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Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

Perhaps a series of questions posed as a simple WHY, might reveal something of the Psychology of the killer. They may also shed light on some other interesting facts like, was the Ripper employed, was he a local man etc.

1, WHY target prostitutes.

2, WHY kill them in this particular manner.

3, WHY Whitechapel.

4, WHY the "Double event"

5, WHY (if indeed he did) taunt the Police through mocking letters.

6, WHY (if indeed he did) chalk the Ghoulston St graffitto.

7, WHY the level of escalating violence shown towards his victims.

8, WHY remove organs from some victims.

9, WHY break the pattern with Mary Kelly and kill inside.

10, WHY Stop killing after the Millers Court horrorshow.

I'll start on the first one, WHY target Prostitutes tomorrow, or you might like to take a stab(pun intended) yourself.

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1, WHY target prostitutes. - Common amongst serial killers for a few reasons. Pro's tend to be accessible where police are not around, isolated, and often not regarded as important or even identifiable and can be picked up surreptitiously and by the nature of the profession accepts approches from strangers.

Many serial killers have some deep sex/moral conflict stemming from various reason.

2, WHY kill them in this particular manner. - Depending on which murders were Jack's it indicates some strong need and it is somewhat disorganised.

Some deep conflict that is slaked by the act.

3, WHY Whitechapel. - A local?

4, WHY the "Double event" - ? Not familiar with that one. Elucidate, please?

5, WHY (if indeed he did) taunt the Police through mocking letters. - Typical trait in many instances. Ego/selfworth issues?

6, WHY (if indeed he did) chalk the Ghoulston St graffitto. - If he did, then the exact placing of words, spelling and handwriting is unknown. Juwes - Jewess? french for Jews? Unanswerable. Red herring? Who knows when the words were in fact written?

7, WHY the level of escalating violence shown towards his victims. - Typical tendency, a breakdown of inhibitions. A growing hunger/attachment to the after event satisfaction.

8, WHY remove organs from some victims. - Depending on which victim. One on the street could have a cat or dog remove organs. Cannibalism? Souvenir? Experimentation with feelings about it.

9, WHY break the pattern with Mary Kelly and kill inside. - Happenstance? She may already have been dead and the ruffling of the bed linen and displacement of bed may indicate she was pushed, perhaps by someone of not great strength, on to the bed.

10, WHY Stop killing after the Millers Court horrorshow. - Dead, in prison for other crimes, escaped to other fields, perhaps America with a resumption there. Ultimately dead of course.

Edited by John Dolva
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10, WHY Stop killing after the Millers Court horrorshow. -

Another thought occurs. As recorded in history, the accuisition of enough bodies for medical research and for students has always been a problem, particulary so during those days when grave-robbery was a lucrative business to some, 'no questions asked', money and body passes hands. A concurrent mass murderer in Chicago, around the time of the 'Great Chicago Exposition', purpose built a building, masquerading as a pharmacy on the lower floors and lettable rooms on the upper floors to which he would lure people, kill them in specially built secret rooms and dissect and strip the skeletons in the basement, prepare the skeletons and sell them to people for anatomical studies. So, perhaps a deranged anatomist did the best he could with a scarce resource in Whitechappel. Has anyone looked at London med school graduates in the following year(s) to se if there is a possible connection? Once a qualified Doctor or Surgeon, he/she could concievably butcher to hearts content, and therefore the murders stopped?

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Guest Stephen Turner
4, WHY the "Double event" - ? Not familiar with that one. Elucidate, please?


Certainly John, "Double event" refers to the slaying of Elizabeth Stride at Dutfields Yard at between 12-45-1-00am early morning 30th September, and the slaying of Catherine Eddowes at Mitre Square between 1-40-1-45 am on the same day.

