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David Whelan

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Posts posted by David Whelan

  1. 1 minute ago, Pamela Brown said:

    Thank you, David, for your quick response.  I appreciate that Ferncliff is actually mentioned, albeit cryptically, in your book.  It is not, however, listed in your index. Neither, for that matter, is the Campbell Funeral Home, where John's body was taken after it left Roosevelt Hospital.  Why is that?

    And no, I don't think the readers -- especially the newbies -- are going to figure out where John was cremated on their own without it being pointed out to them.  They might just figure he was cremated in NYC, don't you think?


    Good luck with your theories Pamela. Im not going to waste any further time discussing this.


    Pamela, firstly, thank you for buying my book. I am sorry you do not appear to like certain aspects of it, but this can only be expected.

    To address your persistent cremation complaint. On Page 170, my book has an image of a note sent from the the crematorium that was clearly used for John's body. The note is titled 'Crematorium Note'. The note is inserted into a paragraph about John's cremation. On the note, it clearly states that the note is from - Ferncliff Crematorium, Hartsdale, N.Y. Though I do not repeat the address in further chapters that mention John's cremation, I would like to think readers are smart enough to remember the original reference on the note without having it spelt out to them again.

    I am sure if you keep scanning my book, you will find other bits of information that in your opinion could be made clearer. But I'm not sure anyone else particularly needs you to point these out for them on this thread. I'm sure people can critique my book all by themselves.

    I respect your right to have an opinion about John Lennon's murder having something to do with Bob Dylan and I also have the right to respectfully dismiss it. You clearly have great passion for your theory, so can I suggest you start your own thread about it. Maybe you could also write a book about it.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    That is an open area, so not easy to pinpoint.  

    Chapman says a lot of things. I would look for corroboration to what he said.

    Has Chapman tried to account for the two types of bullets? 

    I also read somewhere that Chapman nodded at Yoko...

    My book addresses all of these open areas and uses corroboration to explain the actual truth of the event.

  4. I've interviewed Peterson a couple of times. Even though the Apple TV series and the recent People article appear to suggest that Peterson saw Chapman shoot Lennon. that is not what he said on the night of the murder and that is not what he said to me. Like I said, Peterson did not see Chapman's alleged bullets hit Lennon. His car was not adjacent to the driveway.  He could not see Lennon when he allegedly saw Chapman raise his gun.

    To reiterate, no witnesses saw Chapman's alleged bullets hit John.

    This might help:


  5. 15 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    How does one rectify this account with all the witnesses to the event, none of whom recall as far as I know shots from the front? There was no crowd around Lennon, as there was around RFK. It doesn’t make sense that the doorman was shooting. So who shot Lennon in the chest? 

    It is a common misconception that there were multiple witnesses to the event. The doorman probably saw little, but his witness statements are being kept from the public - probably because he saw very little. Yoko's statements vary, but she has never said she saw Chapman shoot her husband. And thats it, no more witnesses from the kill zone. Cab Driver Richard Peterson alleges he saw Chapman raise a gun, but he has never said he saw Chairman's alleged bullets hit Lennon. From where his cab was parked, this would have been impossible. My book will reveal possible shooter scenarios and the exact location where Lennon was struck. I can reveal that the doorman almost certainly did not shot John.

  6. 1 hour ago, Pete Mellor said:

    I have read Fenton Bresler's 'Who Killed John Lennon' + Jack Jones' 'Let Me Take You Down' + John Wiener's 'Gimme Some Truth' + Phil Strongman's 'John Lennon-Life, Times & Assassination' + Strongman & Parker's 'John Lennon & The FBI Files'.

    Having just finished reading 'Mind Games' I can say that I have learned more solid facts on John's assassination than all the previous publications put together.  I strongly recommend David Whelan's book.  Why?  Because of the glaring similarities, or as per the title of this thread states, the disturbing parallels of political executions of the 1960's.  Particularly the killing of RFK.

    I have always found Chapman's biography strange, to say the least, but I have learned a lot more of his links with nefarious characters and associations.  Yet, in this open and shut case, there is so much that remains an unexplained mystery.  As for the Dakota scene itself, the medical evidence, the ballistics, the bullet holes in vestibule doors all show that Chapman could not have killed Lennon.  2 + 2 does not make 4 in this case.  The official narrative is impossible.  Therefore we are looking at a programmed patsy-assassin as per Sirhan.  I know this is open for those who will compare this to fake moon landings etc.  I would invite those to read Whelan's solid investigation and report their interpretations of his work, rather than ridicule the book simply because the world knows that Chapman shot Lennon.  

    Thank you for your positive review Pete. I am very happy you found the book interesting and useful.

  7. Thank you for highlighting my new book on John Lennon's assassination.


    I have now spent over three years investigating the case and have managed to obtain the lead detective's notebooks and paperwork. Spoiler alert - the official narrative we have been sold is an ocean of lies.

    Regarding Jack Jones 1992 book on Chapman, this was very much an official narrative bolstering project. Jones deliberately avoided the actual mechanics of the assassination regarding people, geography and forensics at the location. Detail is not where Jones wanted to go. Tellingly, Jones also avoided the medical evidence. The official Lennon murder narrative never had a better friend than Jack Jones. 

