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VIDEO - JFK and the Test Ban Treaty

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A look at JFK's desire to put an end to testing nuclear weapons in the



Thanks , Gil.

A lot of this footage is in the movie, " Executive Action", which of course is based on Mark Lane's book, " Rush to Judgement".

That movie, and these film clips of President Kennedy, are often hard to watch , since we have never seen the leadership and intellect that this man brought to the Office of the President of the United States, anytime in recent US history.

It is obvious to me what happened at Love Field and Dealy Plaza that fateful day, but now I am reading the Unauthorized Biography of Bush Sr, and if even a fraction of what is contained in that book is true, God help America.

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Gil, you're sharing some great footage.

Do you compile and edit the footage?

If so do you have longer clips of the segments you use?

Yes. Over the years I have purchased many videos on JFK. I am currently using Windows Movie Maker to capture and edit these videos. Some of these clips are put together from different video sources. At times I spend hours going through videos trying to find a certain clip to insert in my presentation. As the years go by, I find it harder to remember on which video I saw a particular clip. Maybe someday I'll make a list of what clip is on what video.

Unfortunately, the length of the clip is determined by its length on the source video. I try to get as much of the segment as is available to me, but sometimes the whole clip is not on the source video.

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I just thought I would mention this to you! My daughter teaches some College Night classes in Sociology. For the first time, she has a class dealing with the happenings of the 60's. I have been sending your Civil Rights links to her, which she has really appreciated.

Keep up the good work!



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I just thought I would mention this to you! My daughter teaches some College Night classes in Sociology. For the first time, she has a class dealing with the happenings of the 60's. I have been sending your Civil Rights links to her, which she has really appreciated.

Keep up the good work!



Thank You. It makes me feel good to know that these videos are being put to good use. It certainly is a motivator to receive positive feedback from folks who appreciate the amount of work that goes into putting these together. I feel that such an effort is neccessary to educate young people and give them a sense of history, so that the mistakes of the past won't be the mistakes of the future.

Thank You again for your kind words.

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