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For Jim/Judyth II

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I am starting this new thread which I hope will be limited to a single

subject....which Jim/Judyth have suggested:


Both have the book Harvey & Lee. I ask that if they wish to address

these "errors" that they do so in this thread, and with the following


John has "retired" from JFK research and DOES NOT WANT ANY

PART OF INTERNET DEBATES. He has said everything that he

intends to say IN HIS BOOK. He stands behind everything in

his book, as do I. I will attempt to answer any legitimate

questions about alleged "errors". But one at a time, please.

This doesn't fit your criteria -- or maybe it does. John Armstrong is the cause of my long-held frustration regarding Donald O. Norton, who is supposed to be Lee Oswald. It isn't fair. If there is something to it, Jack, please tell me. You know Armstrong.

Kathy C

Based on John's six-month investigation of Norton, I believe Norton is the original LEE Oswald.

Here is a comparison of LEE and NORTON signatures. I believe the characters show great



Was he the Donald O Norton formerly of Avon Park, FL, who was into charter boats and fly-fishing and had red hair? Please answer.

Kathy C

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I am starting this new thread which I hope will be limited to a single

subject....which Jim/Judyth have suggested:


Both have the book Harvey & Lee. I ask that if they wish to address

these "errors" that they do so in this thread, and with the following


John has "retired" from JFK research and DOES NOT WANT ANY

PART OF INTERNET DEBATES. He has said everything that he

intends to say IN HIS BOOK. He stands behind everything in

his book, as do I. I will attempt to answer any legitimate

questions about alleged "errors". But one at a time, please.

This doesn't fit your criteria -- or maybe it does. John Armstrong is the cause of my long-held frustration regarding Donald O. Norton, who is supposed to be Lee Oswald. It isn't fair. If there is something to it, Jack, please tell me. You know Armstrong.

Kathy C

Based on John's six-month investigation of Norton, I believe Norton is the original LEE Oswald.

Here is a comparison of LEE and NORTON signatures. I believe the characters show great



Was he the Donald O Norton formerly of Avon Park, FL, who was into charter boats and fly-fishing and had red hair? Please answer.

Kathy C

John tracked Norton to Jupiter, Florida. I am familiar with Norton only to that point. Rich DellaRosa did some

checking after Jupiter, but I have forgotten his research.

Keep in mind that there is also a Donald O. Norton JUNIOR.


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Guest James H. Fetzer


Judyth Vary Baker



1) Lee writes "O"s beginning with an inside stroke, not an outside stroke.

2) When signatures are at the same size, as in the samples (but not below he samples),

Norton’s non-cap letters are significantly shorter than Oswald’s. Oswald almost never

ended any of his words with flattened out letters, as in the Norton signature on "Norton".

Nor is the "N" similar o any of the "N"s that Oswald wrote: Oswald’s "N" is smaller than

the capital "O"—the very opposite of the Norton signature’s "N" and "O" relationship.


A second example of a capital "N":


Oswald’s printed "N"s are also radically different from Norton’s.

3) The "O" in Norton’s signature is much rounder than in the Oswald signature.

4) The slant is the same in both Oswald’s and Norton’s: this is the greatest resemblance,

but of itself, is not enough to make a determination.

5) Norton makes his "D" slant backward for "Donald" but Oswald never wrote any

capital "D"s backward. Further, none of Lee H. Oswald’s "D"s resemble the "D" in basis:


6) Lee Oswald ends to write his small ‘n’s differently from Norton and the arch of the n

often slants backward, whole others have a sharpness, as in Norton’s example, but the

stem on the right of Oswald’s "n"s almost never make a sharp "v" shape as in Norton’s

signature: they are rounded, as the top of a heart would be.


7) And finally, the amount of absolute SPACE between words in the signatures are

different: Oswald puts more space between first name, initial and last name in both

instances shown compared to Norton’s more squashed-up signature.

Conclusion: Donald Norton’s handwriting indicates that he did not write anything attributed

to Lee H. Oswald and is not a candidate for “Lee” in regard to the handwriting samples

shown above, as offered by Jack White in his proposition that Norton’s handwriting

resembles Oswald’s. In short, Norton’s handwriting, insofar as his signature is concerned,

does not resemble Oswald’s except in the most superficial and superfluous respects.


I am starting this new thread which I hope will be limited to a single

subject....which Jim/Judyth have suggested:


Both have the book Harvey & Lee. I ask that if they wish to address

these "errors" that they do so in this thread, and with the following


John has "retired" from JFK research and DOES NOT WANT ANY

PART OF INTERNET DEBATES. He has said everything that he

intends to say IN HIS BOOK. He stands behind everything in

his book, as do I. I will attempt to answer any legitimate

questions about alleged "errors". But one at a time, please.

This doesn't fit your criteria -- or maybe it does. John Armstrong is the cause of my long-held

frustration regarding Donald O. Norton, who is supposed to be Lee Oswald. It isn't fair. If there

is something to it, Jack, please tell me. You know Armstrong.

Kathy C

Based on John's six-month investigation of Norton, I believe Norton is the original LEE Oswald.

Here is a comparison of LEE and NORTON signatures. I believe the characters show great similarity.


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