    Hopefully this forum will allow us to have a John Lennon assassination thread. I have requested it, but so far crickets.


  8. It's interesting to see the energy and commitment people put into shoring up the now discredited John Lennon murder official narrative on this thread. It's almost as if they see the official John Lennon murder narrative as some kind of sacred text that must be defended with angry rigour and pathetically, often childish humour - 'I suppose you think the earth is flat and you wear a tin foil hat, etc etc' - yawn.

    Surely if you come across a thread you disagree with, you would not put too much energy into commenting on said thread. Bu the same old people angrily spew out their comments on this thread, over and over again - have these people not got better things to do with their lives? These kind of people have not spent the last three years of their lives investigating John Lennon's murder, but they still feel they can comment on my work with some kind of righteous authority.

    Ultimately, I believe these kind of people always come into three categories -  they are either cowards who cannot face uncomfortable truths that might prove that they have swallowed a lie for decades. They are intellectually immature and cannot handle any counter-information that challenges their pre-existing micro knowledge of a subject, or, they work for the intelligence agencies. I believe the modern zeitgeist of cancel-culture and narcism has created these kind of people intentionally. Don't think just feel. Turn off your logical mind and tap into your emotions.

    These people deserve our pity and not scorn and that, is the most damming assessment of all.

  9. After investigating John Lennon's assassination for over three years now, I can confidently claim with 99% certainty, that Dakota Jose Perdomo was not Bay of Pigs Jose Perdomo. Journalist Jim Gaines gave the whole world the ultimate Lennon murder red herring when he finally revealed Perdomo's name in 1987. Gaines claimed that Perdomo spoke to Chapman about the Bay of Pigs. Chapman has never mentioned this conversation, but by linking Perdomo and the Bay of Pigs, Gaines laid down a chain of confusion that has lasted for over 35 years. I believe this must have been deliberate.

    Dakota Perdomo is still a man of great interest regarding a conspiracy to kill John Lennon and the public still have not been allowed to see his witness statements.

    More info here:


  10. 13 minutes ago, Sean Coleman said:

    Cant find any reference on yr substack that relates to a second shooter? There’s plenty that point to chapman tho….

    Sorry, not keen on being redirected, any chance of u explaining? In a nutshell kind of way? A thousand thanks.

    You have to take into account where Chapman was. Where John was. Where the entry and exit wounds were and were the bullet holes in the glass doors ended up. Like JFK and RFK, it cant easily be explained in a nutshell.

    The videos on here will explain more.



  11. 33 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    Are you working for the CIA, Jonathan?

    It’s supremely ironic that the CIA weaponised the term “conspiracy theory” in order to shut down investigations into their dirty work – the covert operations which were the very definition of conspiracies.

    It's interesting that since I broke my John Lennon Investigation to the media a fortnight ago. Two examples of many:



    Jonathan and especially Michael have tr"lled my comments on threads that are clearly marked 'Lennon'.

    I can only come to two conclusions - they are either working for agencies unknown (deliberately or in a useful idiot capacity), or, they don't have many friends and they are looking for some much needed attention. Either way, I think we all need to avoid engaging with these people. Commenting on their sniping only gives them oxygen. Lets all ignore them and hope they go away.



  12. 28 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

    It's not rudeness. If something is nutty, it is not rude to call it nutty. The idea that the Secret Team/High Cabal killed Lennon is nutty. The idea that 9/11 was an inside job is nutty, just plain nutty. 

    This forum has degenerated into a home for every nutty, crackpot theory ever to occur to the minds of some men. 


    28 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

    It's not rudeness. If something is nutty, it is not rude to call it nutty. The idea that the Secret Team/High Cabal killed Lennon is nutty. The idea that 9/11 was an inside job is nutty, just plain nutty. 

    This forum has degenerated into a home for every nutty, crackpot theory ever to occur to the minds of some men. 


     Stop wasting our time. I have reported you.

  13. Your rudeness is tiresome and telling Michael.

    If you believe Lennon's assassination could not have any relevance to the JFK and RFK assassinations, why engage in a thread that has the subject implied in the title?

    This JFK forum is a wide church with a myriad of subjects. if the subject is not to your liking - why join the thread? 

    Please do not mistake my desire for a separate Lennon murder thread, as an implied admission that the subject has no relevance to other famous assassinations of the 1960's. As RFK Jr has often stated, a brain-washed patsy and a second shooter set-up, was a very real possibility in his father's assassination. It also is a very real possibility in John Lennon's murder.

  14. Hello everyone, 

    This discussion appears to be taking some strange turns. 

    I have requested that the Controversial Subjects forum has a John Lennon Assassination forum of its own. Requests from others on here for a Lennon murder forum, can only help my cause.

    I have spent three years now researching the Lennon assassination. My ultimate goal is to re-open an investigation into John's murder, as he never got one back in December 1980. My book and documentary will be coming out at the end of this year. In the meantime, I will be revealing information through the mainstream and independent media and my socials and Substack page.

    To help clarify a few Lennon murder myths that have been floating around the world for the past 42 years, please read my first Substack post. Many more will follow shortly.


    Please excuse my absence in the coming weeks. Im dealing with a lot of media requests at the moment, but will try and answer any questions you may have if I get the time in the weeks ahead.

    Best wishes,

    David Whelan

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