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We all know how lone nutters like the Bug, Von Pain, and Posner all talk about the same-old, worn-out "lone nut" cliches and mantras but has anyone ever noticed which issues they avoid or ignore or refuse to discuss?

1. Operation Northwoods-was the assasination an act of domestic terrorism?

2. Vietnam and the plans for withdrawal

3. the role of the Miami Cubans-JM/Wave, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, Alpha-66

4. The history of the Kennedy Administration and the plans for nuclear disarmament, detente, and even rapprochement with Castro's Cuba and China

5. The history of the CIA's shenanigans in the world-Guatemala, Iran, Cuba, Congo, Vietnam

6. A continuing history of government deceit and dishonesty-Vietnam, Watergate, Iran-Contra, 9-11, Iraq

What do you think?

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Also, the Lone Nutters never mention these in their writings and debates:

1. George DeMohrenschildt, Ossie's friend, and DeMohrenschildt's personal ties with LBJ and George Bush Senior

2. The performance of the Secret Service in Dallas and the infamous drinking episode at the Fort Worth Cellar

3. The performance of the WC. I am sure they have stated "Sure, the WC did a crappy job but they were still right about Ossie".

4. The various omissions of the WC such as Admiral Burkley and many others.


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Also, the Lone Nutters never mention these in their writings and debates:

1. George DeMohrenschildt, Ossie's friend, and DeMohrenschildt's personal ties with LBJ and George Bush Senior

2. The performance of the Secret Service in Dallas and the infamous drinking episode at the Fort Worth Cellar

3. The performance of the WC. I am sure they have stated "Sure, the WC did a crappy job but they were still right about Ossie".

4. The various omissions of the WC such as Admiral Burkley and many others.


I think you're very wise to observe what information is excluded.

And if you conclude that the excluded information must be significant that would be understandable.

It's the device used by Peter Dale Scott in Deep Politics. He calls it the "negative template."

Most useful.

But it takes... deep knowledge to know what details are omitted.

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It was inexcusable for the WC to exclude Admiral Burkley, who was more knowledgeable about the wounds at Parkland and Bethesda and the medical evidence. DO the LNs have an answer or excuse on why the good doctor was left out? You would probably hear Specter or the Bug say "Well, we had more than enough medical witnesses and his testimony would have been considered repititious".


Of course, you never see the LNs mention the foiled Tampa and Chicago plots. To admit them would be for them to acknowledge that dirty word to them-conspiracy.

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