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James T. Tague: Wounded bystander now a JFK researcher

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know the 3D software they always use to validate the SBT? Did you ever look at the path from the sniper's nest to the Tague curb? Assuming the bullet flew straight, the bullet path would travel about 20 feet over the limo and cross Elm about where Elm merges with Main. How could a sniper miss that badly, yet, in theory, hit JFK twice. I bet if you plotted all the possible bullet paths from the Tague curb to a point about 1/2 foot over JFK as he moved down Elm - and extended the line to the TSBD and Dal-Tex, I bet it would show the shot had to come from the Dal-Tex, likely the 2nd floor.

I was playing with : http://sketchfab.com/show/6d7e22cb0968419482cfddc092c80e54

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