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One plus one = what ?

Steven Gaal

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one link http://info-wars.org/2011/10/18/us-begins-huge-military-maneuvers-aimed-at-iran/


one link http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/en/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%2bi1s7RQQ%2fDHVRAqFn3fjOsDtLiwTkQ%2bhUKDEfstWdQydH848HS5JGxnabvGlmL0Xoy9rMcImPPBX2LPEgfXa2%2f3wKOXdyEYbno9Ep8gZEqpZhRfU%3d


OK .... one plus one = WHAT ??

warming flute like a kiss

warming breeze

Daffodill,Iris,Bud,Birth, the warming Sun and seed

warming dance with shivering lyrically mute,Spring the

forbidden fruit,love refused from seasons missed



Israel: Top NATO/EUCOM Military Chief In Secretive Talks


Jerusalem Post

September 27, 2011

EUCOM chief visits Israel for talks with Gantz

By Yaakov Katz

-Next spring…the two armies will hold a massive ground forces exercise in spring of 2012 called “Austere Challenge,” which will seek to increase inter-operability between the IDF and the US Army.

The drill, which is unprecedented in its size, will include the establishment of US command posts in Israel and IDF command posts at EUCOM headquarters in Germany – with the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces for the event of a future large-scale conflict in the Middle East.

Commander of the United States European Command (EUCOM) Admiral James Stavridis visited Israel on Monday for high-level talks with IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

Stavridis has visited Israel a number of times in recent years since Israel is under the jurisdiction of EUCOM, as opposed to the United States Central Command, which is responsible for American military operations throughout the Middle East.

The IDF and the US Embassy in Tel Aviv refused to comment on the visit, which for some reason was held under a media blackout. Stavridis met with a number of top IDF officers including OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan and OC Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Tal Russo.

Stavridis’s visit came a month after Lt.-Gen. Mark Hertling, commander of the US Army in Europe, visited Israel. Talks with Stavridis were expected to focus on US-Israeli military cooperation, which includes a number of major military exercises that will be held over the coming year.

Next spring, for example, the two armies will hold a massive ground forces exercise in spring of 2012 called “Austere Challenge,” which will seek to increase inter-operability between the IDF and the US Army.

The drill, which is unprecedented in its size, will include the establishment of US command posts in Israel and IDF command posts at EUCOM headquarters in Germany – with the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces for the event of a future large-scale conflict in the Middle East.

Shortly before Austere Challenge, scheduled for May, EUCOM and the IDF will also hold the Juniper Cobra missile defense exercise, which will include the Arrow 2 and Iron Dome systems as well as America’s THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) and the ship-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System. The exercise is expected to include the actual launching of interceptors from these systems.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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link http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/11/25/is-britain-plotting-with-israel-to-attack-iran/



If Israel doesnt get help,no attack.


Bellum at Ricochet

January 31st, 2012 Just up at Ricochet.com, a response to the latest chatter about the supposedly impending Israeli airstrike on Iran. Bellum senior editor Tristan Abbey writes:

Everybody assumes it’s just a question of Israeli political will. There is something to that, since any operation would be extremely high-risk and we know that the Israelis value their servicemen’s lives extremely highly; after all, they traded 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for a single IDF soldier.

But every sensible analysis of a putative strike comes down to flight path, logistics, and the probability of mission success. Overflight rights are tricky (and actually do matter in the real world), the logistics are near impossible (with Israel’s lack of aerial refueling capability), and the probability of mission success is extremely low (given Iran’s air defenses and the dispersed nature of its nuclear program).


Edited by Steven Gaal
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link http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/11/25/is-britain-plotting-with-israel-to-attack-iran/



If Israel doesnt get help,no attack.


Bellum at Ricochet

January 31st, 2012 Just up at Ricochet.com, a response to the latest chatter about the supposedly impending Israeli airstrike on Iran. Bellum senior editor Tristan Abbey writes:

Everybody assumes it’s just a question of Israeli political will. There is something to that, since any operation would be extremely high-risk and we know that the Israelis value their servicemen’s lives extremely highly; after all, they traded 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for a single IDF soldier.

But every sensible analysis of a putative strike comes down to flight path, logistics, and the probability of mission success. Overflight rights are tricky (and actually do matter in the real world), the logistics are near impossible (with Israel’s lack of aerial refueling capability), and the probability of mission success is extremely low (given Iran’s air defenses and the dispersed nature of its nuclear program).





---- my 'if' 'then' speculation =

AUGUST 17 is new moon, a time of possible attack. Then if Iranian air force,radars gone, non infra red and non look down radar satellites can use the fuller moon of August 26th to Sept 6th for mop up.


August 2012 will feature not 1 but 2 full moons.

The full moon occurs once every 29.5 days. This essentially means that there is one full moon every month. However, as we know, every month but February has at least 30 days in it, which presents the potential for two full moons in a month.

August 2012 - is one of these unique months, which will have two full moons. There will be a full moon on August 2nd, and then another full moon on August 31st.

So those of us whom are superstitious in regards to full moons will have two special days in August of 2012.

The term Blue Moon can refer to the second full moon in a given month. When people say "once in a blue moon" they are speaking to the rarity of the occurrence of a second moon happening in the same given month.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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