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Roger Fong

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Posts posted by Roger Fong

  1. Marguerite had six siblings, 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law, and about 10 grandchildren. That's a lot of people who have to keep a secret. If there were two versions of my sister, my mother, or my grandmother, I think it's very likely that I would know about it.

    LHO is a different story. He was away from the U.S. for many years and he was very conveniently murdered on November 24, 1963. He may very well be the patsy he claimed to be, and perhaps more. And James Douglass makes a very convincing case for this.

  2. I think Groden's books, the two you mention, are just excellent.

    The quality of the paper, and the reproductions are the best I have seen. Plus, the number of rare photos in both books is phenomenal.

    Why would you rank Trask or Myers over Groden's work? Especially since Myers has a narrow focus.

    This is a valid question. There is no argument with the quantity of photos and large number that do not appear anywhere else. The print quality is also excellent. However, I have some major reservations: over-lapping photos, colorization and cropping, inadequate documentation and attribution. However, I readily admit that I love Groden's books and refer to them often. But they also frustrate me.

  3. As a supplement to Robert Morrow's two topics about best and worst books, here's my list on the photography of the JFK assassination.

    The Top Two

    - Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain.

    - Dale K. Myers, With Malice (Tippit shooting)

    For their scholarship, thoroughness and excellent documentation. You don't have to agree with their conclusions. One small nick to pick with Trask: the photos should have gotten better treatment by the printers. This was nicely address in Trask's follow-up volume, That Day in Dallas, but only for Cecil Stoughton, James Altgens, and Jim Murray

    Honorable Mention (in no particular order):

    - Robert Groden, The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald

    - Robert Groden, The Killing of a President

    - Jesse Curry, JFK Assassination File

    - Wilborn Hampton, Kennedy Assassinated, The World Mourns

    - Cathy Trost and Susan Lewis Bennett, President Kennedy Has Been Shot

    Best of the Rest (not necessarily picture books, but have lots of pictures)

    - Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason

    - Jim DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed (Garrison and Clay Shaw)

    - Rosemary James & Jack Waldlaw, Plot or Politics? (Garrison and Clay Shaw)

    - Joan Mellen, A Farewell to Justice (Garrison and Clay Shaw)

    - Robert B. Denson, Destiny in Dallas (Ruby trial)

  4. Thanks, Lee, for identifying Toni Foster and pointing out Hill and Moorman. They were so near the edge of the screen, especially Hill, that I missed them. In your annotated frame, Foster is a little closer to the camera but she looks a lot bigger than Moorman. Maybe she really is 6'5" as pointed out by Fetzer in his Zapruder film hoax article!

  5. Attached below is a capture that corresponds approximately to frame 24 of the Nix film. This frame has been identified as equivalent to Zapruder frame 313 (the head shot frame). Standing on the grass at the north side of Elm Street is Bill Newman (between the limousine and the motorcycles). Who is the lady in the tan color coat standing on the south side in the same position? My initial reaction is that this would be the Babushka Lady, but I don't see a head scarf.

    Also further along in the sequence, I would expect to find Mary Moorman and Jean Hill in her red coat, but I don't see them. Can someone help me out on this? Thanks in advance.


  6. While performing a routine Google search for Jerry Belknap, I ran across a link to the Internet Movie Database, one of my favorite sites. Turns out it is indeed the Jerry Belknap who's the subject of this message, and the film is the Bronson film. This is very curious for a number of reasons.

    - What were the circumstances that lead to the listing of the Bronson film at imdb.com? (Nix, Muchmore, Zapruder, Towner, etc are also listed).

    - The Belknap listing in the Bronson film appears to be erroneous. From what I've read, Bronson did not start shooting until about 6 minutes prior to the President's arrival. The Belknap incident happened about 12:10 so Belknap cannot be in the Bronson film.

    Does anyone have additional information about this?

    Link to Bronson film on imdb.com

  7. Novel, circa 1967 I believe.


    I've noticed that many of James' image attachments are no longer online. I've run into several missing images in the past week. Since James is such an important contributor of images, perhaps he should be given more storage space so that his contributions remain online.

  8. This must be him. It's from the Ranger HS site.


    JERRY BELKNAP died in 1985. He attended RHS but

    moved in 1955 graduating from Irving High School.

    He was survived by his parents J.T. (RHS-1931) and

    Inez Pounds (RHS-1936) Belknap, brother Jim Belknap

    and wife Pat of Fort Worth, sisters Virginia Cowley

    (RHS-1957) of Temple, Janice Odom and husband Jim

    of San Antonio, and Judy Parker and husband Michael

    of Killeen.

