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Posts posted by pierre

  1. 1. Find evidence that the Depository Carcano was in the Paine garage on 11/21/63.

    2. Find evidence that Oswald had in his possession a 34+ inch package on the morning of 11/22/63.

    3. Find evidence of a bullet track through the President's body.

    4. Find documentation or witness testimony indicating that Oswald ever received a rifle and a handgun at Box 2915 in Dallas.

    5. Find the photographs of the bullet fragments inside the Presidential limo as they were found.

    6. Find the photograph of the palmprint on the rifle as found.

    7. Find the proof that bullet CE 399 contained the blood or clothing fibers from either victim, or bone particles of Governor Connally.

    8. Show us how a 36" rifle that was shipped from Klein's Sporting Goods became a 40" rifle.

    9. Find the photograph of the paper "gunsack" on the 6th floor as found.

    10. Find the evidence that the bullets removed from the body of JD Tippit were fired from the Oswald handgun to the exclusion of all other weapons.

    Point 1:

    No evidence whatsoever., except Marina's statement on the cover allegedly containing the MC. Not convincing.

    Point 2:

    Except Frazier and his sister at Irving and Frazier seeing Oswald carrying a package, nobody saw Oswald entering the TSBD with it. However, I do not think that Frazier lied on that point. Perhaps the content of the package was different

    Point 3:

    No evidence as the pass of the bullet was not traced in the course of the autopsy. Incredible but true!!

    Point 4:

    Just evidence of purchasing sheets under the alias "Hiddell" written by Oswald (authentified by the HSCA).

    Point 5:

    Once more, no evidence!

    Point 6:


    Point 7:

    Good point! However, the way CE399 came to the surface precluded all possibilities to collect evidence because of no respect of "the chain of posession of the evidence".

    Point 8:

    I suspect "erosion" because of drier conditions in Texas compared to Illinois :lol: . Ok, I am partly joking.

    Nonetheless, as I lived in French Guiana (a very humid country) I bought some wooden items there. Coming back to France 2 years later, some of them became shorter. The reason was that the humidity inside them had disappeared under drier conditions.

    Point 9:

    No shot of the paperback, as Studebaker missed it. The reason was that this paperback never was in the vicinity of Southeast corner on the Sixth Floor.

  2. Whether this transcript of an alleged conversation between Ruby and Oswald is a fake or not, the simple fact that this document has been concealed for decades is puzzling, to say the list.

    If the transcript was purely fictional and written for a movie to come, why to have kept it concealed.

    After that, it is quite obvious to think that more relevant and true documents still remain classified.

  3. I'm Pierre NAU from France. Currently, I am residing in the UK.

    I was 11 at the time of the JFK assassination.

    I have been interested in this tragic event for many years. I started my research by reading "Rush to jugement" in 1967 and never stopped it. I was in Dallas on November 2003 for the 40th anniversary.

    I am running a website on the case http://www.jfk-assassinat.com.

    I have written a book JFK retour sur l'assassinat in French (November 2005).

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