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What should the Epitaph of AMERICAN DEMOCRACY read?

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I know.

We never really had one, but I am a high school social studies teacher paid to peddle truism.

My suggestion:

Lobotomy Accomplished!

I dont want to do the actual carving of the best entry, on account of I once made a spelling error.

Other suggestions welcome. Hey, we could have an election. Maybe the votes would be counted.

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I know.

We never really had one, but I am a high school social studies teacher paid to peddle truism.

My suggestion:

Lobotomy Accomplished!

I dont want to do the actual carving of the best entry, on account of I once made a spelling error.

Other suggestions welcome. Hey, we could have an election. Maybe the votes would be counted.

I don't see any signs of the demise of "American Democracy", Nathaniel.

The source of disillusionment, IMO, is a clearer understanding of how the word 'Democracy' has been traduced in the USA by a partisan and self-serving elite, a corrupt mass media and bloated "intelligence services" that on any sane analysis are anything but.

I feel more hopeful about the restoration of a more meaningful and genuine "American Democracy" than I have for a while. There are indications that a growing number of Americans are paying closer attention to reality. It bodes well for the future.

At least, one would hope, enthusiasm for 'exporting' democracy through military might may be on the wane. Not a moment too soon.

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To: Benjamin Franklin

From: American People

Re: The Republic

Message: We couldn't keep it.

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"Right to Life" ?


"Buisiness as usual." ?

Immigrant rally. May 1 LA, Unprovoked attack by police shooting rubber bullets and beats with batons media members, men. women, and children. http://www.answerla.org/


Posada, illegal immigrant, murderer, terrorist set free.

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