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.++++++++++ SEE http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100708/full/news.2010.343.html RE TORPEDO

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Now the matter at hand

Is it to hard to follow several posts in a thread and get the point ? Steve said,"...slowly the India shift begins..","... to be encircled."

It is just a start,a shift.

Here is a link to understand the word.



I believe Ive already posted on Blue Tulsi on this forum.. You seemed to follow me at JFK Research when you talked about BATMAN here on this forum.

Well to give you a small synopsis-the sufi with the most followers is out of Turkey and is possibly a Western asset. He has caused problems in China. Threaten DEBT default.

Cause internal problems,then......

Surround the opponent. Afgahanistan,making Pakistan a client state,put India on your side,increase Korean capabilities, and militarize Japan. :lol: THATS HOW TO PLAY GEOPOLITICS>

WHAT ARE SMALL MISSLES TODAY WILL BE REPLACED WITH MORE POTENT ONES. Really Len your insights border on......well I dont want to flame ................


Japan has already purchased Aegis missile frigates and increased and accelerated its participation in U.S. global anti-ballistic defense program. [something unthinkable merely 5 years ago].





When they begin This is a good sign that one of the US high-ranking diplomats says that Washington is ready to cooperate with Russia on such sensitive issue. But what is causing doubts is the announcement about analysis of potential missile risks and creation of anti-missile defense system going hand in hand. If there is no threat, what’s the use of anti-missiles? Besides, certain arms are needed to repel real threats. Moreover, such kind of cooperation requires transparency and logic from both sides.

Russia is concerned over the recent deployment of the Patriot system in Poland. Moscow has criticized the move and wondered why Washington chose the area just 60 km away from the Russian border. The US says its anti-missile shield in Europe is intended to protect against threats from Iran, but there is no need explaining that the Patriot system has nothing to do with it. Ellen Tauscher said the Patriot system aims to intercept surface-to-surface missiles but, as we know, there are no objects of military infrastructure in the area that should be protected from anyone.

It is strange that the US has proceeded with the move despite strong objections from Russia and after the signing of the new strategic arms reduction treaty. This all reminds of Bush`s policy, and, of course, does not increase trust between the two countries. Of course, several batteries of Patriot-type missiles are currently posing no threat to Russia but we know that the US also plans to deploy SM-3 anti-ballistic missiles, and this will bring serious changes to the strategic balance in Europe, challenging Russia to take adequate response measures. Washington says that with Russia or without, it will build a global anti-missile system, and this also cannot but evoke concerns in Moscow. see video


IRAN....LOL !!!!!!!!! Golly gee thats a good one !!!!!

with Russia or without, it will build a global anti-missile system, and this also cannot but evoke concerns in Moscow.

Golly Len,thats GLOBAL MISSILE DEFENSE.......China in the GLOBE ?? I'll see if I can check that map.


the beguine

it brings back the sound

of music so tender

it brings back a night

of tropical splendor

it brings back a memory of green

I'm with you once more

under the stars

and down by the shore

an orchestras playing

and even the palms

seem to be swaying

when they begin

the beguine

to live it again

is past all endeavor

except when that tune

clutches my heart

and there we are swearing to love forever

and promising never

never to part

a moments divine

what rapture serene

to clouds came along

to disperse the joys we had tasted

and now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted

I know but too well what they mean

so dont let them begin the beguine

let the love that was once a fire

remain an ember

let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember

when they begin the beguine

oh yes let them begin the beguine

make them play

til the stars that were there before

return above you

till you whisper to me

once more darling I love you

and we suddenly know what heaven we're in

when they begin

the beguine

Edited by Steven Gaal
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MORE AND MORE REASONS .....we fight to help them.....0ne point eight billion reasons that is.......1.8 billion

Afghanistan says finds 1.8 billion barrel oilfield

Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:58am GMT

By Sayed Salahuddin

KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan said on Sunday it had discovered an oilfield with an estimated 1.8 billion barrels in the north of the war-ravaged country, where U.S. and other foreign forces are trying to tame a Taliban-led insurgency.

The discovery of the basin between northern Balkh and Shiberghan provinces was made after a survey conducted by Afghan and international geologists, said Jawad Omar, a spokesman for the ministry of mines.

"I do not know its price in the market. But the initial survey says there are 1.8 billion barrels of oil and I think there will be more than what it is estimated," he told Reuters.

Various estimates of Afghanistan's hidden wealth have been made in recent years, but the challenge of exploiting the resources in a country at war and with little mining infrastructure is daunting for most investors.

Omar gave no more details on how the estimates were made but said the country will offer the reserves for development along with other minerals in the coming months.

Afghanistan hopes that untapped mineral deposits valued at $3 trillion could help reduce the need to rely on Western cash for bankrolling its impoverished economy and for its soldiers to maintain security when foreign troops draw down numbers.

But ravaged by three decades of foreign interventions and civil war, the central government now faces the Taliban insurgency and relies on foreign forces for control of many parts of the vast Central Asian country.

The U.S. Department of Defence estimated earlier this year that Afghanistan's mineral resources could top $1 trillion, but experts say the fragile security situation could delay seeing the benefits of this wealth for years.

Omar said an earlier plan for the tender of a 1.6 billion barrel Afghan-Tajik oil block in early 2011 was still on track.

He said Afghanistan will retender by year-end a deposit of iron of 1.8 billion tonnes it had scrapped earlier this year due to the global recession and changes in the world markets.

The untapped mineral resources include iron ore, copper, lithium, oil gas and gems which Afghanistan hopes to put for developing in coming years despite rising insecurity in recent years, the bloodiest period since U.S.-led troops ousted the Taliban in 2001.

China's top integrated copper producer, Jiangxi Copper Co and China Metallurgical Group Corp, in 2007 became the first major investor in Afghanistan.

They are involved in the exploration of the vast multi-billion dollar Aynak Copper Mine to the south of Kabul. Omar said the actual exploration of the mine will start after three years.

(Reporting by Sayed Salahuddin, editing by Andrew Hammond and Sanjeev Miglani)

Edited by Steven Gaal
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