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Bill Dudenhoeffer

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  1. I am (William) Bill Dudenhoeffer, living in Sydney Australia since 1964. My father was in the US Air Force (initially USAAF) from 1942 until retirement November 1963. We moved frequently as my father was stationed at various AFBs, including Homestead AFB (1960-61) and Eglin AFB (1961-62). He was (supposedly) attached to the air to surface missile program from the late '50s and then the Minuteman program at his last base at Malstrom (Great Falls, Montana) AFB before retirement. We saw the Kennedy entourage in Montana on his September '63 Conservation Tour, and later can vividly recall being in a classroom as an 11 yr old hearing over the school PA about JFK being shot . By the time I became more interested in the JFK/RFK assassinations, and secret military ops, my father had passed away (1996), and I rely on my own research to try to reconstruct my fathers career. Along the way I have become immersed in Australian political intrigues including "The New Guard", "School of Pacific Studies (John Kerr)", "The Dismissal", Nugan Hand bank", Bali Bombings", Port Arthur shootings" etc. This forum seems an excellent source for information and peer review, notwithstanding the usual trolls and flames that are part and parcel of the www. I would be pleased to be accepted as a member.
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