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Actor Bill Paxton saw President Kennedy in Ft Worth Nov 22 '63

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It's obvious in the pix, taken in the Hotel Texas parking lot, that the crowd adored the President.


"On Thursday night, during the AFI Dallas International Film Festival’s opening-night wingding at Neiman Marcus, Bill Paxton regaled a few of us with tales of his having seen John Kennedy during the president’s Fort Worth stopover the morning of November 22, 1963. Paxton, who was 8 years old at the time, recalled seeing Kennedy speak in the parking lot of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth; he said he’d been hoisted on the shoulders of an African-American man he’d only just met, who had offered the kid a better view of the president. He recalled having been there with his older brother, Bob, and their dad.

Paxton’s but one of thousands of folks from around these parts with tales of having seen Kennedy during his fateful trip to Fort Worth and Dallas. My dad, who was then a student at SMU, saw him as the motorcade drove out of Love Field, and my mom was working as an X-ray tech at Parkland Hospital when Kennedy was brought in. But Paxton now has one thing those thousands do not have: proof he was there, in the presence of the president on his last day alive. He has the photos.

Friday afternoon, around 4:30, the star of such films as A Simple Plan, Aliens and One False Move left our interview so he could get a private tour of the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. He was also scheduled to give an oral history — to leave a permanent record of what, so far, had been nothing more than an interesting cocktail-party story. Paxton was also going to view some footage from a film taken by Roy Cooper, a cameraman for KTVT-TV in 1963. Paxton thought there was a chance he was in that footage.

He was right.


“Bill, his older brother Bob, and his father were apparently close to the front,” says Deborah Marine, manager of PR and promotions at the museum. “The image where Bill is looking straight into the camera came from the moment Lyndon Johnson introduced President Kennedy to the crowd. The smiling, clapping Bill in the other image was captured during Kennedy’s brief speech.” Marine says that in the 30-minute oral history, which has not yet been transcribed, “he describes the experience in detail.” She also tells Unfair Park that Paxton was thrilled to find the photos: “We have over 24,000 items in our collection, and people can use them to track themselves or relatives, so we were also excited when he could identify himself and his relatives.”

When Paxton’s oral history is transcribed, it will be available for anyone to view. Till then, these photos are more than enough — especially for Paxton, who, till only last week, had only a couple of stories he could share over a couple of beers. Now, he can take these photos and say to people, as he said to us Saturday afternoon, “That’s me."

The Sixth Floor Museum helped him find these photos.


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Here are a couple from Ft.Worth, in the one there is a little boy, appearing similar to Bill on the

right, but....??

In the other just have a look at the two girls left and right, staring at their hands, and the looks

on their faces...he must have shaken them in more ways than one..........That JFK charisma.....

Wonder how long it was before they washed them...?... B)


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Thanks for your memories Kathy, and well put....

Ossie a Hottie, well now, each to their own.... :rolleyes:

Yes much was lost, though we did not realise to what degree, at the time, it came home to

haunt all in the not too distant future from that date....a way of life was gone...

As someone once said, He may not have been the greatest President, he may not have been

the smartest, etc......by By God was he a leader......

I think that was Jack Lemmon ? JFK encouraged people to believe in themselves, and in what they could

accomplish....and that was gone......since then they have been led around by the ring.

Thanks, enjoy all this next Nov.,have a look at the writings on the other side of the fence, if they

are still doing so, and I imagine they are...


Edited by Bernice Moore
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  • 2 years later...

Of course Bill Paxton is one of the driving forces behind the Tom Hanks HBO production of Vince Belalagosi's "Reframing Oswald" TV series.

Someone on another forum has said this is now in production.

I don't think it is, but if someone has any information about this show now being in production, or whatever its status, I'd like to know what it is.



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Of course Bill Paxton is one of the driving forces behind the Tom Hanks HBO production of Vince Belalagosi's "Reframing Oswald" TV series.

Someone on another forum has said this is now in production.

I don't think it is, but if someone has any information about this show now being in production, or whatever its status, I'd like to know what it is.



I spoke with HBO Films today, and someone close to the project told me there was no guarantee that the proposed TV mini-series would be going into production. It might. But, on the other hand, it might not. Nothing about it was certain at this time. The current status is merely that it's "in development".


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Of course Bill Paxton is one of the driving forces behind the Tom Hanks HBO production of Vince Belalagosi's "Reframing Oswald" TV series.

Someone on another forum has said this is now in production.

I don't think it is, but if someone has any information about this show now being in production, or whatever its status, I'd like to know what it is.



I spoke with HBO Films today, and someone close to the project told me there was no guarantee that the proposed TV mini-series would be going into production. It might. But, on the other hand, it might not. Nothing about it was certain at this time. The current status is merely that it's "in development".


Hey Ken,

Thanks for keeping taps on that production.

Inquiring minds want to know whether it is being produced by their Documentary or Mini-Series Departments?

Keep us posted if they ever put a schedule to it, or start scouting locations and hiring actors.


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not to mention the fact (forgive me, Jessica) that she thinks he's a hottie :)

No worries, when I was around 14 I thought Mary Moorman was sexy as could be

I had dreams of Mary giving me a super clear original picture that showed Badgeman so clear you could almost ID him, (remember its a dream so the picture had not faded like in real life) while she rubs my shoulders, whispers sweet nothings in my ear and well.......... I will stop there :)

Edited by Dean Hagerman
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