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CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit

Steven Gaal

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By JG Vibes


October 27, 2012

This week financial news organization CNBC gave some mainstream attention to the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History, in which “Banksters” and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of ill gotten gains.

The lawsuit is said to involve officials located in the highest offices of government and the financial sector.

Since this information was surprisingly revealed by the mainstream news organization there has been a very suspicious and deadly fallout at the CNBC headquarters.

Within hours the original page for the article was taken down, and CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children were killed under very suspicious circumstances.

It seems that the murder happened first and then the page was removed later.

According to mainstream accounts the children’s nanny is responsible for the murders, allegedly stabbing both children.

However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.

Police have released very little information and although a wider plot has not been officially implicated, it seems very possible that these murders are a show of force against the press organization for releasing such damning information about the most powerful people in the world.

Here is some more information about the lawsuit from the Wall Street Journal:

“In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP — on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws — has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the “Banksters” and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the “bailout programs” by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other “bailout money” advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress.

Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the “Banksters” criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama’s campaign from these same “Banksters” to finance its political aspirations, the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the “Bankster” Defendants. “

Some of the alleged conspirators are Attorney General Holder, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary, Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former “communications director” for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the “Banksters” themselves, and their affiliates and conduits.

It is expected that all news on this subject will be removed from CNBC, and that other news organizations will be discouraged from covering such information.

However, screen shots of the original CNBC article were taken to verify the authenticity of this story.

Assassination and brute intimidation are common strategies for the ruling class to use on people who may threaten their agenda.

This is the second situation this week in which a high level executive was the victim of a suspicious attack that seemed very much like an assassination.

The Intel Hub just reported that Nicholas Mockford, a 60 year old British executive for the oil company ExxonMobil was shot dead in front of his wife in an assassination-style killing in Brussels.

We will be keeping a close eye on both of these stories and provide more details as they become available.



KEEPING THIS STORY AT THE TOP. Please share with your friends.

This story about the lawsuit broke (CLICK TO ENLARGE)


Here the story takes a dark turn! It turns out that Kevin Krim, the father of the two children stabbed to death, allegedly by the Nanny, is SVP and General Manager, CNBC Digital! And shortly after the murder of the children, CNBC pulled down the story regarding the lawsuit against the banks!

How long will the story remain at Marketwatch before it is "Orwellized?"

Are the children of the executives at Marketwatch even now in danger?

As a side note, the official story regarding the murders is that the nanny stabbed the children, then tried to slash her own throat. Suicide by cutting ones own throat is extremely rare, less than one percent of all suicides, and is primarily committed by men with military experience. Women committing suicide by slashing their own throat is almost unheard of!

While the corporate-owned media is proclaiming the "rush to judgement" guilt of the nanny (who has survived but cannot yet speak) she has not actually been charged yet, nor is there any apparent motive for the nanny to have done such a thing.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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This is really dumb even by crackpot CT standards. CNBC did not give “some mainstream attention to the…lawsuit,” they didn’t even report it. The byline does not list a reporter or a wire service or another media outlet, rather it is “PRNewswire via COMTEX”. PRNewswire as its name implies sends out PR press releases camouflaged as wire service reports, COMTEX is a similar company Yahoo, CNBC, the WSJ and various other MSM news sites post their offerings. Indeed the WSJ ‘story’, which seems to have the exact same wording as the CNBC one, is clearly marked “PRESS RELEASE”.



Another obvious question is why would the “Banksters” what to attack Krim or his kids? It would have made much more sense to go after people at Spire Law Group, PRNewswire or COMTEX.

Mr. Vibes wrote:

“According to
the children’s nanny is responsible for the murders, allegedly stabbing both children.

However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.”

But the source he cited, a CNN article, reported that “Ortega started stabbing herself in the neck with a kitchen knife, police said. Her wrists were slit.” We are never told why this is “highly unlikely.”

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However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.”

