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Maddie - The $30 Trillion Tot

Guest David Guyatt

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Guest David Guyatt

Surely you don't expect Michael Chapman to fully explain his theory?

I see John, that you are anxious to light the blue touch paper to advance my above prediction to the point of reality...

If you would recuse yourself from moderation duties in those cases where you have a persona axe to grind and, instead, leave these matters in the able hands of your chosen moderators, then your personal animosity can be exercised to the same extent that mine or anyone else's is exercised.

But will you submit to that which others must submit, I wonder?

Inflaming the already tense situation is no help whatsoever.

Meanwhile, allow me to report that said correspondent has pressing and very unfortunate family duties to perform that force his absence at present.

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Guest David Guyatt

Chapter Two – Neutral Hostility


Shortly after VE Day Churchill made public his private grievance against the administration in Dublin for denying the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force access to the ‘Treaty Ports’ and their environs during ‘The Emergency’:


“Owing to the action of the Dublin Government, so much at variance with the temper and instinct of thousands of southern Irishmen, who hastened to the battlefront to prove their ancient valour, the approaches which the southern Irish ports and airfields could so easily have guarded were closed by the hostile aircraft and U-boats.” - BBC Radio Broadcast – 13th May 1945


But was this a (belated) protest too far? It is difficult to assess exactly how much the unavailability of Berehaven, Cobh and Lough Swilly had contributed to allied maritime losses in ‘The Black Pit.’ Certainly, there were other factors that had had a much graver impact on the struggle in the Atlantic about which ‘The Great Leader’ was curiously reticent - so why the animus toward De Valera?



 The fiery James Dillon TD – one of the few friends Churchill had in Eire



Like most political utterances, the radio broadcast was ‘a blow on the dog whistle’ that could only be properly understood by a select few. Churchill’s target was the Anglo Irish  - that vestigial imperial elite that had steered ‘the Dublin Government so much at variance…’ on its neutral course throughout the war. His (undeclared) wartime strategy to persuade De Valera’s administration to change tack  - the prising away of Gael political functionaries from their Anglo overlords by blandishment (reunification) and threat (allied invasion) – had been consistently thwarted by unseen, immovable hands on the tiller of the Irish ship of state.


During ‘The Emergency’ ‘The Trinity Men’ had had in their grasp all the levers of power in the Republic. They had received their instructions from their Whitehall handlers via G-2, MI5’s sister service in Eire. At the faintest whiff of co-operation with the Allies, the Anglo’s had cowed the majority but politically impotent Gaels with hints of possible IRA (G-2’s ‘unofficial’ paramilitary wing) and Nazi operations in the 26 counties (‘Plan Kathleen’ a barely credible joint IRA/Nazi invasion of The North from the South is perhaps the best known of such operations – others go by the name of Lobster, Seagull, Whale, Dove, Osprey, Sea Eagle, Mainau, Innkeeper).



 Trinity College  where, according to Brendan Behan, the Anglo’s spent all their time reading double meaning books written in Irish



Irish neutrality then, was largely a creation of the men that Churchill loathed and feared most: his own mandarins, spooks and grandees. So his broadside against Dublin should be interpreted as a volley against an elite faction at home who had been only nominally on the same side as he in the war against Germany and who, as he saw it, had just cost The British Empire ‘The Great Game’ by its deference to malevolent, domineering forces at work within the wider Anglosphere.


Although it was Ireland’s invisible Anglo’s who had carried through a de facto non- aggression pact with Hitler it was the all too prominent Gaels that were to be branded as collaborators for decades – principally by Anglo Saxon commentators influenced by observations like this:


‘Irish neutrality, on which she placed a generous interpretation, permitted the Germans to maintain in Dublin an espionage centre, a window into Britain, which operated throughout the war and did incalculable harm to the Allied cause’

                                                                       Nicholas Monsarrat – ‘The Cruel Sea’


It wasn’t until the publication in 1994 of Donald Arthur Water’s tome ‘Hitler’s Secret Ally, Switzerland’ that it became apparent there were other nations that had placed an even more generous interpretation on their wartime neutrality. Ireland’s refusal to temporarily hand over the Treaty Ports, reprehensible though this was, pales somewhat when compared to the enthusiasm of Zurich’s gnomes for bankrolling the Nazi war machine or the Swedes’ industriousness in supplying nearly a third of the Reich’s iron ore for much of the war.


