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Colm Byrne

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  1. The trajectory which the WC concluded is the same, this theory also explains why the shots did not happen before the limo took the turn.
  2. That still does not prove that the shots got fired from above them, they also described that the window frame rattled, and that cement dust fell into one of their heads, as well as hearing the empty shells land on the floor
  3. Does an appeals process exist? When a member feels that he/she was wrongly suspended and issued with points?
  4. Having extensively researched this theory I present an updated animation showing the trajectory of the shots fired from the Daltex via the 6th floor alleged snipers corner onto Elm street.
  5. It would be great if this thread stayed on topic. The possibility of it is great, it has massive supporting evidence, so if any member wants to challenge it, then I would be glad to respond. I really would prefer that all other theories had their own threads and let this particular theory be discussed in it's entirety. Thanks
  6. No photo evidence exists to show that window, to be open or closed, pre shooting, there are one or two but they are blurry. The reason this scenario would be used would be to create the impression that the shooter was at the 6th floor window, to frame Oswald, and it allowed the real shooters on the Daltex escape because all eyes were off that building. The view from the Daltex via the tsbd 6th floor, makes the road on Elm visible from the tree right up to the underpass.
  7. This animation is as long as it took the conspirators to assassinate J.F.K and it does have a lot of supporting evidence especially on the very well established trajectory of the bullets, it is also very viable and possible when witness testimonies such as the witnesses on the 5th floor is considered, along with a whole host of other pieces of evidence
  8. We did discuss this before, the museum has since forwarded me photos which they took from the alleged snipers position and turned the camera around to face out the Daltex side window, a quite visible view of the roof and the windows below it are seen, which shows that it is possible to shoot all the way down Elm street from the daltex via the tsbd, starting at the tree up to the triple underpass. The shooter would have the same amount of time available from the Daltex via the tsbd as anyone who was on the 6th floor. The images files are too big to post, unless anyone can advise on how I can upload them here?
  9. No one was actually in the snipers nest while the shots coming from the Daltex via the tsbd 6th floor were being fired
  10. Oswald had to be killed because he could prove his innocence if alive
  11. Bullets trajectory with a lot of supporting evidence
  12. https://www.facebook.com/JFK-Truth-finder-fund-100850355236790 https://www.facebook.com/JFK-Truth-finder-fund-100850355236790 Newest theory fact finding fund link.
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