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History Today: November 2009

John Simkin

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The current edition of History Today has just been published:


It includes the following:

The Call of the Crusades (Jonathan Phillips traces the long history of the concept of Crusade, a potent and enduring medieval idea.)

Genius Eclipsed: Robert Boyle (He was one of the great pioneers of the scientific revolution, yet Boyle's renown is still low. Michael Hunter explains why.)

Atomic Medicine (Alison Kraft examines how stem cell research and other new technologies were born of the post-war atomic age.)

The Rise of Women in Ancient Greece (Michael Scott takes account of how a crisis led to dynamic changes for the women of the Classical world.)

Between the Lines (Anthony Fletcher reads the poignant letters home by British soldiers during the First World War.)

What Does the Staffordshire Hoard Mean to Historians? (Justin Pollard asks whether the hype and headlines are justified.)

The Kennedy Dynasty (Tim Stanley)

Dutch Liberalism (Melanie Abrams)

Sarkozy Vs Academia (Martin Evans)

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