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Dan Dagen

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Posts posted by Dan Dagen

  1. yeah this guy as well as Donald Gregg have my attention right now as well. wish someone could connect the dots between Mr. Raymond and Cord Meyer, the Mockingbird reference in Secrecy And Privelege being the tip off.

    sorry I don't have anything to add to the conversation other than saying I think it merits discussion.

  2. I'm really looking forward to reading this book. The Vanity Fair piece was great. I love how the 3 princes who were named by the Al Quaeda guy under waterboarding all died within a week after dude spilled the beans. I chUckled how one 'died of thirst'. Another in a car accident, another at 43 of heart attack. Smacks of JFK investgation on the day the official interviews were scheduled (Pawley, Ferrie, DeMorenschildt- forgive my probable mutilation of the spelling, etc.)

  3. Equating belief that 9-11 was an inside job, or that the moon landings were faked with the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, MLK Jr., Paul Wellstone, etc is a terrible mistake. And very common.

    The CIA takes great care in establishing cover stories, controlling investigations and covering up.

    But you know what, have it your way. Julius Ceasar killed himself. Oswald acted alone. Reagan and Bush Sr. never knew about Iran Contra. It's all looney whackos with tin foil hats who think aliens are talking to them. All official stories are absolute truth. Whatever you say..........

  4. I would be very interested to know if anyone is following up on Arthur Bremer, released 4 years ago. Sirhan Sirhan has been moved to a new prison and William Pepper is his attourney. It has come up under hypnosis (this in a story run by the AP about a month ago) that when the famed 'girl in the polka dot dress' touched Sirhan on the arm, he went into 'range mode' and saw red circles and believed himself to be at a shooting range. In Shane O Sullivan's very good book'Who Killed Bobby?' the hypnotist Dr. Bryan is brought up as likely having been the one who programmed Sirhan Sirhan. It was also alluded Dr. Bryan may have also been involved with Arthur Bremer.

    Is anybody working on connecting these dots?????

    It seems to me there is enormous potential in someone in the research community uncovering important information.

  5. I read most of the book. Outstanding. Now with the new lawyer, I think 'the girl in the polka dot dress' is probably not a red herring, what with the 'she touched my arm and I was in 'range mode. I saw red circles and thought I was at a shooting range'

    The Dr. Bryan and all 'Manchurian Candidate' chapter material was the most captivating, eerie stuff. wow.

  6. please folks forgive me if this was posted elsewhere.

    Almost done with "Journey Into Madness".

    One little tidbit I found very interesting was that William Buckley is said to have been the deputy to the station chief in Mexico in June or July 1963. so he would have been in the loop as to the whole Oswald frame-up.

    The book's account of the Olson murder was lacking, but it was probably published before a lot of the foia evidence was made public.

  7. Who in the RFK research community are among the best informed, most articulate, etc and have good info on the 'girl in the polka dot dress' and mk-ultra goods?

    forgive me folks, I have not read all the info in all these threads. The recent news stories re: Sirhan Sirhan's hypnosis/ legal team has me very interested.

    Looking to line something up at my school.

  8. Am reading a decent book called 'seeds of terror' by Gretchen Peters. Apparently Afghanistan is the Columbia of heroin and morphine and the holy rollers known as the Taliban rely heavily on the revenue from the sale of poppy based drugs grown there. This reminds me a lot of the whole Iran-Contra thing in that i suspect there's got to be CIA folks who want in on this source of money in the no man's land chaos of Afghanistan. That murky underworld of covert ops, weapons dealers, professional assassins, cover story makers, key people in position in customs and running airlines. does anybody have anything concrete on this subject? declassified cables? defectors telling all? allegations? this is a juicy story.

  9. well i love the book.

    i've read gaeton fonzi's 'the last investigation' and mark lane's 'plausible deniability' as well as hurt's 'reasonable doubt' and (on the fringes) 'dr. mary's monkey'

    i think bloody treason gets very, very close and the author seems quite astute especially when e howard hunt's confession to his son basically says exactly what bloody treason does. he only missed cord meyer (and i hope researchers eventually start connecting the dots to him)

    fantastic, coherent, persuasive.