Then there’s Portugal’s serious wartime misconduct (still unacknowledged and for whom it appears Ireland has taken the rap) – its logistical support to the Axis effort was probably the most significant of any declared neutral nation in WWII (more on this in another post). One way of illustrating the scale of Portugal’s assistance to Hitler is by stating that the very least of Salazar’s misdemeanours was his ‘safe keeping’ of 44 tons of gold (equivalent to USD 1.4 billion today) looted by the Nazis.



 Salazar – his declared salary in 1968 was c. USD 80,000 (at today’s values) but his ‘yellow metal’ allowance was probably not included in this figure



And the ‘how’ of the vanishing of this bullion is the ‘why’ of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.



To Be Continued…




Edited by David Guyatt
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Chapter Two – Neutral Hostility


Like most political utterances, the radio broadcast was ‘a blow on the dog whistle’ that could only be properly understood by a select few. Churchill’s target was the Anglo Irish  - that vestigial imperial elite that had steered ‘the Dublin Government so much at variance…’ on its neutral course throughout the war. His (undeclared) wartime strategy to persuade De Valera’s administration to change tack  - the prising away of Gael political functionaries from their Anglo overlords by blandishment (reunification) and threat (allied invasion) – had been consistently thwarted by unseen, immovable hands on the tiller of the Irish ship of state.


During ‘The Emergency’ ‘The Trinity Men’ had had in their grasp all the levers of power in the Republic. They had received their instructions from their Whitehall handlers via G-2, MI5’s sister service in Eire. At the faintest whiff of co-operation with the Allies, the Anglo’s had cowed the majority but politically impotent Gaels with hints of possible IRA (G-2’s ‘unofficial’ paramilitary wing) and Nazi operations in the 26 counties (‘Plan Kathleen’ a barely credible joint IRA/Nazi invasion of The North from the South is perhaps the best known of such operations – others go by the name of Lobster, Seagull, Whale, Dove, Osprey, Sea Eagle, Mainau, Innkeeper).

Fascinating. More, please.


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I just found this thread. Since I am the "utter clot" you referred to again (more than once), I feel the need to respond.

First, I wasn't responsible for you being put on moderation. I had never seen your name on the forum until you launched that ridiculous, nearly incomprehensible attack on me. It was so unwarranted, and mean-spirited, that I complained to the moderators about it. In all my years of posting on various forums, I've never done that. So consider that some kind of an accomplishment, I guess.

I am no expert at all on the McCann case, and never claimed to be. I simply stated that those parents were incredibly neglectful to leave children that young unattended. As a parent, I recoil at that kind of negligence. Now, if they didn't leave those small children unattended for that length of time, please correct me. If I understand that most basic of facts about the case, then I certainly stand by my view. I think any responsible parent would.

As for your complex theory about what really happened, your way of explaining it reminds me of the way Tom Purvis posts; far too many words, way too complicated for most rational people to understand.

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Guest David Guyatt

I just found this thread. Since I am the "utter clot" you referred to again (more than once), I feel the need to respond.

First, I wasn't responsible for you being put on moderation. I had never seen your name on the forum until you launched that ridiculous, nearly incomprehensible attack on me. It was so unwarranted, and mean-spirited, that I complained to the moderators about it. In all my years of posting on various forums, I've never done that. So consider that some kind of an accomplishment, I guess.

I am no expert at all on the McCann case, and never claimed to be. I simply stated that those parents were incredibly neglectful to leave children that young unattended. As a parent, I recoil at that kind of negligence. Now, if they didn't leave those small children unattended for that length of time, please correct me. If I understand that most basic of facts about the case, then I certainly stand by my view. I think any responsible parent would.

As for your complex theory about what really happened, your way of explaining it reminds me of the way Tom Purvis posts; far too many words, way too complicated for most rational people to understand.

Don, I can't comment on the first part of your post as this has nothing to do with me personally. I am simply posting on behalf of Chappers because I wish his Maddie story to be fully aired. I find the prospect of an alternative theory more than interesting.

