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Wynne Johnson

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Posts posted by Wynne Johnson

  1. Reply to Stephen Lavin:  Maybe you could invent a story about your father, but I take it that you would not do that.  I did not invent my story either.  However, I humbly suggest that you consider telling your father's true story in some way to make it to accessible to historians.  Be sure to include as much detail as you can.  Err on the side of inclusion rather than the reverse.  Assume that people are interested.  Say enough in general to allow a sufficiently interested historian to confirm it to the extent possible.  I emphasize: to the extent possible.  Much of his story may have to come only from his memory.  That cannot be helped.  If you can record him on video or at least audio, that might help a lot.  

  2. Reply to Mr. Purnell's follow-up question.  Yes, Malcolm Wallace would have been a fourth man, not Oswald or Phillips or Veciana,.  And, yes, he would have been near the elevators -- the ones that I call the regular elevators because they were not the observation deck elevator, which was down a hallway to our left.  The regular elevators were to our left also, but closer, just across the lobby, ahead and to our left, in the left wall (northwest) wall of the lobby.  And you are right that I do not assert that that that particular memory of the fourth man (who resembled Malcolm Wallace, I found out many years later) is reliable as real as opposed to dreamed.  I say that if Vicki remembers the man, too, then he must have been there for real.  I admitted to having had a dream long ago that interfered with my memory.  And this particular memory I regard as possibly unreal.  Another memory is definitely unreal: the brief exchange in Spanish between Veciana and Phillips.  That could not have happened in reality.  However, I stand by everything else as absolutely real, however odd or peculiar it may seem.  I even included a list of some of those facts, and I am well aware that some of them must seem at least odd, but they did happen.




    I do not think that it was the same incident.  For one thing, the incident that I referred to happened at night.  So it could not have happened on the 22nd before Tippit was murdered, since that happened in the daytime.  I think it more likely for the following week, after Oswald's murder -- the night of Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, or possibly even Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), but not later than Thursday, when I first heard of it, but only briefly in veiled terms, that Thanksgiving night from Vicki at her house.  As I said, nobody ever told me any details until my first wife Beverly did on January 3 or 4, 1971.  I assumed then and ever since that she was talking about the same incident that Vicki was referring to on November 28, 1963.  Beverly, too, was living in Oak Cliff in November of 1963; she was 13 years old then and living with her family.  I did not know Beverly in 1963.

  4. No, I am not suggesting that.  I am not suggesting otherwise either.  The rumored incident that I referred to, only rumored, took place after the assassination, apparently during the following week, and was apparently not directly related to it.  I emphasize, not directly.  But anything likely to attract attention in Dallas very shortly after the assassination was likely to be seen as somehow a consequence of it, whatever the facts.  This was part of what there was to worry about and what would have formed an additional motive for silence in the minds of many in Dallas.  I was never inside all those minds, but I was acquainted with them, and I myself saw the danger of civil unrest.


    I did not say that the rumor presented a threat of "black mob violence" in 1963.  I did say that there was black mob violence later, after 1963 in other parts of the U.S., which is part of the historical record.  In fact, as I heard some details of the 1963 rumor in 1971, the threat in 1963 would have come from white reaction to the incident, so that it would have been white mob violence at least as much as black.  There already was a history of that sort of thing, and I cited the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 as an example known of in 1963.  Although both races participated in that 1921 riot in Tulsa, the Black residents of the Greenwood District definitely got the worst of it.

  6. I am sorry that I cannot check my e-mail very often.  But I do check that gmail account; and the last time that I did before today, there was nothing new in the inbox.

    I am attaching the text of my reply to W. Tracy Purnell.  My reply was too long to be posted in the comment box on his web site.

    I also turned this into a text video on Vimeo.com, where it can be found with the title "My reply to W. Tracy Purnell" or by the URL https://vimeo.com/381846991.










    I apologize about the videos on YouTube disappearing and reappearing.  I needed to correct typos and to make a few additions.  Updating a video on YouTube is not a technically smooth operation.  You have to delete the old file and then add the new file, and you lose the statistics.  So I move the videos to Vimeo.com and left a reference on YouTube.  I have tried to follow a policy of simply adding material without deleting old material, in order to avoid the charge of "changing my story."  I really have not changed my story; I have added some material when I remembered it or when it came to seem significant.

