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FBI 62-2116 Roselli: PHX 302 file

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JEWELLS Ha Thats a funny

John Roselli first came to the attention of Senator Berry Goldwater's Staff in the summer of 1975 a few months before this information was passed to Congressmen Tomas Downing; shortly therafter the HSCA was formed and funded. The White House tried to block the formation of this investigation.

In view of the "new" documents released and those held back as top secret, National Security matters of 1975 confirm all the information Senator Goldwater's security team received from two action "military" operative attatched to the CIA from the Pentagon. The FBI was notified of the allegations and both subject's information, who gave the information to Senator Goldwater, was sealed.

Bernard Finisterwald and Gary Shaw filed a fredom of information on one of the subjects, with his permission, in 1981 and received over 463 pages on subject pertaining to Rosellie and John Martino. Also a second set of documents were located which pointed toward more documentation that would confirm the two informante's allegations.

This is not important anymore. Its old stuff. However there are still over 363 pages of the FBI's 302 files and the FBI 62-2116 file on Rosellie remain classified and the subject concerning the assassination attempts on Castro.

My point. how did the attack teams members names come forth long before the public was aware. And why was this information withheld by Hoover for over forty years?. Why did the CIA cover the details of this operation? (Bishop, Bennette, Bender, Harvey, Barns, Robertson, and a host of others

I would like to see you people get to the bottom of this cold case, and I have tried to help in my own way. However, I can be of no service to the research community anymore. There are those who want to fight and twist and attempt to make a name for themselves at the expence of truth. I no longer give interviews or anwser questions. Nobody has "run" me off the forms. I have seen the work done and it goes round and round and goes nowhere except "newbees" wanting to make a name for themselves.

Within the maze of information I have tried to share in the past and if you look and read with an open mind you might just fiend a trueizum that will help get you to the real truth of what happened that day in Dallas.

In spite of what some say of me. I am not an assassin. I have always worked in the shadows doing the will of my Commander in Chief. Laugh at that if you want, but it was another day and time... a time much more simple and true.

We tried to stop the killings of not only JFK but others as well.... sometimes we were succesful... and other times not.

I have no desire to communicate with any of you on this subject. Call me what you like. Do what you want with the information I have provided.

However, when these documents are released in total.... then compare them with the Roselli/Plumlee FBI file. Therein leads to Obstruction of Justice by the FBI from the years of 1975-82 and on..

I have paid my dues... now you do the same.


"However there are still over 363 pages of the FBI's 302 files and the FBI 62-2116 file on Rosellie remain classified and the subject concerning the assassination attempts on Castro.

My point. how did the attack teams members names come forth long before the public was aware. And why was this information withheld by Hoover for over forty years?. Why did the CIA cover the details of this operation? (Bishop, Bennette, Bender, Harvey, Barns, Robertson, and a host of others

I would like to see you people get to the bottom of this cold case, and I have tried to help in my own way. However, I can be of no service to the research community anymore. There are those who want to fight and twist and attempt to make a name for themselves at the expence of truth. I no longer give interviews or anwser questions. Nobody has "run" me off the forms. I have seen the work done and it goes round and round and goes nowhere except "newbees" wanting to make a name for themselves.

Within the maze of information I have tried to share in the past and if you look and read with an open mind you might just fiend a trueizum that will help get you to the real truth of what happened that day in Dallas.

In spite of what some say of me. I am not an assassin. I have always worked in the shadows doing the will of my Commander in Chief. Laugh at that if you want, but it was another day and time... a time much more simple and true.

We tried to stop the killings of not only JFK but others as well.... sometimes we were succesful... and other times not.

I have no desire to communicate with any of you on this subject. Call me what you like. Do what you want with the information I have provided.

However, when these documents are released in total.... then compare them with the Roselli/Plumlee FBI file. Therein leads to Obstruction of Justice by the FBI from the years of 1975-82 and on..

I have paid my dues... now you do the same."

I understand a lot more now, than I ever have in the past. What I've come to realize has left me quite sober on the subject, when faced with the myriad of facets that have crystallized and then been shattered just as easily as they were formed. The "trust" factor has been stretched beyond human limits, as far as this case is concerned, and for those of us who've lived through the charade we've been forced to accept, regardless of how much proof has been allowed to surface over the past four decades, it's never been enough, and has always seem to be a day late and a dollar short.

I believe you when you state your reasons for being there. I've finally managed to translate the jargon involved, as well as the operational strategy deployed for that particular job. And, I feel bad for those who attempted to, but were thwarted in their efforts to save the chief. I don't find anything remotely amusing about what you tried to do, therefore I'm not one who'll be laughing at your story. I realize now, that you did what you were compartmentalized to do, and how that form of tactical isolation, with its "need to know" basis, can hobble even the most noble of counter interventions. It's probably been the worst thing you've had to live with all these years, the fact that you failed. If anyone is just as sorry, it would be me, as well as those folks who built their dreams on that man during that time and place in history. Because, life as we knew it, and hoped for a better future for ourselves and our loved ones, was broken into a million shards of glass that afternoon, and has spiraled downhill ever since.

Thank you, Bill, for coming forth with any piece of information that may enlighten the path and lighten the load.


Edited by Terry Mauro
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