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Unfair Moderation At Play

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Guest Duncan MacRae

Duncan, you know very well that resorting to personal insults will not be permitted on this Forum. Your comment reagrding Bill Miller's and Robert Groden's physical appearance will not be tolerated.

Antti Hynonen

I feel I must openly protest at what I feel is unfair and biased moderation being directed towards me.

This is the second time that Antti has warned me over a comment which I have made about Bill Miller.

I have absolutely no objection to Bill Millers comments about me and do not request that they be removed..........BUT

I want to know why Bill Miller's repetative comments about me being a dunce, ie, continually calling me Dunce-can instead of Duncan, a boob, comments about the length of my hair, insinuating that I am having a relationship with Miles Skull etc are alway allowed to remain on the boards, while I get warnings and my comments are removed. Is he a special case?

If Antti is applying these moderation standards to me, they should apply to all, including Bill Miller.

I can not accept that Bill's comments have simply been missed. There are far too many to have been missed, and they are spread evenly over all of the discussions between Bill and myself.

It's simply unfair, but i'm not going to cry over it, I just wanted to make my point known.

Duncan MacRae

Edited by Duncan MacRae
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Duncan MacRae Posted Today, 11:38 AM

Duncan, you know very well that resorting to personal insults will not be permitted on this Forum. Your comment reagrding Bill Miller's and Robert Groden's physical appearance will not be tolerated.

Antti Hynonen

I feel I must openly protest at what I feel is unfair and biased moderation being directed towards me.

This is the second time that Antti has warned me over a comment which I have made about Bill Miller.

I have absolutely no objection to Bill Millers comments about me and do not request that they be removed..........BUT

I want to know why Bill Miller's repetative comments about me being a dunce, ie, continually calling me Dunce-can instead of Duncan, a boob, comments about the length of my hair, insinuating that I am having a relationship with Miles Skull etc are alway allowed to remain on the boards, while I get warnings and my comments are removed. Is he a special case?

If Antti is applying these moderation standards to me, they should apply to all, including Bill Miller.

I can not accept that Bill's comments have simply been missed. There are far too many to have been missed, and they are spread evenly over all of the discussions between Bill and myself.

It's simply unfair, but i'm not going to cry over it, I just wanted to make my point known.

Duncan MacRae


Moderation activity is mostly a result of filed reports. This means that once a member files a report based on another members' inapproriate post, a mocderator reviews such a post to determine whether the post is indeed violating Forum rules. In this case the post in question was a violation of Forum rules.

Of course at times, moderators will moderate posts without reports, based on their own findings.

Other members are more sensitive to insults than others.

If you feel you have been insulted by other members, please file a report, and I will review the posts as time permits. Otherwise I will assume you are not bothered by any exisiting posts.

By the way, in the pinned threads, there is a thread on moderation. Please use that thread to discuss moderation issues, instead of starting new ones.

Thank you!

Edited by Antti Hynonen
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