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Peter Reardon

Peter Reardon

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My university training took place in Canada:

Dip.Social Change [aka community development]

Co-operative studies, business development, sociology, adult education...

Coady International Institute of St, Xavier University

Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

BA. Goddard College, Vermont, USA.

Teacher certification: Social Studies

Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada

Defended M.Ed. Adult Education and Curriculum Studies

University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

From school in London, UK. I entered into a five year electrical apprenticeship programme speedily followed by an invitiation from a government official to serve two years of National Service in the armed forces. Trained in the Royal Signals and then volunteered for parachute training.

I emigrated to Canada in January 1965.

One of my early jobs was with Cree Indian people in the James Bay region of Quebec. This was my introduction to the world of marginalised people in North America and the daily influences of two major religions, the Hudson Bay company, and provincial government, in a very small island community.

This experience was the catalyst for me wanting to acquire useful skills that could be adapted to the development need for social change of different communities. In 1968/69 I studied at The Coady Institute, and from there took my first Emergency Humanitarian Aid contract with a Non Goverment Organization (NGO) in the war zone of East Central State, Nigeria where, it was alleged oil revenues were benefiting foreign interests and not the local, Ibo, economy.

Other humanitarian aid contracts in : Biafra (Nigeria); Bangladesh; Mozambique; Ethiopia; Bosnia; Thailand in two refugee camps.

Teaching programmes in: Iran (evacuated during the revolution of 1979); Indonesia; Canada, including arctic region (North West Territories, and Nunuvut); England, Greater Manchester.

Co-ordiantor of 12 month youth community programme in Canada & Malaysia

Hired by aid agencies in: UK, Canada, Switzerland, United States, UNICEF.


Edited by Peter Reardon
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