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How dis information is spread on this forum

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A few weeks ago I was told by a young researcher 20 years old, that I had never been a pilot and was never in a DC3 type aircraft. So xxxxx took anything I had to say with a grain of salt and as a result did not background check anything concerning JFK because XXX said I was a BS artist. Following is an example of how dis information is put forth. You can not prove a negative. Those who hi jack threads and put false information on forums do more damage to the research community than hundreds of CIA "clean-up artist".

I only post this as an example. Why it was never posted before now is beyond me.

E-Mail copy: (OK'd by sender)

Rodney. The following information was posted awhile back to discredit me. (2005) Another DC-3 pilot (Dixion) came to my rescue, but it was not posted or addressed on that forum at the time. And now I am being told because of that post that I have never been in a DC-3. Ha 2500 logged hrs in that bird. One old DC-3 pilot did come forward in by behalf but it did not get posted.

Would you care to comment on this? The following is the exchange.........

"...And once again, here is "Tooshee" posting an exact description of his "snitch-self" !! This is the clown who heroically tells some San Diego trash-tabloid scribbler about "waving" a white hanky out the window as a signal to the nasty-XXX dopers. Then, our hero, SITTING IN THE RIGHT SEAT of a DC-3, starts the left engine first.

Hey dumb-XXX !! Ever heard of "Google" ??!! Crank in "DC-3/C-47" and then tell us how you reached across the whole overhead panel to "start an engine". The left-seater starts the engines, "pseudo-zoomie"; and you always start the RIGHT ENGINE first, because that's the one which has both the electric generator and the hydraulic pump !! What a phony !!.......


,.... .... ....

gals, and gullibles -- find my "map" and my phony "I ran dope for the big Uncle" crap-story -- Huh, pretty please !!

Get a life, and go bug "Wimp-Drank-to-much-Beer". ...". end of post.E Mail reply with permission

Reply to above derog post by XXX:

from MV Dixion to Education Forum Att. Mr Simkin, Education Forum:

Mr. Dixion's reply to XXX postings in reference to DC-3. ( Dixion was a DC-3 pilot DC-10 capt. for Cont. Airlines.

Mr. Dixion's reply to post

"... The following is not true. I tried to counter this wrong information but could not because I am not a member, nor do I want to be one. I thought you might like this information. I would think other DC-3 pilots would come forward and support a fellow pilot.

December 06. Capt Dixion's reply. note. He could not reply to post because he was not a member of that forum.

"....My name is M.V. Dixion and I live outside Escondido Ca. I was directed to this website by another pilot friend of mine. I am a retired Airline pilot and flew the DC-3 for seven years in the 1960-67, and have over six thousand hours in that aircraft. I retired from the Airlines after 35 years, with the same company, in 1994 as a DC-10 Capt. based out of LAX.

I notice the slam on this fellow pilot and thought I would add my two cents worth.

1. Yes you can start a DC-3 from the right hand seat. In fact I have flown the DC-3 solo many times from the right seat.

2. The gentleman who stated that the hydraulic punp is on the left engine is wrong. The DC- 3 had hydraulic pumps on both engines Pratt&Whittney 1830's (and 1830-92 series of engines) Perhaps the gentleman has his aircraft mixed up. The DC-4 had the hyd- pump on the number 3 engine Ask any pilot about this.

I think this person wants to discredit Mr Plumlee who ask for information about an article and map. I see it as an attack on the person who ask for information. But that is not my interest to get engaged in that sort of debate. Anyway the information about the DC-3's hyd pump is wrong, as well as other statements made by himI

If you have questions you can reach me through the ALPA and I would be happy to reply in more detail. I do not like to see a pilot take in in the shorts as this person seems to want to do to the DC-3 pilot, Plumlee) who only ask a question about a map..

I reference this exchange on the Education Forum.

Poster's, remarks and reply to Mr. Plumlee's question asking for help in locating a map of Central America: (2004-2005)

Hello Tosh, (Rondey Stitch 2008)

Thanks for giving me the referrals. I copied them to my computer and will print them out and absorb the details when my printer is fixed. Everything sounds interesting.

........ .......... .....

I read the negative comments. If it were me, I'd ignore it. Further, if you had a type rating in the DC-3, that would immediately discredit the other party and then I'd drop it.

I flew the DC-3 (got my type rating in it from American Flyers, Fort Worth, in 1951, and also type rated in the DC-4, with lots of time in that. It has been many decades ago, but I can not see any problem with either pilot's positions starting the engines. The sequence of engine starts in the DC-4 were 3, 4, 2, 1.

The ratings I received were DC-3, DC-4, DC-8, Convair 240//340/440 and the 880 jet; Martin 202/404; Curtis C-46. I received one of the first ATP pilot ratings in Japan, # 170 (Orville Wright was before me!!!)

Again, why not get your story out, and it could be not only in print form but on the Internet.

Best wishes,

Rodney Stich End of Email

P.S. I was warned when I used the word S... and the word A.. H...e in a reply and If I did not stop I would be taken off the forum. Makes me wonder about this form of selective enforcement found on this Forum.

I support the work on this forum and John Simkin's dedication to try and get to the truth about Dallas and beyond. I would like to see its members focus on issues and supporting evidence and the facts and information which is available from dedicated researchers.

I have been warned by the powers that be not to go on Forums anymore. Well I am not the type that will be intiminated by those A.. H... e's

Here I am. Now take you best shot.

Edited for language.

