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Bruce Johnson

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Posts posted by Bruce Johnson

  1. 3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I have to say, other people have pointed out things I missed.  I never meant it to be comprehensive.

    But to show just one example, in the fourth line before the end, Dylan mentions the song about Sherman's march to the sea called Marching through Georgia.  He then mentions a Scottish ode.

      In that song, the person being lamented is named Johnny.

    Old crow Medicine Show does a rousing version


  2. I think this is my first post here, I've only been a member a couple of months.

    I wouldn't call myself a JFK researcher but I've read quite a few books in the last couple years. My goal in life is to be a fiction writer.

    James Douglass's book first got me interested.

    I think the primary reason that I'm interested now is the idea that things could have been different. The idea people do have agency. Margaret Thatchers' "There is no alternative" comes to mind. There's a view of history that it's like a tidal wave, that there's nothing we can do, that what is now was inevitable and that no other decisions or realities were viable. The Vietnam war had to happen, neo-liberalism had to happen, etc. The idea that people can have agency. I think it's Talbot's book and discussion here that things could have been different if Kennedy lived, maybe even dramatically different. It's speculation, I know, maybe he would have kept us out of Vietnam and 58,000 Americans would never had died. Maybe the cold war would have ended much sooner. Maybe we wouldn't have caused so much trouble and destruction in the Middle East. Maybe neo-liberalism would never have become ascendant with the overthrow of Allende in Chile and the election of Reagan. Maybe we all wouldn't be so mired in private debt. The idea that things could have been different and that people have agency and can imagine different ways of doing things.

    I do a lot of reading of other reading, so I think the JFK assassination/administration still is very relevant today.

    Some things I find particularly interesting:

    1. Economics - I read the blog Naked Capitalism everyday, it deals with Modern Monetary Theory/Economics/politics/etc. So the stuff about the Fed and monetary stuff interests me.

    2. Economics/Third World/economic stratification - John Perkins and his Confessions of an Economic Hitman. The Rise of Neoliberalism and the extreme income stratification of society. I love David Graeber's book Debt.

    3. The Drug War -

    4. We used to assassinate foreign leaders now we assassinate and destroy entire countries.

    5. I read a lot of Philip K. Dick so I love all the shifting realities, the creation of perception, the manipulation of the public opinion, counter-intelligence.

    6. I've also read a lot of Rene Girard, so the idea of so many different groups had a possible hand in it, the CIA, military-industrial complex, the mob, the bankers, the white supremacists and then even the Mossad all gathering around the victim to start a new order or to set the newly arising order into stone.

    Sorry for the rambling.

  3. I live in St. Paul, MN

    B.A. in History from the University of Northern Iowa.

    I have done a lot of reading and research regarding Rene Girard/Mimetic Theory, Margaret Barker's Temple Theology, James Alison and have more recently become very interested in the work of David Graeber and Michael Hudson.

    My favorite blog is Naked Capitalism.
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