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Felipe Vidal

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Posts posted by Felipe Vidal

  1. Sorry for the lack of a reply. I have been swamped with work (both profit and non-profit) as well as family life. On FVS, I know very little of his personal history outside of what I learned from the man that met him in prison before his execution. I preparing to make contact with Vidal relatives in the Miami area and establish a dialogue that will hopefully lead to some useful information. I also had planned to video tape the story told by the man from the prison. He seems amenable to it but I will have to get some kind of release documents if I am to use them in any kind of public forum.

  2. I know that my name is nearly the same as "Felipe Vidal Santiago" (FVS) mentioned in your JFK forums. That is because I am his nephew. I was doing some research to learn more about him. My parents divorced when I was nine and I have had little meaningful contact with the "Vidal" side of the family. Quite by accident, under a referral to fix a home PC, I came across the last man to see FVS alive outside of the Castro execution squad. My conversation with him engaged a strong interest in learning more about FVS. I came across your site which mentions him as possibly involved in the JFK assassination. I wanted to opportunity to establish a dialogue with the forum to learn more about it, and as I learn more about FVS to share that with them as well.

    I am a self-employed small business/home business IT consultant. My website is http://www.felipevidal.com/, though its only a shell right now. I just installed the Etomite content management system and will be publishing some content on SOHO IT issues over the coming weeks.

    I do have an interest in K-12 educational issues especially as it relates to changing bureaucratic institutions that make education less effect that it ought to be.

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