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Steve Jenkins

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Posts posted by Steve Jenkins

  1. Many look to see who benefited by an act of this type. Perhaps a great deal could be gained by looking at some of those who seemed to fall out of favor.

    Business picked up in South East Asia in a major way while Cuba not so much.

    Johnson got a promotion and a get out of jail free card. Hoover got to keep his job and with that his secret files which offered some protection for his own indiscretions. E. Howard Hunt appears to be marginalized after 1-22-63 as does Genersl Walker.

  2. It is not unreasonable to see the Assasination as an attempted false flag intending to blame the Cubans with the intention of starting a full on invasion of Cuba. That is clearly not how it played out. If anything Cuba was on the back burner from that point on.

    Johnson was on record for his concern that such a development could lead to nuclear confrontation with Russia, not unreasonable in my opinion.

    There is evidence that Johnson used this concern to motivate some members of the Warren Commission to take part in both the Commision and the lone nut tract.

    Both Johnson and Hoover had something to gain buy the JFK killing. Johnson got to be president and Hoover for to keep his job past 70. At the time he would have been automatically retired at 70 without special action by the president. Something Kennedy was not likely to do and something Johnson did in fact do. Johnson himself was facing potential criminal investigation, something he was able to head off with the powers of the presidency. Both were subject to potential blackmail if they did not play ball.

    There is indication both Johnson and Hoover had prior knowledge of how things would play out but I have not seen any that indicated they were involved.

    It is likely that it was easier to get folks to get on board with the coverup after the fact than before the fact. If the truth had come out early many of the mechanisms needed to fight the Cold War could have been dismembered as a result, particularly the intelligence services.

  3. I myself have more questions than answers and perhaps that is because one played out decades ago and brought down a president while the other has yet to play out.

    They both came to a slow boil before a presidential election and they both could potentially bring down a president.

    It seems to me that here is ample evidence to bring charges against any normal person and since Clinton appears to be the establishment choice I wonder if she is beyound reach or in fact in the crosshairs.

  4. Robert is immune as to what people think about him. Obviously his coup in getting elected Travis County Republican Chairman is going to attract lots of attention to his prior extreme antics and over the top statements. The Republican Party leaders actually do look ridiculous because they knew he was on the Republican primary ballot and they did not mount an effort to educate the party faithful as to who he was and what he stood for. Now they've got a real problem on their hands but most likely with the power they have they will find a solution of sorts.

    I am a Bernie Sanders supporter who, like Trump, is trying to upend the political establishment. The chickens are indeed coming home to roost and it is about time.

    I have read that Robert supports Ted Cruz and has attacked Trump. I find this strange but let us not forget we are talking about Robert Morrow.

    Here is Roger Stone's take on Cruz, which is a forerunner of what Trump will use against Cruz in the next debate:


    Don't take this the wrong way Douglas because this is purely an observation and not a judgement, but you have really shifted gears politically since your youth. I can not imagine a younger version of you supporting Bernine Sanders.

    For the record my thoughts on things have changed quite a bit over the years.

    These days I think both parties are too entrenched and not responsive to our needs. I also think the media will do what they can to show any challenges to the powers that be in the worst light posible. Maybe we should look at the big picture and not focus so much on an individualls imperfection. Nobody can really stand up to a microscopic review. Nobody has any secrets, not with the technology there is today.

  5. While the alleged sniper weapon was unsurprised are we to assume that other weapons that may have been used that day were also unsurprised?

    If one intended not to draw attention to oneself in order to increase the chances of getting away, would it not make sense to surpress things a bit?

    Is his not consistent with reports that the shots sounded like firecrackers or backfires?

  6. I think many of the folks that accept there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy have not yet come to appreciate the scale involved. Many believe that it involved a rogue element of the CIA. The problem with this conclusion is thst there is evidence that there is connection between the Kennedy, DuGaulle, Castro, and Diem killings or attempted killings. This was not the work of a rougle group.

    So much for making the world safe for democracy. Democratic or Dictator, nobody was safe.

  7. My take on Free Trade is that it increases profit if a corporation can produce products where labor and cost of production are the cheapest and then sell them in wealthier markets. The problem as I see it is that the long term consequence of this is a lower standard of living in no longer manufacturing end market. This is where globalism is taking us. At some point producing things cheaply is not enough without somebody with enough money in their pocket to buy what is produced.

    I don't see how sending our manufacturing base offshore has helped the country or the people who live in it. There was a time where the leader of a nation was expected to do what was in the best interest of the country and it's citizens.

    Protectionism is a dirty word these days because the powers that be see no benefit in protecting one nation or the human beings that live there. They see Nationalism as an obstacle to be dealt with. Kennedy, DuGaulle, and Castro were patriots that tried to do what they thought was in the best interest of their country and their people. Nixon began to introduce protectionist policy's to protect the American economy and its people. Look at the resistence they met.

  8. I think in all these assassinations there is a combination of things the bring various groups into the mix. For example with Kennedy I think the idea that he was not the man for the time with respect to the communism battle was a big driver. The anti Castro folks had that and more for motivation. The mob had drugs and casinos and legal troubles. Big oil had their issues and on and on. What most did not know at the time was how much intel, the mob, big oil and so on we're in bed with each other. This process has been educational for many as to how the world really works compared to how we thought it did.