I do, however, disagree with you about Chappers style. I quite like a story to be drawn out and to be subjected to a little titillation in the process, especially if it promises to unravel issues a great deal more complex and historical that the caption suggests. But that's just me.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest David Guyatt

Michael has sadly decided not to post ay further on the Maddie McCann story.

However, the story remains very important and should not be neglected, imo.

The recent news reports that Scotland Yard had a reliable report that Maddie had been snatched to order by a Belgian paedophile ring, cleary has very strong echeos of the Dutroux Paedophile affair published by Joel van der Reijden (see: http://www.isgp.eu/dutroux/Belgian_X_dossi...roux_affair.htm and also http://www.isgp.eu/dutroux_and_nebula/Beyo...two_Nebula.htm).

“Somebody connected to this group saw Maddie, took a photograph of her and sent it to Belgium."

The Scotland Yard report was forward - via Leicestershire police - to the Portugese authorities investigating Maddie's kidnapping

(see: http://www.nowpublic.com/world/maddie-was-...olice-files-say

This, in fact, corresponds quite closely to an earlier post I made on this forum that referenced a Portugese padeophile ring that, like the Belgian Dutroux ring, boasted high level members and which included members (see: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-48...leine-case.html ):

"ranging from Portuguese government ministers and high-ranking diplomats, to famous television stars and members of the judiciary."

We in the UK, following the Channel Islands based Haut de la Garenne affair can be sure that we are far from free from this same horrible influence and equally can be fairly sure that it also reaches to the very highest levels ensuring that justice is not fully done (as in the case of the Kincora Boys Home affair).


The following story is hosted below as it has temporarily (I hope!) disappeared from the NOTW website:


On Jul 17, 7:08 am, kippaherr...@hotmail.com wrote:

Jersey home dossier to reveal children were murdered...then burnt

Exclusive by Lucy Panton

A SHOCK secret police report into the Jersey House of Hell children's

home reveals youngsters there WERE murdered then BURNED in a furnace

to COVER UP the atrocities.

It's feared island authorities may try to hush up the dossier on Haut

de la Garenne orphanage but a source told us: "Officers on this case

are in NO DOUBT what went on."

Innocent children WERE raped, murdered and their bodies then BURNT in

a FURNACE at the Jersey House of Horrors, says a top-secret police

report into the scandal.

Lenny Harper - Jersey's Deputy Chief of Police - is the 'old school

copper' heading the probeA News of the World investigation reveals

cops have shocking new evidence of how the killings were COVERED UP at

the Haut de la Garenne care home.

Our chilling revelations come as officers prepare to hand over their

damning dossier from Britain's biggest ever child abuse probe to the

island's States of Jersey authorities.

A total of 65 teeth and around 100 charred fragments of bones are all

that remain of victims detectives believe were abused and killed

before their tortured corpses were thrown into a fiery grave inside

the house of hell.

But records of children who stayed at the home over past decades have

been destroyed so police have an impossible task of putting names to

their grim finds.

A source close to the four-month investigation told us: "There's NO

doubt in the minds of the detectives on this case that children WERE

murdered in the home.

"Officers believe they have compelling evidence that youngsters'

bodies were burnt in the home's furnace then the remains swept into

the soil floor in the cellars—the area that became dubbed ‘the torture


"The problem has been identifying the children that went missing over

the years. No records were kept of who came and left that place.

"Kids were shipped to the home from all over the UK and were never

heard of again.

"All the inquiry team have to go on is this grim collection of teeth

and bone fragments and no names to match up to the remains.

"Because this investigation has seen so many twists and turns people

seem to find it hard to accept that children WERE slaughtered and

their deaths WERE covered up."

Most of the dental remains discovered have been identified as

children's milk teeth. And we can reveal that among more than 100 bone

fragments is a TIBIA from a child's leg and what police believe is an

"intact" ADENOID bone from the ear of an infant.

These were all retrieved from a fingertip search of the four cellars

in the Home's EAST WING.

Forensic teams also found STRANDS OF NYLON which they have concluded

came from the head of a broom.

And, because those type of nylon brooms were only used in the late

1960s and early 1970s, the discovery helped officers to put a date on

when the bones were swept into the soil floor.