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Guest Stephen Turner
10, WHY Stop killing after the Millers Court horrorshow. -

Another thought occurs. As recorded in history, the accuisition of enough bodies for medical research and for students has always been a problem, particulary so during those days when grave-robbery was a lucrative business to some, 'no questions asked', money and body passes hands. A concurrent mass murderer in Chicago, around the time of the 'Great Chicago Exposition', purpose built a building, masquerading as a pharmacy on the lower floors and lettable rooms on the upper floors to which he would lure people, kill them in specially built secret rooms and dissect and strip the skeletons in the basement, prepare the skeletons and sell them to people for anatomical studies. So, perhaps a deranged anatomist did the best he could with a scarce resource in Whitechappel. Has anyone looked at London med school graduates in the following year(s) to se if there is a possible connection? Once a qualified Doctor or Surgeon, he/she could concievably butcher to hearts content, and therefore the murders stopped?

You are reffering to H H Holmes, certainly a worthy contemporary of Jack.

Doctors/Surgeons, who have been named as Ripper suspects include, Dr Morgan Davies, Sir william Gull (Physician to the Royal family) Dr Barnado, the philanthropist, Dr Stephenson, Dr Treves(Elephant man) Dr Thomas and Dr Stanley.

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10, WHY Stop killing after the Millers Court horrorshow. -

Another thought occurs. As recorded in history, the accuisition of enough bodies for medical research and for students has always been a problem, particulary so during those days when grave-robbery was a lucrative business to some, 'no questions asked', money and body passes hands. A concurrent mass murderer in Chicago, around the time of the 'Great Chicago Exposition', purpose built a building, masquerading as a pharmacy on the lower floors and lettable rooms on the upper floors to which he would lure people, kill them in specially built secret rooms and dissect and strip the skeletons in the basement, prepare the skeletons and sell them to people for anatomical studies. So, perhaps a deranged anatomist did the best he could with a scarce resource in Whitechappel. Has anyone looked at London med school graduates in the following year(s) to se if there is a possible connection? Once a qualified Doctor or Surgeon, he/she could concievably butcher to hearts content, and therefore the murders stopped?

You are reffering to H H Holmes, certainly a worthy contemporary of Jack.

Doctors/Surgeons, who have been named as Ripper suspects include, Dr Morgan Davies, Sir william Gull (Physician to the Royal family) Dr Barnado, the philanthropist, Dr Stephenson, Dr Treves(Elephant man) Dr Thomas and Dr Stanley.

Ah yes, that's the one.

I assume you got my point re pre-med and grads'? Do any of those doctors fall in that category?

Or, if not, is it possible to pursue the issue of Doctors/Surgeons graduating in the immediate years following the end of the killings who may have a Whitechappel connection?

Edited by John Dolva
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I realize that any theories regarding the involvement of either Prince Eddy or Sir William Gull are not looked upon favorably by many Ripperologists, but I think they answer most of your questions. Does any other theory adequately answer as many? Stephen Knight's original theory (basically the one related in the movie "From Hell") explained why prostitutes were targeted. It explained why they were killed in the horrific manner they were. It explained why they were killed in Whitechapel. It explained why the level of violence increased (due to frustration at not locating the intended victim). It explained the Goulston Street grafitti ("juwes" being a freemasonic term, and probably nothing to do with jews). It explained why organs were removed from victims (freemasonic meaning, same as the general question about why they were killed so horrifically). It also is the only theory, to my knowledge, that logically explains why the killing stopped with Mary Kelly. The only ones this theory doesn't answer would be; the double-event (although the conventional explanation about a witness approaching, causing them to panic and leave probably explains this for all theories), the mocking letters to police (although some Riperologists believe that few if any of the letters were genuinely written by the actual killer(s)) and the fact that the pattern was broken when Mary Kelly was killed inside (although one could argue that they finally realized for certain that this was their intended victim, and thus took their time inside- also remember that Kelly was the only one of the victims to have an actual residence, so the others may have been killed outside because there was nowhere else more convenient to kill them).

I know there are holes in the freemasonic/royal theories, but imho they also explain the coverup of information about the murders of prostitutes far better than any other. Why else would there be a need to cover up anything about the deaths of some of the poorest citizens of London?

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