But what a fool believes ... he sees

No wise man has the power to reason away LOGGINS, KENNY / MACDONALD, MICHAEL


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However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.”

But what a fool believes ... he sees

No wise man has the power to reason away LOGGINS, KENNY / MACDONALD, MICHAEL


Richly ironic that you impugn the intelligence of others, in the words of one of the forum’s less literate members, "...you my [sic] need a few grammer [sic] lessons as to [sic] punctuation and/or [sic] reading comprehension course"

See above, she did NOT “SLIT OWN [sic] THROAT”.

Edited by Len Colby
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See above, she did NOT “SLIT OWN [sic] THROAT”. // END COLBY

Nanny in Manhattan kills 2 children, attempts to slit own throat

Yoselyn Ortega is a nanny in Manhattan who allegedly killed two children on Thursday that she was responsible for then tried to slit her own throat. The family lived with their three children on the Upper West Side

Edited by Steven Gaal
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See above, she did NOT “SLIT OWN [sic] THROAT”. // END COLBY

Nanny in Manhattan kills 2 children, attempts to slit own throat

Yoselyn Ortega is a nanny in Manhattan who allegedly killed two children on Thursday that she was responsible for then tried to slit her own throat. The family lived with their three children on the Upper West Side

Not according to CNN the Daily Mail is a trash tabloid the Examiner is not a real newspaper

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Len Colby's Holy Holy Holy Holy

Len Colby's Holy NYT N.Y. / Region

Published: October 25, 2012

A mother returned home to her luxury Upper West Side apartment on Thursday evening to find two of her children, a 2-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl, fatally stabbed in a bathtub by the family’s nanny, the authorities said. The nanny herself lay on the floor, near a bloody knife, with an apparently self-inflicted slash to her own throat.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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OK so she seems to have slit her throat according to some reports but she seems to have done so when the mother walked in, maybe the mom was ‘in on it’. She also seems to have been having psychiatric problems:

Music therapist Rima Starr, who lives on the same floor as the family, said she heard screams coming from their apartment.

"There was some kind of screaming about, 'You slit her throat!''' she said. "It was horrible.''


Initial reports suggested the nanny had already attempted to commit suicide by the time MrsKrim entered, but Kelly said on Friday that it now appeared she began cutting herself just as MrsKrim saw her children lying dead in the bathtub.

"We believe now that the nanny started to stab herself as the mother entered the bathroom," Kelly told a televisednew conference.


But when Ortega did not turn up, Marina returned home to find her children dead, and Ortega stabbing herself in the throat.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224713/Krim-murders-Yoselyn-Ortega-wakes-coma--immediately-asks-HER-family.html#ixzz2AjmjseYx

Juan Pozo, 67, who used to share a flat with the nanny, said that she had told him of her financial concerns and that she ‘felt like she was losing her mind'. She also revealed that she had consulted a psychologist.

Brave six-year-old Lucia had tried to fight off the crazed nanny as the woman stabbed her and her brother Leo, two, repeatedly with two kitchen knives before leaving their small bodies covered in blood in the bathtub for their mother to find.

As shocking new details emerge, neighbours have revealed that Yoselyn Ortega, 50, was visibly unravelling before the heinous slayings in the Upper West Side apartment on Thursday night and appeared to have 'aged seven years in a few months.'


Ruben Diaz, 49, said the nanny, a Dominican Republic native who has

lived in the U.S. for 10 years, looked sick and gaunt and appeared 'nervous' before Thursday's bloodbath, neighbours recounted.

She was also battling health problems, both mental and physical, and had money issues.

'She lost a lot of weight. She looked very unhealthy. It looked like she was going through some problems,' Diaz told The Post. 'She had aged a lot — like seven years in a few months.'

According to police, Ortega had revealed to people that she was seeing a psychiatrist.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223972/Krim-murder-Brave-year-old-girl-tried-fight-killer-nanny.html#ixzz2AjjFe5ej

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