    After hearing from a certain very famous person, whom I will not name for fear of being considered name-dropper, I decided to make all the "Southland Center 1963" videos -- Parts 1, 2, 3,4, 5a, and 5b public, no password required.  I made Parts 5a and 5b late in 2017 upon a suggestion to put my story in chronological order.

    I included, in addition to my own story, sections on other JFK assassination topics for the benefit of people who simply know nothing of them.  I do not pretend to be a researcher or even a buff, just somebody who has learned more about the subject that I ignored for most of my life, despite being tangentially involved and forgetting all but the most personal side of the time.  I do not try to cover those extra topics thoroughly, but simply to say why they ought to get attention.  Viewers will have to go elsewhere to learn all about them.

    One of them is the Loy Factor story, told in the book The Men on the Sixth Floor.  Having read and reread the book, I do not know why it is rejected by people looking for the truth.  One person seemed to reject it because the authors, Mark Collom and Glen Sample, were not professional writers.  I replied that that is beside the point of truth-telling.  How professional do they have to be?  Anyway, in view of all that has been said about intelligence agencies infiltrating the major media and publishing, one would expect anything uncomfortable for the establishment to come from outside it.  I do have certain reservations.  I believe that the Prayer Man figure atop the front steps of the TSBD in the film stills is indeed the real Lee Oswald.  Consequently, the man presented to Loy Factor as "Lee Oswald" -- and on the sixth floor with him and Malcolm Wallace and Ruth Ann Martinez -- had to be an impostor and probably the same one seen elsewhere that afternoon. 

    I was invited to speak at the JFK Assassination Conference in November of 2017, but in the end declined the invitation because I was not to say anything about "Ruth Ann."  I declined to accept that condition.  Rather, I included a long section in Part 5b to answer the objections of somebody named Dave Perry to the Loy Factor story.  I was answering simply as a reader of the book.  I am not acquainted with the authors; I simply believed that they wrote in a sincere, straightforward way.  I included also a section on the death of Malcolm Wallace, which seems to have escaped scrutiny as a suspicious death.  In the world of assassins, not only the innocent are seen as "knowing too much."  There is always the "danger" of a deathbed confession.  That "danger" would be enough motive for Wallace's murder.  He is said to have died from driving his car into a bridge abuttment.  Trouble is, there do not seem to have been any bridges or bridge abuttments of any kind on that stretch of highway, and both shoulders are extended by very wide, flat grassy areas.  Even a drunk driver, driving off the road and losing control of the car for a while, should have become alert and regained control.  A fatal one-car accident there seems unlikely.



  8.      The place was the Southland Center, folks, just as I said.  In 1963, that block used to have both the Southland Center and the Sheraton Hotel, separate high-rise buildings.  Now, both buildings are the Sheraton Hotel. 

          One reason that I was able to forget September 7, 1963, was that I was nowhere near Dealey Plaza on November 22, which also came a full eleven weeks later.  So even after November 26, after I realized that Vicki and I had seen the accused assassin downtown back in September, I could convince myself that we really had nothing to do with the assassination.  At 12:30 pm on November 22, I was at home in Dallas at 6057 DeLoache Avenue.  (This house no longer looks anything like it did before my parents finally sold it in the 1980s; it has been extensively remodeled by new owners.)  My school, Jesuit High School, had been given that Friday off for two reasons:  (1) so that we go see the President and (2) so that some people at the school could have more time to prepare for a speech tournament to begin that evening.  Such tournaments usually took parts of two days.  Part of it would be held Friday evening, the other part on Saturday.  As for going to see the President, I thought that there would be a lot of traffic and that I would learn all about it later in the news anyway,  So I decided to stay home.  Later in the afternoon, I went to the school to find out whether the tournament had been cancelled.  Of course, by then I knew of the assassination and supposed that the tournament would be cancelled, but I wanted to know for certain.
          By the way, if you see my videos on Vimeo.com, rather than YouTube, then you will see that there is a Part 4.  But Part 4 is private; you need a password.  I make the password available to members of this forum. The password is "BarrowJonathon's" (without the quotation marks).  Note the apostrophe-s.  Note that the spelling "Jonathon" is not the usual spelling of that name.  It happens to be the spelling of the name of a present-day restaurant almost diagonally across Beckley Avenue from Oswald's rooming house in Dallas.  I chose it in order to give the password indirectly to somebody with whom I visited the restaurant in 2015.  Barrow is the last name of Clyde Barrow, of Bonnie and Clyde fame, whose ancestral home we went to see on that same day, too.  I had scant interest in the Barrow house, but the two people with me were foreigners who wanted to see it.  At any rate, this is the password.  At the beginning of the video, I say some things that ought to explain why the video has been private.  However, I am in inclined to trust the members of this forum to be, mostly at least, decent people not looking for something to sensationalize or profit from.  I am not trying to keep the contents of the video totally private, but I do not trust the widest possible public.  At least, I am hoping that more responsible people will see the video first. 

