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Adrian Fisher Sherman

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I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this man? I came across his name in the MF site amongst some government documents whilst I was searching for some stuff on Mary Sherman. Just interested me because the HSCA seemed to have shown a lot of interest in this man but none of the post assassination files I've seen on him so far actually relate what his story was as regards the case or why they were investigating him. Most of the memos are either relating to something else which isn't told of in the memo or written in some sort of CIA code. If you type in his name on the database and look in the 'government documents' results, you'll see what I mean. I think he was a Major in the army.

I just wonder why the interest?

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Sherman was indeed a Major in the U.S. Army and was on active duty from 1940 to 1946. After that he worked for the Department of the Army as a Operations Planner and Procedures Analyst. There were rumors that he worked for the CIA but I don't think that was ever confirmed.

If true, that work would have begun around 1952 when he was stationed at Clark Air Force Base.

After this period, he worked for Pan American Airlines and then as an investigator for the State Attorney General's Office in Miami.

Anyway, Sherman died in 1978 and according to his son, amongst his father's personal effects there was a detailed written plan to assassinate Fidel Castro. This document couldn't be found after Sherman's death which caused some concern to all and sundry.



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Thanks for the info James! Interesting the bit about this supposed plan to assassinate Castro- didn't know that. Does he have any other connection to the assassination at all do you know? I think one of the docs I saw hasd simethiung about him having served in the Phillipines at some point.

I was actually looking for info on Juan Valdes the man who's thought to have been involved in Mary Sherman's death but because I guess his name is a common one if I put that into the search engine on the MF site, every doc with the name 'juan' comes up. So I put Mary Sherman instead to see if there was anything that way but came up with Adrian Sherman as well.

Valdes is another mysterious character that not much seems to be known about. I think he mysteriously vanished after her death.

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Yes he did serve in the Philippines, that is where Clark Air Force Base is.

Sherman doesn't have any direct connections to the assassination that I am aware of but while at Clark, he served and was friends with the Deputy for Personnel of the Philippine Command, Millard McAllister.

McAllister also worked for the Republic National Bank in Dallas but died in 1959. He was close friends with Lee and Vince Drain.



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