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Did the USAF strike the Syrian nuclear site?

Steve Ulman

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Guest David Guyatt
From the Jerusalem Post.

The article quotes Al-Jazeera and implies that the US used a tactical nuclear weapon to take out the facility. The asertion that a tactical nuke was used makes me question the reliability of the story.

How very interesting, Steve. This would go towards all the graphics shown on news broadcasts of how the Israeli planes flew from Israeli via a circuitous route to do whatever it was they are supposed to have done. I can well see that this was a disinformation operation to hide the possibility that a US aircraft actually dropped a weapon. However, like you I am dubious about a tactical nuclear weapon because these (I understand) give off signatures that are easily picked up by satellite and it, therefore, supposes that all nations with a satellite system in place (primarily Russia but presumably China also?) decided to not report the event. I can see though, that a fuel air bomb could have been dropped which causes the same sort of devastation.



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Guest David Guyatt

It is also worth taking a peek at the article linked in the Jerusalem Post story about the alleged nuclear site with picture before and after the Israeli - USAF (?) strike...

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Yes, I had already seen the before and after pictures elsewhere. It really does appear that they had something to hide based on the speed of the clean-up. It may hit the facts from commercial satellites and the average person, but you know that every intel satellite that could look at the site has been doing so since it happened so the cleanup is more of a PR move than anything else.

You're issues with the tactical nukes are the same as mine - the USAF have any number of conventional warheads that could do the job - why risk using a nuke?

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