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Learning Zone help requested

John Plews

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I'll try to keep this short but my request is a little complicated.

I manage a lottery funded project that has developed a series of heritage web sites based on the theme of "Three Centuries of Transport". We are now creating a Learning Zone within the portal site (http://www.transportarchive.org.uk) where teachers can post/publish lesson plans/activities, using the content of our sites as the reference material.

We would now like to create a small set of example plans/activities, based on National Curriculum requirements, that future users/visitors can either use as examples or can use as templates to modify accordingly.

The question is: are there any teachers or similar that would be willing to help build a collection of plans etc. We will, of course, make a payment for each contribution but there is a time limit - the material must be complete by the end of August 2004.

If so you are interested in helping out, please have a browse of the site and post your reply. I look forward to a positive response.

Edited by John Plews
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I appreciate that this is probably the worst time of year for this type of request and most teachers are now either busy planning for next year or re-charging their batteries on the beach somewhere.

However, if there are any teachers that would like to earn a some summer money and have the time to create a small number of lesson plans based on our web sites content, the offer is there. Just email me your contact details and I'll be in touch.

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