Edited by Antti Hynonen
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Mr. Plumlee,

The followng three questions certainly may be read as attempts to pry into your personal life. Yet such inquiries seem to be precisely what you are inviting.

A decision on your part to decline to answer will be accepted without prejudice.

1. How would you define, in detail, your relationship with Mary Ferrell?

2. Are you still in touch with/advising the founder(s) of Forgotten Families of the Cold War, and if so, what can you report on that group's progress to date?

Thank you.

Charles Drago

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Mr. Plumlee,

The followng three questions certainly may be read as attempts to pry into your personal life. Yet such inquiries seem to be precisely what you are inviting.

A decision on your part to decline to answer will be accepted without prejudice.

1. How would you define, in detail, your relationship with Mary Ferrell?

2. Are you still in touch with/advising the founder(s) of Forgotten Families of the Cold War, and if so, what can you report on that group's progress to date?

Thank you.

Charles Drago

I met Marry in Dallas when Oliver Stone's people were just starting to investigate for the JFK movie. She was introduceed to me by Alex Hoe and John Stockwell. I did not talk to her in any detail at all. At that time I was kept away from other researchers. John Stockwell I think told her I was a CIA pilot. However at that early date there were no declassified documentation FBI or otherwise, to even indicate I was connected. In short. I never talked to her direct about any thing on JFK. We just chatted and then I was pulled away and taken out of the building. At that time I did not know who she was or what she was working on.... some years later... I sent two boxes of FBI FOIA de classified info about Roselil and other information that Bud Fensterwald and Gary Shaw had on me. (1981) Her reply was " ... claimed to be a CIA..."... which offended me. She also obtained information from Jay Harrison about Dallas and those connections of mine and tried to reach me. I did not respond...... a few years later I heard she died.

No. I am not in touch with any of the Forgotten Families. I know they and Sherry really worked hard for the truth, but got side tracked into BS stories from ego manics and their info and work went dead.... I think...... There are hundreds of stories like theirs, but will never see daylight.... The "clean-up artist" are at work.. alive and well

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Mr. Plumlee,

The followng three questions certainly may be read as attempts to pry into your personal life. Yet such inquiries seem to be precisely what you are inviting.

A decision on your part to decline to answer will be accepted without prejudice.

1. How would you define, in detail, your relationship with Mary Ferrell?

2. Are you still in touch with/advising the founder(s) of Forgotten Families of the Cold War, and if so, what can you report on that group's progress to date?

Thank you.

Charles Drago

I met Marry in Dallas when Oliver Stone's people were just starting to investigate for the JFK movie. She was introduceed to me by Alex Hoe and John Stockwell. I did not talk to her in any detail at all. At that time I was kept away from other researchers. John Stockwell I think told her I was a CIA pilot. However at that early date there were no declassified documentation FBI or otherwise, to even indicate I was connected. In short. I never talked to her direct about any thing on JFK. We just chatted and then I was pulled away and taken out of the building. At that time I did not know who she was or what she was working on.... some years later... I sent two boxes of FBI FOIA de classified info about Roselil and other information that Bud Fensterwald and Gary Shaw had on me. (1981) Her reply was " ... claimed to be a CIA..."... which offended me. She also obtained information from Jay Harrison about Dallas and those connections of mine and tried to reach me. I did not respond...... a few years later I heard she died.

No. I am not in touch with any of the Forgotten Families. I know they and Sherry really worked hard for the truth, but got side tracked into BS stories from ego manics and their info and work went dead.... I think...... There are hundreds of stories like theirs, but will never see daylight.... The "clean-up artist" are at work.. alive and well

Thank you.

I can assure you that the questions I posed are related, and that I will be happy to explain sooner rather than later.

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I found this today while looking for something else. Just another (important to this case) person's experience with Tosh.


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Find Member's Posts Dec 2 2004, 11:30 PM Post #1


Group: Members

Posts: 19

Joined: 25-June 04

Member No.: 889

I have known Tosh Plumlee since before the release of Oliver Stone's film "JFK". He has taken me on a guided tour of Dealey Plaza and South Dallas on more than one occasion. While I cannot vouch for 100 percent of his story as I have been unable to substantiate it all, I can state that it has remained remarkably consistent through the years and, over time, has been more and more supported by documents released from the U.S. Government as well as the trstimony of others. From the beginning, he told me that the only person on his Dallas flight of 11-22-63 that he had known previously was Johnny Roselli and that Roselli got off at the first landing at Garland Airport. Tosh also pointed out to me several CIA-backed Cuban "safehouses" in South Dallas as well as the garage apartment behind Oswald's rooming house. Much of what he told me has been verified by outside sources. He also led me to the Oswald apartment on Elsbeth St. and correctly described the odd configuration of the outside door long before we arrived there, indicating to me his prior knowledge of the place. I have been with Tosh on many occasions, including a lengthy driving trip to Florida and Alpha 66 headquarters, and have never seen him in a drunken state. His memory for people, places and dates continues to amaze me. There are now certain individuals who claim that Tosh is unstable, a drunk, a xxxx or a combination of all three. In my book, this is patently untrue. It should be noted that these same individuals have proven not only inconsistent and abusive in their statements, but have totally reversed declarative statements made only a few years ago. It is easy to call names and make accusations. It is not so easy to erase the memories of those who once listened to such self-appointed authorities.


Biography: http://www.jimmarrs.com

Website: http://www.insidejob-911.com

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