  10. am currently re-reading twyman's 'bloody treason' as i gave it a half assed once over the first time last yr.

    and lo and behold what do i find? more references to our friend Dan Mitrione who was warning (was it Christian David?) to keep silent about his knowledge of the JFK assassination or he would wind up dead.

    so, anybody on this board know something more on Mr. Mitrione?

    it appears was probably somehow connected to William Harvey as they were both very close to the JFK hit, both from Indiana.

    it also appears Mitrione was Jim Jone's handler as they were in the same south american cities at the same time and the cia had a file on jones during the 10 yr span that he was shadowing mitrione in so. america.

    a little help shedding light/ connecting some dots here??????

  11. forgive me if this one's been done already.

    since that e. howard hunt tell-all a couple years ago i would think a lot of the jfk assassination researchers would have turned a great deal of their energy on Cord Meyer. anything new? the spartacus bio on him does not mention hunt's allegations.

  12. Am having the hardest time finding another source to support the one cited by Jim Hougan; Kathleen A. Adams' story that there was another time in Guyana where a mass suicide happened, this time in 1845 when a false prophet named 'Smith' convinced 400 or so Amerindians to do it, something Jim Jones was said to be aware of, having been to Guyana himself circa 1961 October-ish.

    I tried all kinds of google searches on this subject for another source repeating this story to no avail, also tried via google search to contact Kathleen Adams with no success. The historical Guyana websites have not gotten back to me.

    Is it possible that this story (from a book called 'guyana Gold') is a piece of disinformation? designed to lead people on a wild goose chase? (i am certainly NOT suggesting Jim Hougan is doing this, btw)

    any help from the scholars and historians on this site will be greatly appreciated, will try and get the corroborating sources onto wikipedia.

    apologies to this discussion board if it is out of line to post this thread when there is already the 'Jonestown redux' one going. i felt the specifics of this warranted a separate topic.

    thanx all

  13. awesome.

    some questions i have are: what more is known about Jones' relationship w/ Dan Mitrione? (i am gonna track down that Hougan book)

    what was Jones doing selling monkeys? how did this come about?

    i read langguth's book 'hidden terrors' 10 yrs ago so i know about mitrione.

    i also read dr. mary's monkey and i know there is a cia connection to jones so his involvement w/ monkeys and the stated expertise of that doctor in animal behavior in magnetic fields is extremely interesting.

    this subject is easily as fascinating as the jfk assassination, more spooky and sinister, more than just a clever cold war coup-coverup.

    wow, wow, wow!

  14. i finished reading that 'the men who stare at goats' book which appearantly is gonna be made into a big film w/ george clooney. was a somewhat interesting read, but the part that really got my attention was the ending where it goes into much greater detail about the circumstances around the death of frank olson, something i always thought was just a guy who had a really bad acid trip and killed himself. as it happens he was a doctor working on the 'artichoke' program and was in very deep when he had some moral crisis about the way the 'expendable' prisoners were being interrogated and was about to go to the press telling all. also the book states there are people in miami who know who frank's immediate peers were and that his killers were hired assassins from the mafia.

    i wonder what frank saw that would have disturbed him so much. how could he have been so naive as to not think there would be gruesome sadistic torture and executions? i always thought of it as a given in the world of cloak and dagger spy world. i mean what would an american spy expect if he were captured in enemy land? aren't they supposed to kill themselves w/ cyanide rather than meet a fate worse than death? cos to get to that level of clearance where you're actually doing fatal interrogations on prisoners you have to be in the game very deep already.

    the very loose interpretation of history shown in that awful 'the good shepherd' flick that touched on this episode makes me chickle. oh well.

  15. so did anyone get a picture of the brain tumor?

    this strikes me as an extremely suspicious death.

    i doubt casey ever would have blamed reagan or bush, would have been a good soldier and insisted all that iran contra cover op stuff was hatched without any explicit presidential involvement, north, secord and poindexter all said as much in the hearings. maybe the casey death was sending a strong message to everyone who was surely gonna be called to testify that they had better damn well not indict the top of the white house.

    all these cia killings are such a tangled web

  16. I am just a concerned citizen. I think the JFK and RFK murderers are the ones running the country at present, flying in afghani heroin, waging permanent war, siezing the natural resources of other nations. They are the shadow government, the CIA and their powerful friends who own the banks, weapons plants and oil.

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