,” which would have been very conducive to making it look like he was the assassin.

Pulling out their money and saying, “We’ll see you when you get back, and we’ll know if you didn’t do it,” would have affirmed Robert Babcock’s idea that he was going to come into some easy money with a simplistic act.

Whatever the exact details of this assassination plan were, one thing is certain; President Johnson was supposed to be assassinated on October 31, 1964, and Robert Babcock was supposed to be the accused assassin.

What is also crystal clear from the details given, is that a man can be paid money to sit along the motorcade route of the President of the United States with a telescopic rifle on the seat beside him and a loaded shotgun in the trunk, and the United States “Secret Service” will do nothing but charge him with disorderly conduct and jail him for the night.

After Kennedy was assassinated the prevailing opinion from politicians of both parties and even among Goldwater’s own supporters, was that only a moderate Republican, not the ultra-conservative Barry Goldwater, could defeat President Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 election. Obviously, assassinating President Johnson on Saturday, October 31, 1964, would’ve easily rectified this problem and assured that Barry Goldwater would be elected President of the United States on Tuesday, November 3, 1964.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution, providing for Presidential succession and the appointment of a new Vice President, didn’t become part of the Constitution until February 1967. There was no Vice President on Saturday, October 31, 1964.

Representative John W. McCormack of Massachusetts, elected Speaker of the House in January 1962 after House Speaker Sam Rayburn died, would have become President, and no state in the South, nor the state that would elect Ronald Reagan as Governor in 1966, conservative California, “the heart of Western conservatism” that flourished in the mountain states, would be going to the liberal Representative from Massachusetts, who would have two days to convince people that he should be President; two days to convince people that his thirty-four months as Speaker of the House made him more qualified to be President of the United States than the well-traveled high-profile Barry Goldwater.

Liberal Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, who was President Johnson’s running mate, certainly wouldn’t have fared much better in a race with Barry Goldwater, and there would have been mass confusion on November 3, 1964, as people voted in a contest between a dead President and Barry Goldwater.

People who were determined to vote against Goldwater would have to figure out whether they were trying to elect President McCormack or, if when they voted for the Johnson-Humphrey ticket, they were trying to elect Hubert Humphrey to the Office of President.

Were they trying to elect President McCormack while electing Hubert Humphrey to the Office of Vice President, or were they trying to elect one of them to the Office of President while not electing anyone to the Office of Vice President?

If Senator Humphrey declared that he had a better chance of defeating Barry Goldwater, or if he declared that he was entitled to be the nominee, it certainly would have compounded the confusion during the two days that “President McCormack” would have had in which to announce his candidacy.

Devout opponents of Barry Goldwater would have to tune in to the news, read the newspapers on Sunday and Monday, and try to find out from polling officials just who and what they were voting for as they futilely tried to prevent Barry Goldwater from being elected President.

The “Secret Service” would have realized their goal of having Barry Goldwater elected President.

Robert Babcock’s story about a bet with “barroom acquaintances” wouldn’t have helped him any more than a letter to “President Goldwater” stating, as a very upset Lee Harvey Oswald once said, “I emphatically deny these charges.”


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