    https://vimeo.com/110218535 Part 1

    https://vimeo.com/125991781 Part 2

    https://vimeo.com/126693813 Part 3

    https://vimeo.com/185283856 Part 4

    Wynne Johnson

  9.       I do not know to whom the question in the PS is addressed, but let me answer in all seriousness.  At the time of the fatal shooting of John Kennedy, I was at home in Dallas at 6057 DeLoache Avenue.  (This house no longer looks anything like it did before my parents finally sold it in the 1980s; it has been extensively remodeled by new owners.)  My school had been given that Friday off for two reasons:  (1) so that we go see the President and (2) so that some people at the school could have more time to prepare for a speech tournament to begin that evening.  Such tournaments usually took parts of two days.  Part of it would be held Friday evening, the other part on Saturday.  As for going to see the President, I thought that there would be a lot of traffic and that I would learn all about it later in the news media anyway,  So I decided to stay home.  Later in the afternoon, I went to my school to find out whether the tournament had been cancelled.  Of course, by then I knew of the assassination and thought that the tournament would be cancelled, but I wanted to know for certain.

          By the way, if you see my videos on Vimeo.com, rather than YouTube, then you will see that there is a Part 4.  But Part 4 is private; you need a password.  The password is "BarrowJonathon's" (without the quotation marks).  Note the apostrophe-s.  Note that the spelling "Jonathon" is not the usual spelling of that name.  It happens to the spelling of the name of a present-day restaurant almost diagonally across Beckley from Oswald's rooming house in Dallas.  I chose it in order to give the password indirectly to somebody with whom I visited the restaurant in 2015.  Barrow is the last name of Clyde Barrow, of Bonnie and Clyde fame, whose ancestral home we saw on that same day, too.  I had no interest in the Barrow house, but the two people with me were foreigners who wanted to see it.  At any rate, this is the password.  At the beginning of the video, I say some things that ought to explain why the video has been private.  However, I am in inclined to trust the members of this forum to be, mostly at least, decent people not looking for something to sensationalize or profit from.  I am not trying to keep the contents of the video totally private, but I do not trust the widest possible public.  At least, I am hoping that more responsible people will see the video first.  However, I am glad to be able to say this on Education Forum now, because the few people to whom I have given the password have shown no interest at all that I am aware of.  I mean, I must doubt that they were willing to be bothered, as it has turned out.

    https://vimeo.com/110218535 Part 1

    https://vimeo.com/125991781 Part 2

    https://vimeo.com/126693813 Part 3

    https://vimeo.com/185283856 Part 4

    Wynne Johnson

  10. I was born in 1948 in Dallas, Texas.  I attended Catholic schools to the age of 18.  For college, I attended a red-brick university in England and the University of California at Berkeley, and graduated from the University of Dallas in 1970, having majored in mathematics.  I have been married and divorced twice.  I was drafted in 1971 with an expiration of term of service two later.  I attended graduate school in mathematics before and after being drafted, and twice again later in life, getting a master's degree in 1985.  I have usually been employed as either a software engineer or mathematics instructor, but also taught English in Mexico for six years.   I am joining the Education Forum because of my revelation in 2014 and 2015 of experiences in 1963 directed relevant to the JFK assassination.  These revelations have been commented on, and I would like to respond.

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