Cops are now convinced that those charred bones and teeth were emptied

from the bottom of the home's industrial furnace—located away in the

West Wing—when it was ripped out around that time to insall oil-fired

central heating.

Officers have spoken to builders who worked on renovations at the home

but have been unable to discover what happened to the furnace after

that. But they have taken samples from the chimney breast which was

left behind.

Around that same time wooden floorboards were laid OVER the old soil

floor in the east wing.

And it is there, within the hidden torture chambers just inches below,

that the bones, a pair of shackles and children's clothing were found.

Also in the underground rooms police discovered a large concrete bath

with traces of blood. A builder has also given evidence that he was

asked to dig two lime pits in the ground nearby around that period.

Lime pits have often been used to destroy corpses.

So far 97 people have come forward to complain they were abused as

children at Haut de la Garenne. Many have described being drugged,

shackled, raped, flogged and held in a dark cellar for long periods.

Much of the clothing found at the scene is thought to date back to the

1960s and 1970s when youngsters had to make their own clothes and

shoes in the care home work shop.

Cops now believe that whoever was responsible for removing the furnace

KNEW that there were children's remains inside. And they think it was

moved while disgraced headmaster Colin Tilbrook was in charge of the


Tilbrook, now dead, has been described by former charges as being

behind "some of the most horrific abuse" at the home.

We can reveal that cops now plan to quiz one of his closest aides who

is still alive and living in the UK.

Tilbrook, who ran the home in the 1960s, died aged 62 in 1988 after

suffering a heart attack in a public swimming pool. His foster

daughter Tina Blee, 38, recently made an emotional visit to Haut de la

Garenne to meet abuse victims and bravely told how SHE was raped by

the monster every week as a child, after he took her in following his

departure from Jersey.

She said: "I needed to come here to say sorry for what he's done. If

children were killed here I'm convinced he played a big part in it.

"He was more than capable of murder."

This week police began a forensic examination inside a nearby World

War II German bunker which victims say was used as a base for abusing


Six witnesses say they were sexually assaulted by staff at the squat

brick building which houses a network of underground rooms and


As that work starts, police have closed the doors on their detailed

forensic hunt inside the hell home.

Lack of records still hampers police. But we can reveal that one

mainland authority, Birmingham City Council, has presented the Jersey

force with a list of children who were sent to the home but went


Although four have now been tracked down, after a mammoth search one

still remains unaccounted for.

Earlier this year we also uncovered allegations that pictures of

BABIES being raped were taken in the care home and circulated by an

international child porn ring.

Police said their latest intensive probe at Haut de la Garenne has

produced more than 40 suspects.

Three men have already been charged with sex abuse offences as part of

the inquiry. But now, despite the wealth of shocking detail uncovered

by officers, there are fears the full truth about the House of Hell

could be covered up yet again after the investigation boss, Jersey's

tough No2 top cop Lenny Harper, retires next month.

Haut de la Garenne's abused former residents have repeatedly claimed

that what happened was deliberately hushed up to avoid tarnishing

Jersey's reputation as a family-friendly tourist haven and to give

politicians in London no excuse to try to exercise more control over

the island.

Although Jersey is part of the British Isles and under the Queen's

rule, it has a separate government system and makes its own laws.

Jersey's 53-member parliament has no political parties and its

politicians, judges, policemen and business leaders come from a small

elite—often linked by friendship or family.

In a separate case recently investigators were frustrated by the

island's legal authorities who refused to charge a couple accused of

beating their foster children with cricket bats. Despite being told by

lawyers and an honorary police officer who reviewed the case that

there was sufficient evidence to go ahead, the charges were blocked at

the 11th hour.

A police source said: "The argument for not charging this couple was

that their natural children have said they're of good character.

"The detailed statements of all the people who claim they were

physically assaulted seem to count for nothing."

The Haut de la Garenne file, along with several others, is now

complete but is "being held up" by lawyers.

Our inside source added: "There's a strong suspicion that the files

are being held on to until Lenny Harper goes and a new team is in


"No one will be surprised if the truth about what happened in the care

home never surfaces and once more the evidence gets swept under the


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