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Military Man

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Here is a photo. I don't know how it will come out and my Desizer doesn't work well. What I tried to post was too big. Anyway, someone, a while back, was interested in the Military Men with Caps at Love Field. This might be another here in Altgen's Man in the Doorway. He's behind the LBJ SS car, as their doors are opening, standing on Houston.

I have one attachment here that shows nothing. Sorry. Here's a new photo that I am borrowing from a thread in which Robin Ungar posted. I hope he doesn't mind. On the right side of the picture, you see a man with a military cap on and a long yellow rain slicker. My guess is he's a traffic cop. I thought he was one of the men from Love Field. But this tells me different. Of course, I could be completely off base. :)




Edited by Kathleen Collins
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Here is a photo. I don't know how it will come out and my Desizer doesn't work well. What I tried to post was too big. Anyway, someone, a while back, was interested in the Military Men with Caps at Love Field. This might be another here in Altgen's Man in the Doorway. He's behind the LBJ SS car, as their doors are opening, standing on Houston.

I have one attachment here that shows nothing. Sorry. Here's a new photo that I am borrowing from a thread in which Robin Ungar posted. I hope he doesn't mind. On the right side of the picture, you see a man with a military cap on and a long yellow rain slicker. My guess is he's a traffic cop. I thought he was one of the men from Love Field. But this tells me different. Of course, I could be completely off base. :up


I'm bumping this.

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George Michael Evica has done work on the significance of certain DPD head gear, in particular the bands and colors on caps.

It has been noted that a group of White supremacist officers wore a specific insignia and color pattern. Perhaps Larry Hancock has bumped into this subject.


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George Michael Evica has done work on the significance of certain DPD head gear, in particular the bands and colors on caps.

It has been noted that a group of White supremacist officers wore a specific insignia and color pattern. Perhaps Larry Hancock has bumped into this subject.


More info on Dallas uniforms would be great. Like those worn by the "officers" arresting the three tramps.

I'm getting increasingly interested in the Dallas Police Dept & Tippit & Roscoe White, as well as Sherrif Bill Decker who sent Eddy Raymond (Buddy) Walthers into a fatal ambush in 1969. Walthers found a bullet in Dealey Plaza on Nov 22, & interviewed James Tague after he was injured.

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