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Alexander Irwin Rorke, Jr.

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Mrs Linda Minor,

Has been nice enough to set aside time from her busy schedule to help me locate the residence of Alexander Irwin Rorke, I also found that Alexander Irwin Rorke aka I. A. Rorke also lived in Norwalk Conn. In the same city home of the Kaiser family. little history on who pervaded this area of Queens in those years. Cord Meyer of course.


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in this instance that I'm hogging the board* and so bumping this topic to top to indicate I'm done. Sorry. Please continue. I'm interested in this exchange.

*7 in one day is a bit much but I'm a bit strapped for time and sometimes a reply takes time to germinate so my posts sometimes come in bursts that can be seen as flooding or at least annoying. I'm more used to the IRC format where multiple threads coexist happily at rapid speed without fear or favor.

Edited by John Dolva
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in this instance that I'm hogging the board* and so bumping this topic to top to indicate I'm done. Sorry. Please continue. I'm interested in this exchange.

*7 in one day is a bit much but I'm a bit strapped for time and sometimes a reply takes time to germinate so my posts sometimes come in bursts that can be seen as flooding or at least annoying. I'm more used to the IRC format where multiple threads coexist happily at rapid speed without fear or favor.

Please continue. I'm interested in this exchange.

Mark Lorenz So this is not a new build by any means, it must still be the same building.

36 minutes ago · Like.

Scott Richard Kaiser I found out that the building was built in 1930.

33 minutes ago · Like.

Scott Richard Kaiser That's the house that Alex Rorke lived in, ****** A. Its the same address that's in my dads address book, you can see it on the door, your ****** awesome bro!!!!

32 minutes ago · Like.

Mark Lorenz I made xxxx sure to get a clear shot of the address for you, and 1000% sure I was on 76th Road.

31 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Scott Richard Kaiser I'm freaking excited, its a small world for sure who would have thought that the son of Marita Lorenz lived around the corner from Alex Rorke house and his address is in my dad's address book, this is ******* cool....

26 minutes ago · Like.

Mark Lorenz I am so psyched that I can help you out with your research, also, Mom said Alex's picture is at Loyola in Manhattan, he played basketball as he was studying to become a jesuit priest, he was 17-18 years old, very catholic.

24 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Mark Lorenz In a group shot, one among many.

24 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Mark Lorenz Monica was the one who brought it to Mom's attention as she also was attending Loyola, not very sucessfully though, she had a rotten experience with a dirty old priest.

23 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Scott Richard Kaiser Its has to be his house then no doubt, would your mom care to say anything in a private email to me the I could put in my book, in her own words? I would be honored...

22 minutes ago · Like.

Scott Richard Kaiser LOL....

22 minutes ago · Like.


Redacted some of the bad words.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Scott Richard Kaiser ****** A dude! Thanks! I'm pretty dam sure this house was occupied by Alex Rorke, I'm going to use your photos in my book! Thanks man, luv them...!!!!!

about an hour ago · Like.

Mark Lorenz It is a few blocks from a friend of mine, double duty, a ride home and research all in one ride =D

about an hour ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Scott Richard Kaiser Thanks brother!!! I owe you.....

about an hour ago · Like.

Scott Richard Kaiser Tell your mom I said hi....

about an hour ago · Like.

Mark Lorenz Mom says "he tooke me to see his wife and kids...I must have been there once...whats her name? jackie? I remember she had reddish blond hair, very irish looking, he had a lot of kids. It must be the house I was in." and she says hello Scott, hugs to you!

about an hour ago · Unlike · 1 person.

Scott Richard Kaiser I don't know his wifes name, sorry, I'll have to look it up....

about an hour ago · Like

I redacted the bad words.

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