    Ranger HS item

  9. Here are some slightly better versions of the New Orleans Times-Picayune photos:


    Discussing the "Crusade to Free Cuba," a campaign to warn of the menace of the Castro government, are (from left) Sergio Arcacha, Manuel Gil and Carlos Quiroga. The campaign was begun Friday in the Monteleone hotel. (New Orleans Times-Picayune, 2 Dec 1961)


    Anti-Castro Cubans meet at International House Friday in connection with the current Crusade to Free Cuba movement. From left are Carlos Quiroga, Sergio Arcacha, delegate to the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front here; Dr. Gilbert Mellin and Manuel Gil. (New Orleans Times-Picayune, 10 Dec 1961)

  10. Two great musicians from Spain:

    Legendary flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia (and friends)


    Basque accordionist Kepa Junkera



    Young virtuoso ukulele player Jake Shimabukuro and his version of George Harrison's While My Guitar Gently Weeps

    Green Day's anti-9/11 hysteria video featuring Jamie Bell of Billy Elliot fame



    And for classical music fans with a sense of humor, here's a guy singing all five parts to Cum sanctuo spiritu from J.S. Bach's B minor mass. This is hilarious.

  11. Mark,

    The last hurrah bookshop specialises in the political assassinations of the 60's and has a few gems in there, some very hard to get books.


    Besides Last Hurrah try:

    ebay - you'll need to be patient and persitent, and the selection is best in November. But just about everything appears sooner to later. I've gotten some pretty good deals on ebay: Sylvia Meagher, Josiah Thompson and Penn Jones for example. But I've also seen these same books go for a lot more than I paid.

    abebooks.com - for all used books. It's not unusual to find a dealer who'll sell a JFK book for less than what you'd have to pay on ebay, especially if the dealer is NOT a JFK specialist.


  12. Francesca, the Lee Harvey Oswald Frontline episode is well worth watching. It's much more open-minded about

    Oswald's motivation than your standard fare. It doesn't insult you by insisting he was whack job who just went berserk one day. This was the program that uncovered the photograph of Oswald with Ferrie. Before this program it was a standard LN line that Ferrie never met Oswald. This program proved they had in fact been at some of the same CAP functions.

    It's pretty difficult watching and listening to Posner, but Frontline's discovery of the CAP barbeque photo is a sweet moment. And it's not all Posner. You get a healthy dose of Anthony Summers. Other researchers who speak on camera include Edward Epstein, Priscilla McMillan, John Newman, Gary Savage, Dale Myers and Michael Kurtz. And Mary Farrell gets top billing in the credits under Researchers.

    The list of interviews filmed for this project is impressive: Robert Oswald, the Odio sisters, Richard Helms, Robert Blakey, Carlos Bringuier, Ed Butler, Ruth and Michael Paine, Father Walter Machaan, Sylvia Duran, Valery Kostikov, James Hosty.

    The following excerpt is from the script:

    Mr. POSNER: I think what many conspiracy critics do, they try to take the chain, the connections, too far back. They say, "Oswald knew Ferrie and Ferrie did some work for Marcello and Banister did some investigative work for Marcello. Marcello hated Kennedy and therefore it must have been Marcello deciding to kill Kennedy, down to Ferrie and Banister, who then gave the order to Oswald, who went off and did it." It's wonderful speculation. There's just no evidence to back it up.

    NARRATOR: Gerald Posner disputes all the sightings of Oswald and Ferrie - in the Civil Air Patrol and in 1963. He points out there has never been any hard documentary evidence linking the two men.

    Mr. POSNER: I discovered documents that were from the Civil Air Patrol which show that David Ferrie was suspended from the CAP in 1954 and not reinstated in 1955, when Oswald was a member.

    NARRATOR: FRONTLINE has uncovered the first hard evidence that places Oswald and Ferrie together: this photograph, taken in 1955 at a CAP barbeque. John Ciravolo and Tony Atzenhoffer were in the CAP with Lee Oswald.

    JOHN CIRAVOLO: This is several cadets, including Oswald on the end in the white T-shirt, myself standing in front of him. And over here in the white T-shirt and the helmet is Dave Ferrie.

    TONY ATZENHOFFER: Because of all of the publicity, you can recognize Ferrie, you can recognize Oswald. They were both in the CAP at the same time. They were both wearing CAP uniforms.

    This version of the photo is from James Richards:

  13. The history of the catholic church is very messy. As messy as any history can be. If you can believe that rational people can be responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, why can't you believe that they might have hidden some important facts about their history?

    Conspiracy theories have gotten a bad rap. Intelligent, well-informed people should not believe such things. I remind those people that there are plenty of examples of real consiracies: Watergate, Iran-Contra, the first "election" of George W. Bush, Joseph Kennedy's role in the election of JFK, FDRs pre-knowledge of Pearl Harbor.

    In the final analysis, The Da Vinci Code is just a very well-written thriller. You can enjoy the read without taking sides on the accuracy of the history.

  14. Based on what's been said here and on the JFK Lancer forum, I don't think I know enough about Greg Jackson, et al. to risk a $119.95 annual subscription. We don't really know what kind of track record these guys have. However, if one is intrigued, it may not be too risky to go for the month by month ($9.99) option.


  15. Chris,

    I don't know much about Jack the Ripper, but I've spent years studying the Kennedy case and I still consider myself a beginner. Has there ever been a case with so many suspects, so many plots and sub-plots, so many red herrings? No novelist would dare construct a story line that is this convoluted.


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