  9. The reference mistaken or not that the ONI office being a location that Kennedy was killed from provides some food for thought. When he had the chance for damage control, the short answer yes leaves little doubt that he did not take it.

    This is the first reference that I recall that the operation was run by the ONI. Does anyone else have additional information on this topic?

    Ifthe motorcade route had not been changed to run in front of the Texas Book Depository Oswald would have not likely had much of a shot from inside his work place. If he were not the shooter it would have been more challenging to make him the patsie. Lots of practical reasons for the change if there is a grand conspiracy.

    Perhaps a route right in front of the ONI office was a little to close for comfort.

  10. I suspect DeGaulle figured out things pretty quick as well. Three world leaders all in the crosshairs at about the same time. Who would have thought Castro would be the last man standing.

    Another world leader in the cross hairs at about the same time:

    Ngo Dinh Diem, SVN.

    In 1963 the Corsican Mafia a/k/a "the French connection" controlled the world's heroin production while the Sicilian-American Mafia controlled smack distribution in the States.

    Pre-Fidel, Havana was the central depot for heroin distribution.

    South Vietnam was the gateway to the yet-developed poppy fields of the Golden Triangle Laos/Burma/Thailand.

    So the leaders of the USA, France, Cuba and So. Vietnam were all targeted for removal.

    Interesting coincidence, eh wot?

    Wow! I never looked at those events as linked in that way. Thanks for sharing that.

    Whe one looks back at Iran Contra in that light it makes one realize how much the drug situation influences military and foreign policy decisions.

    Intersting how when attention drifted away from the overthrow of Cuba it shifted immediately in the direction of Vietnam. Most everybody got what they wanted anyway. Ironic how in both cases all the energy had so little affect with response to communism.

    Excuse my ignorance but was the geographic area that Dugalle wanted to step away from and seemed to be so central in the incentive to kill him relevant to the drug trade or was that smoke and mirrors in your opinion?

  11. In my opinion one of the motivations of the folks behind the JFK killing was a false flag event with the intention of inspiring a direct military response against Cuba. For reasons that are not clear to me, this was extinguished with the lone nut conclusion.

    If LHO was truely a lone nut one would think our national policy towards Cuba would not have changed but nothing could be further from the truth. As near as I could tell Cuba was very much on he back burner in terms of priority after 11-22-63. Kind of odd when one considers that Cuba was a Comunist country that was only 90 miles from our border.

    Most of the talent was funneled to Southeast Asia even many die hard Anti-Castro Cubans.

    It is interesting to me that the influence of General Walker seemed to dwindle away to nothing about the time Air Force One left Dallas.

    I am not sure of the significance of that fact but I consider it telling.

  12. I think Kennedy and DeGaulle were both of the belief that the long term consequence of maintaining the Empire was not in the best interest of either nation. I think the forces that either tried to kill DeGualle and in fact killed Kenedy were on the same page and there is evidence that they were more than that. The Permindex/Clay Shaw connection is a hint.

    Clay Shaw was the head of the New Orleans Trade Mart.

    The building in New York were known as The World Trade Center.

    Kenedy was on his way to the Dallas ...

    To those that wonder if there was an industrial aspect to both the Kennedy and DeGaulle events there are plenty of clues.

  13. I agree with almost everything you posted above.

    In my opinion the folks that gained power or perhaps consolidated power increasingly since 11-22-63 are focused on a unipolar world order. A quick search on how many references George Herbert Walker Busch made to the New World Order is eye opening. The watering down of or at least the attempted watering down of Nationalism since that time is likewise. It is so ironic that the forces in play on 11-22-63 seemed to be motivated by Nationalism and how one potential long term consequence of what took place that day is the rise of Globalism and an apparent disrespect of national borders and cultural differences. Respect for sovereignty is not even mentioned during coverage of the many conflicts that have developed in the Middle East since 9-11-01. While here was not much respect for the soveriegnty of Cuba in the early sixties it was not nearly as in your face in today's coverage. Perhaps in the sixties the memory was still fresh with images of WW2 and the consequences of disrespecting the borders of ones neighbors. At the time at least in the media that kind of aggression in the form of direst military action was not an easy sell even when many believed we were in a life and death struggle with communism.

    It is debatable as to whether the current world events are a set back for them or part of the plan. For sure many Nation States in the Middle East and Northern Africa are a shadow of what they were before the buildings fell down in New York. The refugee crisis developing in Europe has the potential to trigger a rebirth of Nationalism within the EU while it inherently waters down each country unique culture.

    It looks like Russia and China are progressing towards a multipolar world order with alternative currency and such. It is ironic that the two Comunist powerhouses of the Cold War are once more the opposition to whoever it is that rules the west.

    While I agree that the western world seemed to be dominated by Anglo-American forces in 1963 that is far from clear to me today.

    I think there were two very distinct world orders fighting for dominance on 11-22-63 and that struggle played a huge part of what happened that day. While those powers or at least one of them had exhausted themselves by the fall of the Societ Union there was no peace dividend with a Unipolar World. Far from it.

    From where I am sitting not much has changed since 11-22-63 in terms of who is struggling for world dominance but the motivation is not nearly as clear at least in terms of how it was sold to me.

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