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Bush-Blair and Infant Mortality in Iraq

John Simkin

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When Blair appeared before the Chilcott Inquiry on Friday he claimed a humanitarian justification for the war. He stated that between 2000 and 2002 “Iraq had a child mortality rate of 130 children per 1,000… Now the figure is 40 child deaths per 1,000.” What Blair does not tell us is the child mortality rate for the period before Saddam Hussein gained power. In fact, for all his faults, he dramatically reduced child mortality rates. The problem was that between 2000 and 2002 the UN imposed a blockade on Iraq that resulted in such a high child mortality rate. It was the policies of Bush and Blair towards Iraq that was mainly the cause for the high rate of young children dying in Iraq between 2000-2002.

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Exactly, and as a side issue the new weapons testing ground in the Middle East has drastically increased child mortality in the region with Doctors noticing a significant increase in deaths included many of previously unseen natures.

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Guest John Gillespie
Exactly, and as a side issue the new weapons testing ground in the Middle East has drastically increased child mortality in the region with Doctors noticing a significant increase in deaths included many of previously unseen natures.


I'm impressed and encouraged by these postings because I serviced U.S. Disabled Veterans for nearly fifteen years until returning to a previous career about a year and a half ago. So many Veterans from the Gulf wars were suffering from brain and nerve damage and were being squeezed out of treatments and disability awards. Is it being naive and simplistic to repeat the great words "What if they gave a war and no one came?"?

Yours Truly,


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