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Jack the Apocalypse.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner


The hermetic belief that the Earth mirrors what happens in the heavens, and visa-versa.

Aleister Crowley first suggested that the Ripper may be a Magician, pursuing, as Crowley put it " the supreme black magical power" A ritual performed on Earth will influence the heavenly bodies, heavenly bodies like Meterorites for instance.

1888, 1888, a threefold repetition of a single number often heralds Earth shatering events, 1666, great fire of London, 1777 victory for the collonial forces in the American war of independance.

The rippers aim was not lust murders, but the destruction of the Earth, not in 1888, but in 1999, when the meteorite shower from the leonids was due to be the heavyist in over 300 years. The Earth is the Godess Gaea, the Earth Mother, and the Rippers murders of five Women represented symbolic sacrifices of the Earth mother intended to bring about her death in reality, 111 years later.

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Guest David Guyatt

On the triples, it might be worth pondering the fact that all of the gold/treasure stashes plundered by the Japanese during WWII (and there were over 170 of them) ALL were numbered with three digits relating to the value of the stash in billions of Yen (or, artguably in Metric Tonnes) viz: "222" "333" ..... "777" "888", although I'm not sure there was one as big as "999". or as small as "111" (although I think I have seen paperwork for the latter but can't remember off hand).

Here be dragons...


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Guest Stephen Turner
On the triples, it might be worth pondering the fact that all of the gold/treasure stashes plundered by the Japanese during WWII (and there were over 170 of them) ALL were numbered with three digits relating to the value of the stash in billions of Yen (or, artguably in Metric Tonnes) viz: "222" "333" ..... "777" "888", although I'm not sure there was one as big as "999". or as small as "111" (although I think I have seen paperwork for the latter but can't remember off hand).

Here be dragons...


An athrological approach to apophrical, apocolyptic attrocities,attribution,allegedly anonomous.

The Canonical murders begam with Mary Nichols on 31st of august, and ended with Mary Kelly on 9th November. during this time the astrological Sun moved from Virgo through Libra to Scorpio. Each constellation is traditionally associated with particular parts of the body, for the three constellations mentioned these were..The intestines, the Kidneys and the genitals. Lets look at the mutilations the ripper visited upon his victims.


Chapman...Virgo....Intestines severed.


Eddowes....Libra.......Abdomen laid open, Left Kidney removed.

Kelly....Scorpio.....Extensive, particularly the Genital area, Heart missing.

IOW, the two Women killed under Virgo have their stomach's opened, and intestines partly removed, one of the Women killed under Libra, has her left Kidney removed, and the Women kliied under Scorpio is subject to intensive mutilation, particularly genitalia, she also has her heart removed, which is associated with Leo. This less than a week before an intensive meteor shower fallinf from the LEONIDS, otherwise know as the constellation of Leo.


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Guest David Guyatt
On the triples, it might be worth pondering the fact that all of the gold/treasure stashes plundered by the Japanese during WWII (and there were over 170 of them) ALL were numbered with three digits relating to the value of the stash in billions of Yen (or, artguably in Metric Tonnes) viz: "222" "333" ..... "777" "888", although I'm not sure there was one as big as "999". or as small as "111" (although I think I have seen paperwork for the latter but can't remember off hand).

Here be dragons...


An athrological approach to apophrical, apocolyptic attrocities,attribution,allegedly anonomous.

The Canonical murders begam with Mary Nichols on 31st of august, and ended with Mary Kelly on 9th November. during this time the astrological Sun moved from Virgo through Libra to Scorpio. Each constellation is traditionally associated with particular parts of the body, for the three constellations mentioned these were..The intestines, the Kidneys and the genitals. Lets look at the mutilations the ripper visited upon his victims.


Chapman...Virgo....Intestines severed.


Eddowes....Libra.......Abdomen laid open, Left Kidney removed.

Kelly....Scorpio.....Extensive, particularly the Genital area, Heart missing.

IOW, the two Women killed under Virgo have their stomach's opened, and intestines partly removed, one of the Women killed under Libra, has her left Kidney removed, and the Women kliied under Scorpio is subject to intensive mutilation, particularly genitalia, she also has her heart removed, which is associated with Leo. This less than a week before an intensive meteor shower fallinf from the LEONIDS, otherwise know as the constellation of Leo.


Alliteration becomes you, it goes with your hair...

Very interesting and very informative, Steve.

Green? mmmm. Might it be that Libra, at one time, was part of Virgo locates to the west of Libra, but also part of Scorpio. located to its east. That is until the blessed Romans came along and fuddlled up the nice Constellations of Arabic-cum-Druidic lore?

Might it be that one of the "old" stars of the Constellation Libra, Zubeneschamali (the "Northern Claw") appears GREEN in the heavens and marked the 22nd ecliptic of the Constellation of Babylonia and was associated with Bilat, "The Lady"?

Might it be that there is a connection to heavenly Crob, known to the Persians as "The Horned"? (but known to us as the Crob-father?)

Might it be that Ptolemy states that this old Constellation was observed at Babylon on 17th January 272 BC, the earliest known recorded observation and that 17th January (Janos) is the key date that is continually referenced in regard to the Priory of Sion?

Might it be that I'm talking complete, condescending, constipated off-the-cuff cobblers that I have confused as being fit for consumption?


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