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Matthew Phelan

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Posts posted by Matthew Phelan

  1. For people looking into this Yugoslavia episode, it's mentioned on pgs. 30/2249, 117/2249, and elsewhere. Our Guy and a George E. Mitchell of Dallas were both selected by the International Cooperation Administration for this oil consulting trip.

    Fun Facts from Spooks and Secret Agenda author Jim Hougan on The International Cooperation Administration (ICA): An acknowledged cover for CIA officers and contract-spooks such as Watergate’s E. Howard Hunt and the JFK assassination’s George de Mohrenschildt, the ICA would become infamous during the 1960s, funding the construction of tiger-cages in Vietnam, and training foreign police forces in the theory and practice of torture.

    Some subjective personal notes on this FOIA so far:

    1.) I am sorry to admit that this is the first I am hearing about de Mohrenschildt's alternate names.

    2.) I was surprised to see this 1942 letter (signed by J Edgar Hoover himself) about George de Mohrenschildt. (pg 33/2249) I think everyone who has heard about de Mohrenschildt thinks of him as a "White Russian emigre," but this letter really makes him out to be something of a wartime Nazi sympathizer too (or maybe some kind of weird decoy to flush out same):

    It was alleged that while in Corpus Christi, Texas, Von Mohrenschildt claimed to be a cousin of George Farenthold a real estate and oil operator but that this claim had no foundation. At a tavern in Corpus Christi, Texas, Von Mohrenschildt reportedly stated that Germany had not used one hundredth of her strength; that Germany would undoubtedly win and that Hitler is taking care of the French people who are not starving as they did in the last war. It is also reported that at this time, Von Mohrenschildt stated that his father was German and that his father's estates in Poland had been protected by the Germans. He allegedly stated that the present war can end only in one of two ways; by compromise or by a German victory and that America would never be able to defeat Germany, even if the South American Republics, which are not friendly to the United States, assisted. (pg 35/2249)


    This guy sounds like he fits right in; a natural friend to any ole lonely, young family of Marxists recently arrived in Texas from the U.S.S.R. :ice

  2. I am not sure why this happened yesterday, but prodigious FOIA pack-rat Michael Best uploaded a pretty heavy 1981 FOIA release by the FBI of all the George DeMohrenschildt material that the bureau felt was safe for public consumption at the time. It's a 2249-page .pdf file and you can download it here. It had been freed up, back in the day, by the late, great Harold Weisberg.

    My best guess from this Weisberg papers finding aid is that this was not uploaded by Michael Best to archive.org last year in the monolithic bundle before. I could be wrong about that.

    Regardless, if anyone catches something interesting in this specific FOIA release, feel free to share it below and I will do the same

  3. ALSO:

    Apologies to Ramon for derailing this thread's topic! By way of update, he and I have been oddly busy trying to build a good team for this 3D model. If anyone knows someone -- who is not already an obvious assassination buff with known publications displaying his or her interest -- you should maybe forward them along to Ramon. It may help widen the search for available interested experts, who have the time and inclination to help, but whom we would not have thought to ask.

  4. I completely agree with you, Cliff. I was just probably being a little too glib for the room.

    To clarify: I think Roger Stone is a mendacious, albeit sometimes entertaining, career political operative whose primary virtue is his studied recommendations of pizza parlors.

    In this Godfrey McHugh case, he's really bent one solitary conversation between McHugh and Bobby Kennedy into the suggestion that McHugh thought LBJ was putting on an "obscene" staged "performance" aboard AF1 --- when I think the rest of McHugh's interviews discount that bizarre and forced interpretation. I just want someone to forcefully hold Roger Stone to account for that, in person, if possible.

  5. Ah, well ...

    Hopefully, while in New Orleans, Baker or someone else (or literally every able bodied person) at Ozzfest this weekend asks Roger Stone about Brigadier General Godfrey McHugh's 1978 HSCA and Kennedy Library interviews and LBJ's "virtuoso" award-winning performance of MacBeth in the Air Force One bathroom, just repeatedly, asking him about it over and over again, until Stone loses it.

  6. Arlen Specter was not a ballistics expert when he stood at the window of the Texas School Book Depository with Earl Warren and "invented" the single bullet theory. Specter could not point to any team of experts and explain how a consensus was formed that begat the theory he was presenting. It was an invention with one purpose and "justice" was far from that purpose.

    ​Arlen Specter understood from Warren just what he wanted. And Russ Baker has some more documentation on this that will be in his new book.

    We also know this from Sylvia Odio's interview with Fonzi for the Church Committee. Which backs up the Eisenberg memo.

    This is perhaps the most shocking disclosure for me in this thread.

    If I'm reading between the lines correctly, James DiEugenio and Russ Baker trade notes. It's very heartwarming.

  7. I'm told that many of Peter Levenda's books with Trine Day are incredible must-reads; three of them have pretty impeccable foreword authors, namely Dick Russell, Jim Hougan, and Norman Mailer. (I spoke to Hougan about it during a telephone interview on a tangential topic.)

    My understanding is that Levenda is one of the few people out there with a deep working knowledge of the esoteric Christian groups --- like the David Ferrie-affiliated Old Roman and American Orthodox Catholic Churches, and the General Charles Willoughby-affiliated Shickshinny Knights of Malta (which did NOT start with any affiliation to the actual Knights of Malta) --- as well as some other fringe religious groups permeating the Deep Politics realm. Levenda's stuff on the post-WWII Nazi diaspora is also, I suspect, worthy of consideration.

    (Glad you started this thread, David.)

  8. Update: I managed to locate Dr. Riley for Mr. Herrera, thanks in part to some fortuitous, unrelated, neurology journal articles.

    As I'm sure Mr. Herrera will be able to disclose in greater detail as his project progresses, Dr. Riley is still very much alive, and sounds interested in this 3D modelling project.

    For the record, my understanding is that the x-rays should be with the other material at the National Archives second site in College Park, Maryland, but that viewing them requires approval by Kennedy family rep. Paul Kirk. (See the National Archives FAQ here.)

    Best Regards,


  9. Matthew Phelan is a freelance investigative reporter and a former chemical engineer. His work has appeared at Gawker, Wonkette, Chemical Engineering magazine, Current Science, Inside Climate News, Salon/WhoWhatWhy, The Onion, and elsewhere.

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