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Jesse Ventura - JFK - Nov 12 episode

Jerry Ellis

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Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory is back for another season of 6 episodes. Last night they did Plum Island. Next week Area 51.

They will be airing a "JFK" episode on Nov 12 at 10pm on TruTV.

Ventura was again interviewed on Larry King just recently. Venture mentioned his JFK segment and stated that it includes "AUDIO, VISUAL AND WRITTEN CONFESSION".

Interesting. Wonder if it will be something new or something covered before in research, of course with a new slant.

If nothing else Jesse is certainly entertaining!

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Ventura is a proponent of "self promotion".

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Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory is back for another season of 6 episodes. Last night they did Plum Island. Next week Area 51.

They will be airing a "JFK" episode on Nov 12 at 10pm on TruTV.

Ventura was again interviewed on Larry King just recently. Venture mentioned his JFK segment and stated that it includes "AUDIO, VISUAL AND WRITTEN CONFESSION".

Interesting. Wonder if it will be something new or something covered before in research, of course with a new slant.

If nothing else Jesse is certainly entertaining!

My guess is that it will be the "deathbed confession" of E. Howard Hunt.

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Guest Robert Morrow

The Jesse Ventura Show will be about E. Howard Hunt and his "deathbed confessions" to his son, Saint John Hunt. I think it is extremely important and E. Howard Hunt confirms where I think the direction of JFK research is going: that Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with the CIA to murder John Kennedy.

I would read everything that Saint John Hunt, the son of E. Howard Hunt has to say. E. Howard Hunt made a deathbed revelation saying that LBJ recruited Cord Meyer of the CIA to murder JFK. http://www.saintjohnhunt.com/ Also, http://forwardamerica.blogspot.com/2007/05/death-of-dorothy-hunt-probing_25.html A super article is The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt: http://www.infowars.com/articles/us/jfk_hunt_last_confessions_rolling_stone.htm

Here is a good article on E. Howard Hunts revelation: http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_1918.shtml

Edited by Robert Morrow
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