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West Ham

John Simkin

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Gary Loughran
I was very impressed with West Ham against Manchester City on Sunday. West Ham is developing the best defence it has had since I began watching them in the early 1960s. Once we get Ashton, Bellamy, Parker, Faubert and Dyer fully fit we will have a side to be proud of.

I've just watched Scott Carson's poor positioning for Bullard's free kick goal and it's inspired me to post. How on earth does Capello pick Carson, Kirkland and James over Rob Green. I'm beginning to believe that Green has said or done something in his past that is warranting his continual oversight. For make no mistake he is easily the best goalkeeper of the 4 when compared over the past 1.5. - 2 seasons. He and Upsons ever present consistency warranted both a place in the latest England squad. Not since the days of Parkes, Stewart, Martin, Bonds, Lampard have West Ham had such a dominant defence. I have a personal preference for the all to injury prone Reiper/Bilic pairing but certainly as a back 5 Green, Neil, Upson, Gabbidon, McCartney have been superb.

If McCartney was English he'd be in the squad - though nothing could get Neill in the squad. McCartney is tireless working in support of the left sided midfielder and is also great defensively. How on earth is Cashley Cole described as 'world class'???? He is inept as a defender...and that should be enough to end any further argument on that subject. Arsene Wenger got perhaps the best deal of recent years when he received £5 million AND William Gallas for Cashgrabber Cole.

As I've said before Curbishley's biggest test of his managment ability will come when all available players are fit. There is a little reported dissension with Ashton presently and this might just have forced Curbs hand in team selection for the Wigan game. He went 4-4-2, playing Ashton and Cole up top, instead of the usual away formation (which has served so well) of 4-5-1/4-3-3. In my opinion Ashton is still not close to the requisite fitness though there have been flashes that he's getting there. When he does, he too, will join Upson in the England squad. Which reminds me to ask, what is the difference between Hesky and Cole??? Not a joke, no punchline, just my utter amazement at Heskey's inclusion....especially when Cole does the same job better. Though neither would make my squad.

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