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Why are Latin American Sugar Cane Workers dying

John Dolva

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1. The source is impeachable and therefore 'are they' needs to be asked

2 Chemicals

3 Lack of action by Workers of the World


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Yes, that's it, thank you. I read another srticle on the matter. So it is true that the world is closing its eyes on this matter. Shouldn't serious attention be paid to this with a suspension of the industry until this is resolved? All the bla bla is ways of the companies to evade the issue. This is serious. The anecdotes of the very people performing this work is really important. Apart from that the wages and condtions are shameful. I'm going to have to think twice about the next sugar hit I buy.

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I would like to see more citations and comparison of the infection rates for the sugar cane workers with people of similar economic status in the same countries. Health care for the poor is awful in Brazil and imagine is just as bad if not worse in Central America, that is a scandal.

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Yes absolutely. The article I remember went into rates and while focusing on one country dealt with a number of others as well as various persons opinions. It's interesting that the further removed the person the more vacillating they are. The closer to the problem, doctors and the patients they treat describe horrific conditions. This is not isolated. This is the lot of the working poor all over the world, and they are many. I think it is important to find a common ground that all workers can relate to and specific situations like this that demonstrate the harsh world that the poor endure as a result of inaction by those who one should expect to know better. (Bunker and Sugar)

edit typos

Edited by John Dolva
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